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Kentucky Kingdom

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How hard is it?



For some?  Very, very hard.  For others, not so much.


Example?  On Wednesday, storms knocked the power out around 2:30p.  DTE Energy provided an estimated restoration time of 11:30p - 1:30a.  It was back on hours before then, if I recall correctly.


After power was restored, our Comcast cable service went out.  Their estimated restoration?  10 pm.  Calling back around that time yielded a response to check back in 24 hours.  In other words, they'll get to it eventually.  Eventually it was..  12m-1a on Thursday.


DTE is doing it right.  Comcast..  Well, need I explain?

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I don't want any fan of Kings Island complain about any park dodging questions about rides. Kings Island deleted anything mentioned about Son of Beast while it was down no matter good or bad. Going as far as blocking people from the page.

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Except Kings Island was then getting ready to demolish it, a ride which clearly caused them discomfort in more ways than one, while KK has boasted pridefully about this May 30th opening for T3 for quite some time, not to mention had more than enough time to get it ready.  They did get around to answering them on FB.

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They might have had that decision long before they made the announcement.  They just did everything closer to how and when they wanted to unveil Banshee.  Even at that time,it wasn't a ride the park was happy with having sit there.  


Also, they did answer a lot of questions and the people they banned said some pretty nasty stuff if you recall.  

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1) One can be a fan of Kings Island without being a fan of every action the park has ever taken.


2) It's rather difficult to compare the two.

2a) In KK's case, they marketed a ride with an availability date that has continuously slipped.  People are now interested in going to ride the ride, and yet they are repeatedly denied the opportunity.

2b) KI, on the other hand, simply did not have plans to announce regarding a ride that was clearly marketed as closed indefinitely.  They were very clear that the ride was closed until they knew what they were going to do with it.  When they had a final decision, did they not clearly convey it to the public?

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Not true because I was one of them. I asked a question about a decision they deleted it. I said that's not very nice to just delete comments. Followed by a sad face and they blocked me. this was in early 2010.

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Well, its kind of laughable when they had this coaster already sitting in the park all the time they've had it, had more than 2 years to get it ready, and miss an opening date.  They got the other re-opened rides that were supposed to open today going. 

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We stopped by Kentucky Kingdom on the way back from Holiday World. The entire time, the only Kentucky Kingdom billboard I saw was just east of the Santa Claus exit. Meanwhile, there's a Holiday World billboard right outside the entrance to Kentucky Kingdom...

Sent from my LG G3 using Tapatalk

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Because no other site cares to look beyond the rides.  They only care about being able to go and getting on Lightning Run.  They couldn't care less about the other aspects of why KK exists, like a government entity running an amusement park by borrowing money from the bank using taxpayer owned land as collateral or how out of touch Ed Hart is.  Why did KY dump all this money for KK when there is a myriad of other better things they could have done with that money?  Its stupid and something I won't support.


And what does the park have to show for it?  Bad PR, weekly ride inspections, bad attendance figures, rides that take more than 2 years to reopen and still miss their opening date, and a park that relies on politics to operate.  

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It sounds like they relieved themselves in your breakfast this morning. I really don't care if they park fails or not, I'm also not going to take it personal with every little thing they do. Why let it bother you as much as it does? I'm a Kentucky resident myself and I still don't care. You're almost going out of your way wanting and trying to will it to fail. Try and enjoy things while they last.

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Try and enjoy things while they last.

Which leads to the point: we want it to last for a long time. You seem to be saying that we should just ignore everything they do and simply enjoy the park. The problem is that given the way the park is currently operated, and the manner in which it is currently financed, there is a very high likelihood that it will not last beyond this season. We are pointing out what they're doing wrong, because we want them to correct these issues, so that the park can survive and thrive and so that we can enjoy it for many years to come.

I truly do not think that ANYBODY here wants the park to fail. On the contrary, an open Kentucky Kingdom not only provides additional competition for Kings Island, which would lead to more and better improvements at KI, but it also provides a second major park close enough to Southwest Ohio that we can reasonably visit for the entire operating day as a day trip from Cincy or Dayton (CP and HW can theoretically be done as day trips, but only by either lengthening the day and risking potential drowsy driving, or by arriving late and/or leaving early).


And I think that proximity to so many users here is part of why this site sees so much discussion and analysis of everything they do that isn't found on other sites: because we (by which I mean the overall KIC user base) have much more direct interest in the outcome. No other coaster site out there has such a large proportion of users within such a short distance of KK; thus they don't pay nearly as much attention to KK in the first place (seeing it more as a quick stop on a roller coaster vacation than as a place to visit frequently like a second home park), leading to not seeing the many issues that it has underneath the surface. I think if there was a Holiday World fansite similar to KIC, they too would be discussing KK the same way we are, being that HW is even closer to KK than KI is. As no such site exists, it falls to us to point out the problems.

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Hey you're more than welcome to do that. I hope you also enjoy those parks. I had no plans on doing Kenufky Kingdom this year, only reason I am making it there is to make sure I get a chance on Lightning Run in case the park does fail.

Look I don't have blinders on and just happily going about everything while there needs to be improvement, but I'm also not going to sit back and relentlessly bash the place. I've read a lot of good reports and not just by fanboys, I've also seen bad reports like what happened with terp. Balance is nice, but there really doesn't seem to be any on this site when it comes to the park.

Anyway I'm kind of dreading that T3 will open the day we are there. I was hoping to avoid crowds and that won't help one bit. Oo well I should be able to get Lightning run in within 3 hours.

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Here are my thoughts on Kentucky Kingdom, for those who were asking. Overall, it's a good park, and well worth at least one visit. The way Ed Hart is running things is a tragedy, but don't let that stop you from visiting. The park itself seemed to be fairly clean and the employees were friendly. Also, if you do visit, don't just do so for the coaster credits as there is a lot to be said for the flat rides here. They have a unique selection - a Huss Enterprise, a cool old Chance carousel, Tin Lizzies (antique cars), a flume ride that will leave you even more soaked than Congo Falls does (yes, it is possible). I'll upload some pictures in the coming days.

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At this rate


Hey you're more than welcome to do that. I hope you also enjoy those parks. I had no plans on doing Kenufky Kingdom this year, only reason I am making it there is to make sure I get a chance on Lightning Run in case the park does fail.

Look I don't have blinders on and just happily going about everything while there needs to be improvement, but I'm also not going to sit back and relentlessly bash the place. I've read a lot of good reports and not just by fanboys, I've also seen bad reports like what happened with terp. Balance is nice, but there really doesn't seem to be any on this site when it comes to the park.

Anyway I'm kind of dreading that T3 will open the day we are there. I was hoping to avoid crowds and that won't help one bit. Oo well I should be able to get Lightning run in within 3 hours.

At this rate, you'll be lucky if it's even open when you go...

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Quite simply the park on the surface looks healthy, but once you peel the layers back you see there are major issues that jeopardize the future of the park and the tax payers collateral.  These are many of the concerns that have been raised on this site, the behind the scenes actions and public responses have become laughable.  Hart can't get out of his own way for the success of the park.  


I would expect T3 to continue to get the weekly push back till it opens.  Kumbak has a record of having delays getting their replacement trains up and running.  After all this is no small feat building brand new trains for a coaster that is roughly 20 years old.

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I went for a second visit to KK yesterday, after attending Holiwood nights.


T3-I know I won't ride this coaster, so the delay really doesn't concern me.  I did, however, see a train in the station.  Raging Rapids was closed, and the KK FB page stated that the state inspector had failed to make the required inspection.


Park was crowded, which again, is a good thing for the taxpayers.


Problems I saw:  Ride ops were less than professional.  Using slang on the speakers, letting frustrations show (Wizard of Oz 5-D).  Ineffcient use of time in the stations.   Food service-run out of ice, then cups?  How does THAT happen?  Burger meals under heat lamps. 


Great things:  Thunder Run, Lightning  Run.  Two great coasters.  Various flats I rode and did not ride-great operations and great scale for this park.  Landscaping, cleanliness, and security-I mentioned these in a previous post.


I am new to the "enthusiast world."  My park experience is limited-KI, HW and KK are it with me, with the majority of the visits to KI.  I won't decrease my visits to KI because of my pass to KK, rather it gives me an option closer to home.  I have talked to many enthusiasts over the weekend, many who had experienced KK this year.  They are impressed with it, and I think they know parks. 


I am not a fanboy, I just like having a smaller option much closer to home.  KI has had some missteps this year too--food service and breakfast with Superheros.  I agree with underpromise and overdeliver.  I hope KK will learn this.  I am also grateful for a member of this forum who gave me advice to visit KK this year instead of waiting for Twisted Twins next year.  As someone who loves coasters, I am glad I am able to experience the two great coasters and put my personal feelings about management missteps in the background.

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Raging Rapids was closed, and the KK FB page stated that the state inspector had failed to make the required inspection.

I'm not even sure what to think of this. 

Also, is anybody else seeing a Kentucky Kingdom ad on KIC, and this very topic? Irony at it's finest... "Indy's new play place?" Ha.

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