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Kentucky Kingdom

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Well, they're required to justify the park's subsidies through increased tourism, meaning they need to make it an attractive place for out-of-state visitors*.


* This offer only available to targeted residents of Indiana and Tennessee.  Some exclusions may apply.  See security guard for details.


It's a tourism program!

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Whining and passing the buck?


Clearly, management of this park doesn't care to hire competent public relations staff.

KK indeed does need better PR.  However, it seems if in this situation, they are doomed if they do and doomed if they don't.  To make such a bold statement in a public forum; I would imagine it's true.  However, it may alienate them in the future, as the Dept. Of Ag is on the polar opposite end of the political spectrum.  Regulatory officials rarely are concerned about the timelines of business (in my experience) but more about bureaucracy.  But had I been on the Facebook page, I probably would have thought long and hard before posting that.

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another thought, I would presume, if one intended to open something to the public on Saturday, that it would be prudent to have the mandatory inspections wrapped sooner than the day before.  I mean, what if the inspector finds something relatively small, but a required fix that could be re-inspected a day or two later?  I don't know how inspections run in the roller coaster industry, but in my line of work, there always almost "something" that the inspector finds that he'd like to see changed or added.  Having an inspection on Friday leaves little time to correct any issues that could arise.


Oh, and throwing them under the bus publically, even if truthfully (and I'm not going to just assume the park is telling the whole truth), is a **** poor way to handle things.  At most, say there was an issue with inspection and you are working to get everything in order as soon as possible.  Even better, would be to simply apologize and say you are still testing and completing the final phase of the ride; hope to have it open soon.

My interpretation was that the inspector was to show up the Friday before, not the day before.  I agree with your second paragraph, but if you take that approach, folks will assume the worse of the park.  Doomed if you do, doomed if you don't.

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I would submit ride inspectors are concerned about ride SAFETY.

In an ideal world, yes.  But remember, this is the Commonwealth and the Dept of Ag is being run by a person who ran for the Republican spot in the primary for governor.  Also, regulators, regardless of party affiliation, are often more concerned with protecting the status quo than that of businesses. (I am speaking in a generality here, not specific to this instance because in all reality, I only can see KK's side of the story via Facebook.)

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However, it seems if in this situation, they are doomed if they do and doomed if they don't.  To make such a bold statement in a public forum; I would imagine it's true.

Ensuring that rides are ready in time (including having completed inspections) is the responsibility of Kentucky Kingdom, not the department of agriculture. Maintaining effective communication and good relationships with agencies they depend on is also their responsibility.


If the park wanted to explain the delay, a simple statement that they were still waiting on ride inspections would have sufficed. Whining and blaming others was not necessary or even remotely professional.

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What would really be nice if they had learned the value of under promising and over delivering.  i.e. - We said June 6th but really it is opening 6/4 ahead of schedule.  I'm just being optimistic, my hart knows the reality will be different. 

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For anyone still under the belief that June 6th is currently the promised date, it's not.  KentuckyKingdom.com now lists "Coming soon" rather than a specific date, likely due to the reactions to their repeated over-promising and under-delivering.

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The constant confusion on Facebook regarding the deeply discounted prices for Indiana and Tennessee guests and not locals is raising lots of questions that the park really doesn't answer that well.  Basically bring the Indy Star Ad and your picture ID, but they never mention you must be a resident of those 2 states.

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It official says "coming soon" on their website too. No bueno. Can't blame this on an inspector. I guess I'd rather it actually be safe than have it be opened and kill someone.



I noticed their notice about Hurricane Bay. Is that normal for a waterpark to rotate attractions because of as school's extended year? That makes no sense to me.

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It is "normal" for that water park. They did that last season as well except as the season went on and employees quit. The water park then did not have enough employees and this bad habit continued.

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Okay...driving through Lexington yesterday on the way to Myrtle Beach and I heard a radio spot for KK.

Cited USA Today that KK has one of the best waterparks in the United States. So much self worth in that ad.

I needed a good laugh yesterday and I got it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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So for all their faults are we now knocking them when they do run an ad and in such tout a positive about the park. KK does have a pretty nice water park (even if all the slides are not open at the same time...) No offense man but I just don't how this is a negative. It's one thing to discuss the parks missteps here in hopes that they do certain things better in the future but some of the posts here boggle my mind. If a national newspaper ranked them as one of the best water parks in the US I would expect they run that in an ad and be proud of that. 

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I have not been to Great Wolf but it does look nice. My point however is how can we bash them for not advertising and then turn around and take another swing when they do? Is this conversation still a reasonable critique or are we just going after KK for every single action/inaction good or bad? The former can be very interesting to read and discuss, the latter not so much.

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The main critique has been how a park that is able to operate thanks in large part to KY taxpayer $$ is then able to turn around and offer a steep discount on admission to residents of Indiana and Tennessee, yet their own home state residents are expected to pay full freight. I'm certain that issue will be raised in the fall elections.  As mentioned before, the fate of the park beyond this year does hinge in large part on who becomes Gov.

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