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Guests Say The Darnest Things


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Honestly, even though I loved the old system, and wish it had never gone away. I still kinda like the crypt. I like the 2 times you go upside down, how it's all slow and you're pushed against your restraints. Sure it's not as exciting, but it's a nice cool off, it's fun on the flips, and you can actually have a nice ride if you would lower your expectations a bit.

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  On 8/17/2010 at 8:46 PM, XGatorHead 8904 said:

Intoxicated man walking through Snoopy's Starlight Spectacular: "Look at that! The tower's even f***in' Charlie Brown'd up!"

You know, that was my first thought... LOL. Then I saw it at night and all was made right. :P (sorry for the cheap rhyme there!)

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On Backlot Stunt Coaster, awhile back -

The train was launched out of the station, but I guess it didn't get enough speed, so it didn't make the top, then went down backwards. The ride had stopped, the guys were saying, "Sorry for the inconvenience", and one lady says, "I didn't know it went backwards!"

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  On 8/13/2010 at 10:31 PM, Purplehaze said:

Yes they do but instead of saying you need to turn around you could have explained to him why he had to turn around and how that was reserved parking. A lot of people do not read signs nor do they go to websites. Not everyone is in the web world as we know it.

So a guest ignoring a clearly posted sign is the parks fault?

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I guess this should be under guests do the darnest things. At any rate, has anyone noticed a trend of junior high age boys taking off their shirts during a coaster ride and waving it around? What's that all about? One of these days I'm going to grab that shirt from their hand and throw it to the ground. Then they will have some explaining to do when they get back to the station. It is really downright annoying to have someone's sweaty shirt waved in my face.

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  On 8/20/2010 at 3:06 PM, markr said:

I guess this should be under guests do the darnest things. At any rate, has anyone noticed a trend of junior high age boys taking off their shirts during a coaster ride and waving it around? What's that all about? One of these days I'm going to grab that shirt from their hand and throw it to the ground. Then they will have some explaining to do when they get back to the station. It is really downright annoying to have someone's sweaty shirt waved in my face.

Seems to me like you answered your own question :P I had a problem with that while I was in the park yesterday, and I was actually talking with my ride partner for the day about doing the same thing you'd like to do, but the fact of the matter is that it's really not going to do a whole lot to stop the problem, sadly enough :\

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  On 8/20/2010 at 3:27 PM, markr said:

^Actually I wouldn't go that far-I'm not that mean. But its certainly nice to think about.

As I read your post, I was left thinking that I really couldn't see you actually doing that!

Although I would join you in hoping that they did accidentally let go.

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  On 8/13/2010 at 10:14 PM, lance99 said:

Guy at gold pass parking where I was this morning...

ME: Sir, Can I see your gold pass??.

Him: I don't have a gold pass.

Me:well, then you need t

o turn around.

He gets angry and drives off cursing me.

Moral is: people WILL NOT time to read and understand and yet they get mad at me...Like it my fault you cannot take time and have patientance to read the website.

You should have called the police and had him arrested!

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A few weeks ago while I was walking past picnic grove to BB Some people holding park map asked us " Is this the way to The Beast?" and I kindly told them they were on the complete opposite side of the park and showed them the right way! I guess sometimes when you go there a lot it is easy t forget that even with a park map people still get confused!

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  On 8/25/2010 at 4:39 PM, Oldiesmann said:

On Delirium yesterday, I heard a girl telling her friend that CP had the same ride, but it's bigger and holds 100 riders at a time.

And next summer, you KNOW guests are going to tell other guests that WindSeeker at Cedar Point (or Canada's Wonderland, or Knott's Berry Farm) is far, far superior to the one at Kings Island...it's bigger, it's taller, it goes faster, it seats more people, and on and on and on....and there will be no telling them otherwise. I, for one, won't even try.

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In line for Mantis at Cedar Point, a mother says to her daughter, "I wonder how many times they lose Top Thrill Dragster in the clouds..."

Luckily for me, the train for mantis was about to fall down it's first big drop, so when I immediately said, "Wow!..." (In a tone that clearly show's how surprised I am) I was able to point at it, as if I wasn't replying to her comment. I would've kept my mouth closed... but I just blurted that out so fast.

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