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The Son of Beast Discussion Thread


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title of story:'Son of Beast' To Remain Closed, Possibly For Good

State inspectors have cleared a Kings Island roller coaster for reopening, but park officials said the ride would remain closed through the end of the season – if not longer.

so channel five bent the truth, they said that the ride could be closed for good, but the park said it will be closed the rest of the season, and maybe into next season, that doesn't mean forever

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i would seriously be shocked if the coaster ever re-opened.

It really doesn't matter if the state cleared it or not, it has 9 years of bad publicity. I'm certain that Cedar Fair's liability insurance carrier will have a MAJOR say in whether it hosts another park patron again...

And don't hold out for "one last ride." if it is determined that it is in the parks best interests to part ways with the troubled past of the coaster the last thing they're going to do is give park patrons one last opportunity to claim injury and sue the park.

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That sucks. Oh well, I am holding out hope that it'll reopen next season. If they were going to close it forever, why go through the trouble of saying it's closed for the rest of the season, instead of just saying "Son of Beast is closed for good"? So, I am still hoping it'll reopen next season... If it is closed forever, there better be a good replacement for it in the future!

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I was about to post the story, and then I saw it had just been posted.

But park officials said they were not satisfied with the ride experience and would decide what to do with the Son of Beast ride during the offseason.

I wonder why? :lol: Also, does that mean they are deciding what to do with it now, and they would do that during the offseason (ex. re-track during the winter), or they will wait until the offseason to discuss what to do with it? I would think the former, but the article is written to sound like the latter...

Edit: kjkjkj, thatg would be bad publicity.

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I think Cedar Fair already knows what is going to happen to SOB. A lot of coasters could go back in the spot of SOB.

What if SOB mated with Diamondback? Wouldn't that create Son of DiamondBeast? SOB and Diamondback are both hypers, so would Son of DiamondBeast be a strata?? Maybe SOB is like that guy who got pregnant and had a kid. What if SOB died while giving childberth? Oh uh, I see a marketing scheme!! :lol::lol:

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Klockster. Awesome post.

Picture's worth a thousand words.

and KI Finatic.... it doesn't matter the likability fo the coaster. Cost/investment will reign. It's all about dollars and cents.

The Villain, Big Dipper, and the entire Geauga Lake park were loved by many; but the cost exceeded the investment. The Bat had TONS of fans when it was able to operate. Just because a coaster is liked doesn't keep the wrecking ball from knocking on the door.

SOB had problems from day one that never improved... and in the end it's name was attached to accident reports all through it's 9-year history. And if they continue to operate, with all of the bad press an injury may not even have been caused by SOB, but if someone has a headache after riding.... it could cost CF and the adjacent insurance company thousands to prove otherwise.

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1. To weep aloud with convulsive gasping; cry uncontrollably. See Synonyms at cry.

2. To make a sound resembling that of loud weeping.


1. To utter with sobs.

2. To put or bring (oneself) into a specified condition by sobbing: sob oneself to sleep.


The act or sound of sobbing.

:o OH! The irony!

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closed for the rest of 2009 season

“However, after numerous reviews by park officials, we are not completely satisfied with the ride experience and have chosen to keep Son of Beast closed for the remainder of the season,” said spokesman Don Helbig. “We will not decide what steps we plan to take concerning the ride until the offseason.”


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