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Where did the Thrill go?


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As many of you know, I have been racking up coaster credits pretty fast. The down side of this is that many coasters no longer offer any thrills. Yesterday I rode TTD at CP and it barely raised my heart rate. Fun sure, thrilling not so much anymore. Diamondback is another great ride, but the thrill is gone. So far, the only coaster that comes to mind that delivers on every lap is Voyage.

What coasters still give you that Whoa!!! feeling?

Maybe I need to take up Skydiving.

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Personally, i havent been on that many rides/coasters, so the ones that still thrill me are.......:


-drop zone

-The Beast





-El Toro


-(possibly more....but im not sure....haha)

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The only ride that thrills me is Xtreme Skyflier. I love roller coasters more than anything, but they don't 'scare' me. Drop Zone used to do that until' I rode it too much and now it's just really fun. Xtreme Skyflier is one of my favorite Flat rides cause It's thrilling and I get nervous on it. Not even TTD thrills me anymore.

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:o I'm right here! Whaddya mean? :P

Seriously, though, the only ride that still "thrills" me is Delirium. I've discovered that if I close my eyes for the whole ride and just relax, I get the maximum 'country road stomach' effect. Diamondback, Beast and Vortex do the same, but not as intense for me.

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I guess pretty much anything outside of Kings Island thrills me, considering I've only been to Cedar Point and Kings Island. But, I went to Cedar Point back when I wouldn't ride anything, so I only rode Iron Dragon and Wildcat. Hehe.

But at Kings Island, Little Bill's always thrills me, and I'm completely serious. My blood pumps at the thought of someone I know from school seeing me on that. This is the exact reason I won't go near that thing, except to watch my almost-thirteen-year-old friend ride it.

Addict, who knows a twelve year old who has only ridden Little Bill's and WWC on his two trips to KI.

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Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me about Demon Drop, Terpy. I know MF still gives me that feeling, but that could very well be due to the fact I have only ridden it twice, combined with a serious shakiness I get when I am that high in the air. I will know for sure when I ride it again numerous times on Aug 20th/21st. I know I have pretty much become ho-hum over the coasters at KI. Is Db still cool? Of course, for the train design if nothing else. However, I dont feel any more "thrilled" on it than I did the last time I rode Mamba.

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Wow, seriously?? This is to almost everyone that has posted in this thread - I'm not discounting your opinion and do understand a little about what you are saying, but, I still get a thrill on almost any coaster I ride as it reaches the top of the lift hill (from FOC to Diamondback)

Is this thrill the same as the first time I rode it (probably not), but there is still a thrill. I think you've got to be a little careful in life to not always be looking for the next bigger thing - take it if it comes along, but enjoy the existing items just the same. Otherwise, you might always be slightly disapointed.

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for me, the only rides that give me a true thrill are drop rides and launched coasters (except maverick), expecially the drop rides, i love it when you know how long you stay at the top and the feeling you get when you count at the top too fast and your like, "oh god how are they going to get us down from here now", but maybe i'm the only one like that.

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I understand the "thrill" question, because we were just discussing it at home. My first ride on Diamondback was, well, hard to put in to words unless I used a lot of swear words! It seemed like we were going down that first hill for about 2 hours! Didn't think we'd ever get to the bottom!

As the day went on, and we got more and more rides, it was still fun, but the thrill kind of wore off. I enjoyed every ride, but it got to the point where we were comparing one seat to the other, and trying to figure out which color train rode the best. ( I couldn't tell a difference, but my daughter swear there is something better about the green one) We seemed to lose the scare part of it.

Maybe we just rode it too many times in one visit. I only got one ride on all the other coasters, and those seemed to stick with me more. I'm sure on our next visit DB will be intimidating again, this visit we just over did it!

It did get me thinking that it's time for a trip to America's Roller Coast. I've always put that trip off because of the intimidation factor, but my daughter rode Db, and Drop Tower this visit, so I think she's ready for the big time!

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I think there's some confusion between how everyone views the word "thrill." There's thrill, there's scare, and there's unnerve.

Only two rides unnerve me a bit, and that's Demon Drop at CP (because I haven't figured out when it drops and the way it works is just unusual compared to other drop rides I've ridden) and Xtreme Skyflyer. Skyflyer slides over into that "scare" category a little because I cannot help but scream in terror at that first drop when the ripcord is pulled and I'm always just a little afraid that something will go horribly wrong.

I consider a "scare" to be something that actually scares you. You are afraid you will not be ok when all is said and done. My mom is scared of falling, she will not ride anything with any sort of hill. However, she's unnerved by Adventure Express, even though it has no big drops.

I consider "thrilled" to be having fun. A rush that puts a smile on your face. Almost all coasters do this to me. Unless they are particularly violent or just a snoozer (like Iron Dragon), most coasters are thrilling to me. Some more than others, as some give me a bigger rush. Launched coasters still give me a huge rush, as does Millennium Force. Diamondback is not as much of a rush, but it is still a thrill to me. I still am grinning from ear to ear throughout the entire ride. Voyage is the same, as are Raptor, Legend and Beast. Flight of Fear still gives me a rush, but as much as it used to, so I'll slide it down into this category.

I guess the original meaning of the world "thrill" in this thread would be a major rush. So for me, that'd be Xtreme Skyflyer, Dragster, and Millennium Force.

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In that context, froghoppers and Demon Drop make me so uneasy with what is going to happen, even though I know, that I enjoy the queasy, uneasy feeling I get. It reminds me of what big coasters used to do to me when I was a little boy. Then again, I couldn't see very well back then and had had only very limited life experiences. And big was all of fifty feet high! :)

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Ones that are the most thrilling are Skyscraper, Griffon, Top Thrill Dragster, and Maverick. Diamondback never really was thrilling, it is just (as my cousin says), a really nice ride. It's more graceful than crazy, like Maverick, and more relaxing than thrilling, like Dragster.

EDIT: Alpengeist is also thrilling.

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I'm still in the wonderful fresh area of thrill because I'm still, for all intents and purposes, a roller coaster newbie. I've only ridden coasters at Kings Island and even then, I haven't ridden them an ungodly amount of times.

Diamondback is still a freaking wonderful feeling (though I agree with Kevin in that it's definitely more graceful than it is thrilling), The Beast is just as intense as it should be, and I still kind of get that "oh **** I might die on this ride" feeling when I ride Son of Beast.

Delirium is more nauseating than it is thrilling, and I haven't actually been on the Drop Tower yet. Same with the Sky Flier and Slingshot, though I'm usually just too broke to pay the extra price for those.

For the record, has anyone else ridden the rotating swing ride in the Coney Mall area at any point and felt a "wow, I could totally die if the chains failed" feeling? Whenever I'm on that ride, I can't help constantly plotting my potential downwards and outwards trajectory in the event of a chain failure. Maybe I'm just weird.

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