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Guests Say The Darnest Things


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If you think about it, rag time music would be a perfect fit for Coney Mall as it is supposed to be what an amusement park was in the turn of the century to the 1920's. On the topic of music geared to the guests, listen to the music played at a bar and compare it to when last call is near. The music is fast and lively and then it changes tempo to a slower beat. They want you to buy more drink, as you are in a more festive mood and then when they want you to go home, they slow it down. I did a lot of research in my hay day on that subject. I made great friends during my research, Jack, my good friend Bud, Mr. Miller, Mr. Coors, Jim, and my good old grand-dad and all paid for my uncle Sam. :)

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You'd be surprised how many people travel multiple hours to the park without checking the calendar on the website.

I just did that on Friday. I went to Cedar Point without checking the calendar, assuming it closed at midnight. It closed at ten. Who woulda thought they would bother opening for 4 hours.

I still got to ride everything multiple times due to less than 2000 people there, so oh we'll. :)

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I have heard so many people bring up "KIC" or any KIC member at Kings Island, is anyone else hearing this too? One person said "I use KIC for all of my Kings Island news" and I said in a quick aside "Check the website".

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Sitting in the dorm today, discussing Cedar Point with another guy from PA.

He insisted the Millenium Force and Steel Force at Dorney were the exact same ride, built by the same company and everything.

I won a bet.

Now, EVERYONE knows that Steel Force was built by Morgan, and Millie was built by B&M, right Terpy? ;)

Sparky, who just couldnt resist :)

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I had a lady in front of me in line for TTD a few years back insisting TTD was launched with rubber bands. It was a slightly windy, chilly day and the rubber bands needed warming up so that's why they only launched 4-6 people per car. I realllllly thought she was joking at first, but then her boyfriend/husband agreed with her and said "I guess that makes sense." She was DEAD.SERIOUS. Now while the warming up scenario is actually pretty accurate, I just kept my mouth shut. Even my friend who doesn't follow the theme park/coaster injury knew what she was saying was absurd.

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Look at this gem from the Save Son of Beast website.

They are actually considering re-opening it the summer of 2013. If the Inspectors don't find major problems. If they can fix it they will try. If not it will keep rotting because Cedar Point would lose a bunch of money tearing a record breaking coaster out of the Park. Kings Island can't be dumb enough to tear this down it was only built in 2000. Closed in 2006. Opened again but shut down due to 'accidents' because old people complained about their backs. I fully support this ride to re-open it was my favorite as a young girl, I miss it.
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Guests may say the darndest things, but so do the employees.

During one of my lasts visits to the park during the 2012 season,

My boyfriend and I went up to the Eiffel Tower to take pictures of the park.

I over heard another guest asking a ton of questions about the different rides (it sounded like he hadn't been to the park since the early 80's).

When he started asking about SoB, and asked why it was being torn down.

The employee told him that the ride was being torn down because it was over 20 years old and falling apart. I think he even added the "it killed someone" rumor.

I'm not sure if he was just bs'ing with the guy, or clueless. lol

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^ Villain at Geauga Lake and Hurricane: Category 5 at Myrtle Beach Pavilion both opened in 2000 as well. They were demolished in 2008 and 2007.

The latter's trains were, of course, used on Son of Beast. And the former's trains were sent that way for parts.

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