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2011 Gold Pass ERT includes WindSeeker and Vortex


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Per Cedar Points site: http://www.cedarpoint.com/public/admission/season_passes/point_perks.cfm

  • Millennium Force (must be 48" tall to ride)
  • Raptor (must be 54" tall to ride)
  • Maverick (must be 52" tall to ride)
  • Iron Dragon (must be 46" tall to ride)
  • Planet Snoopy (seven rides - height requirements vary)

These are the early rides available at CP for ONE HOUR (as they put it) everyday.

Notice that 4 of their premier coasters are offered. and 11 total rides are available as ERT for pass holders.

Versus 1 flat and one neck shaker from 1987? Vortex is fun occassionaly but definately NOT a KI premier coaster! and not one that will bring tourists in from out of town.

I wonder if KI will offer refunds to all of us that bought Gold Passes last year under false pretenses?

I think CP does it that way cause of the Main gate and Resorts entrance being opposite ends of the park? I personally take ERT for DB over WindSeeker cause its a closer walk from the gate :P But oh well, I'm not surprised if that ERT is indeed gone.

Nevermind, Terpy touched on that topic already.

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Oh, really? You might try reading ALL the thread, not just the first post and a few at the end.

I'll help...start here:


So, if they are just ADDING rides to ERT, why did they take Diamondback and Beast out of the FAQ question and replace them with WindSeeker and Vortex? A bit odd, don't you think?

I don't see anywhere specifically stating that DB and Beast will not be part of ERT. What FAQ specifically are you referring to? Maybe I missed soemthing. And why would anyone be surprised at KI adding ERT rides? CP has done it a lot over the years.

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Click on the link in the post listed. Just this morning, that FAQ said Diamondback and Beast. Now it says WindSeeker and Vortex...direct substitution in the FAQ, not addition....

My friend is coming to the park with me but they are not a Gold passholder. Can they join me when I take advantage of VIP perks such as early ride time on WindSeeker and The Vortex or early access into Boomerang Bay?

VIP perks are only valid for 2011 Gold and Platinum Passholders.


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IF the ERT is Vortex and WindSeeker ONLY, I for one will no longer bust my butt to get to Kings Island for ERT! That would certainly be another one of those "DUMB" decisions that they

like to make from time to time! Those are 2 rides that I really don't care for, so no reason to get to KI that early. I can come later in the day, and eat somewhere else for lunch before

I get there, and spend my money somewhere else, not a problem on my end for sure! I just wouldn't think KI would be into ticking off their best customers, like those of us who like to

ride DB a lot. We tell other people about that, and they are more prone to come to KI because of it. I know that D.H. has a great respect for the late Ruth Voss, my she rest in peace, and

would never do anything like take The Beast off the morning ERT line up. It's been there since the ride opened. I know for a fact, that Mr Helbig has a great respect for the American

Coaster Enthusiasts, and he knows how much we love having that Beast ERT time available. He would never take that away. That is FOR SURE! We need to make sure that we always

THANK him for doing the ERT on Beast and Diamondback, and THANK him for ADDING those other rides. Heck, its a big plus to make them additions. That way, you can do your DB for

awhile, and then do a couple of Beast rides, and head over for WindSeeker, and then get ready to be the first in line for Firehawk! I am sure that is really how it will be.

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But it doesn't say there will be ERT only on Vortex and WindSeeker-the phrase "such as' means to me simply an example.

Just this morning it said Diamondback and Beast.

If they were ADDING WindSeeker and Vortex, they would not have taken out Diamondback and Beast when they changed the language...today.

Think about it.

Parks have budgets. They are very unlikely to have four major rides open for early ERT at Kings Island.

Perhaps, but I very much doubt it.

Again, look at post 24:


Why did they substitute WindSeeker and Vortex if they were ADDING them...nope, they are substituting them..

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When did I ever complain about Ride Warrior Weekend? I don`t think I ever did. And I don`t recall any KIC members complaining after the one and only RWW either. I had an incredibly fun time, and thats all I heard from other people. Sure, there may have been minor hiccups, but it was the first time that KI was hosting the even, so there are bound to be some hiccups.

I said SOME KIC people, not all. I never mentioned that you did at all. I specifically remember some KIC members complaining after the one and only RWW, because I remember saying to them..."Kings Island doesn't have to do a coaster enthusiast event at all." They were complaining about it not being specific to KIC members only among other things.

I had a great time at RWW and thought the event went great. My point was that people complain about things not being good enough, when the park doesn't have to do these things at all. Would people rather have WindSeeker and Vortex ERT or none at all? I personally would take WS and Vortex.

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Per Cedar Points site: http://www.cedarpoint.com/public/admission/season_passes/point_perks.cfm

  • Millennium Force (must be 48" tall to ride)
  • Raptor (must be 54" tall to ride)
  • Maverick (must be 52" tall to ride)
  • Iron Dragon (must be 46" tall to ride)
  • Planet Snoopy (seven rides - height requirements vary)

These are the early rides available at CP for ONE HOUR (as they put it) everyday.

Notice that 4 of their premier coasters are offered. and 11 total rides are available as ERT for pass holders.

Versus 1 flat and one neck shaker from 1987? Vortex is fun occassionaly but definately NOT a KI premier coaster! and not one that will bring tourists in from out of town.

I wonder if KI will offer refunds to all of us that bought Gold Passes last year under false pretenses?

READ THE BACK OF YOUR PASS. Things are subject to change that's not False Info. And Just for your Info Kings Island does not offer refunds on season passes. Reading the Fine print always helps :).

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Per Cedar Points site: http://www.cedarpoin...point_perks.cfm

  • Millennium Force (must be 48" tall to ride)
  • Raptor (must be 54" tall to ride)
  • Maverick (must be 52" tall to ride)
  • Iron Dragon (must be 46" tall to ride)
  • Planet Snoopy (seven rides - height requirements vary)

These are the early rides available at CP for ONE HOUR (as they put it) everyday.

Notice that 4 of their premier coasters are offered. and 11 total rides are available as ERT for pass holders.

Versus 1 flat and one neck shaker from 1987? Vortex is fun occassionaly but definately NOT a KI premier coaster! and not one that will bring tourists in from out of town.

I wonder if KI will offer refunds to all of us that bought Gold Passes last year under false pretenses?

READ THE BACK OF YOUR PASS. Things are subject to change that's not False Info. And Just for your Info Kings Island does not offer refunds on season passes. Reading the Fine print always helps :).

So you don't find out you've been lied to until after you've paid money that won't be refunded?

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Wow, let's all take ten deep breaths, smoke a cigarette, drink a beer, take a nap, meditate, do yoga or whatever it is you do to calm down, because there's way too many people in this forum upset about something so small.

The Vortex is usually open with little wait ALL DAY!!!!!

The Beast is usually open with little wait ALL DAY!

The Beast is not exactly a few steps from DB but still worth the walk. Not so much with Vortex.

However you try to frame this Terp, it's a bad decision on KI's part.

The Vortex not being that good of a ride and this being a bad decision is simply a matter of opinion, an opinion that doesn't reflect the general Gold Season pass holder clientele. There are more than just enthusiasts who buy Gold Passes and like to take advantage of ERT's.

Yep, DB ERT was the reason I made so many trips from Indy the last 2 seasons. If there is no DB ERT, I will not be motivated to take the 2hr trip over. I do appreciate the park giving ERT, but they are going to loose lots of money by not having DB ERT. I am sure there will be hundreds if not thousands of other pass holders that feel the same way.

I think keeping DB and Beast ERT and adding WS first ride of the day would be nice. This would not cost any more money for the park. Here is how to do it. You have the same ERT as before and there is a WS line by the securuty chain by Beast. Then 5 min before opening you let the people wanting to ride WS through the check point to head to to the WS queue. The ride still does not start till normal start, but pass holders have the option to be first to the ride.

With all due respect though, there were never thousands or even hundreds there on most days for ERT.

IF the ERT is Vortex and WindSeeker ONLY, I for one will no longer bust my butt to get to Kings Island for ERT! That would certainly be another one of those "DUMB" decisions that they

like to make from time to time! Those are 2 rides that I really don't care for, so no reason to get to KI that early.

With all due respect, it's really only one ride you don't care for. No one here (or anyone for that matter) has ridden KI's WindSeeker yet, so not sure why you're already passing judgment on it.

I just wouldn't think KI would be into ticking off their best customers, like those of us who like to ride DB a lot.

How are people who ride DB a lot KI's best customers? No offense, while enthusiasts would certainly be valued customers, whose to say what the "best" demographic is. It became clear years ago that this park was going after families and still to this day likes to promote how there is something for everyone.

Look people, whether there is Diamondback & Beast ERT or not, what the hell does it really matter? Yeah, it's kind of disappointing you won't get those super short lines for a short time, but you're pass holders. You're going to come to the park a lot anyways. You're still gonna get to ride your favorite rides, you're still gonna have a lot of fun.

NO ONE has ridden WindSeeker yet. Hell, maybe you might even enjoy it and it will be nice to beat the crowd in the morning.

What everyone here needs to remember is that Roller Coaster Enthusiasts are not the main demographic of Cedar Fair or Kings Island. Roller Coaster enthusiasts are not the only ones buying Gold Passes. Roller Coaster enthusiasts are not the only people this park caters to and wants to attract. And if WindSeeker/Vortex are the only ERT's......Diamondback will still be there once the rest of the park opens.

It's a slight change, you still get tons of perks and you're still gonna come anyways. The world will go on, we will all survive this.

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Look people, whether there is Diamondback & Beast ERT or not, what the hell does it really matter? Yeah, it's kind of disappointing you won't get those super short lines for a short time, but you're pass holders. You're going to come to the park a lot anyways. You're still gonna get to ride your favorite rides, you're still gonna have a lot of fun.

But you have to understand, a few of us became pass holders because we want to ride Diamondback and Beast multiple times. If I lived in Cincinnati, it'd be one thing. But when I have to drive for a few hours, I want to be able to get the most rides in on my favorite ride. I think it's as simple as that.

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Look people, whether there is Diamondback & Beast ERT or not, what the hell does it really matter? Yeah, it's kind of disappointing you won't get those super short lines for a short time, but you're pass holders. You're going to come to the park a lot anyways. You're still gonna get to ride your favorite rides, you're still gonna have a lot of fun.

But you have to understand, a few of us became pass holders because we want to ride Diamondback and Beast multiple times. If I lived in Cincinnati, it'd be one thing. But when I have to drive for a few hours, I want to be able to get the most rides in on my favorite ride. I think it's as simple as that.

I understand your point. But was the ERT really the only reason you got a season pass? If it never existed in the first place, would you not want to be a pass holder? ERT or not, a pass is still the best financial option for a park goer who will visit multiple times per season.

Maybe I came off a little too harsh, I can understand the disappointment if those rides are eliminated from the ERT, I love them too. However, there's lots of guests who may enjoy a WS/Vortex ERT and everyone here is going to enjoy the park this summer regardless.

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I understand your point. But was the ERT really the only reason you got a season pass? If it never existed in the first place, would you not want to be a pass holder? ERT or not, a pass is still the best financial option for a park goer who will visit multiple times per season.

You know, although it may not be the only reason, it was very high on the list, I'm not going to lie. I've never been a season pass holder before. This is my first year. I've always been once a year park visitor. And then last year, standing there and watching all those people go through the gates to get on Beast and Diamondback early, it gave it some real strong consideration.

I simply feel like the park advertised ERT on Beast/Diamondback (I posted the link on the first page), and then took it away. I know the pass may say subject to change, but it doesn't make it hurt any less.

EDIT: Funny how that link is no longer active. (KI seemed to have taken down the blog post.) Anyways, here is a screen shot:


Also funny how all the other blog post from November still exist. So, if there was any doubt by anyone that these two rides were removed from the ERT, I think this is proof.

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And for the record, the original ACE walk backs were just that. They were not ERTs. You would be walked back to The Beast, to be the first riders in line. Often times, the park had opened (and the general public started arriving), before you were escorted up to the station. I know, as I was an ACE member for a few years, and partook in some of those walkbacks, in a time before there were any daily ERT sessions for Gold Pass holders! Remember when there was just one KI pass, and about the biggest benefit you got was a sneak peak weekend, or a private party on a Friday night before the park opened to the public. Beyond that, there were no ERT sessions or early admittance into Boomerang Bay.

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...However, there's lots of guests who may enjoy a WS/Vortex ERT and everyone here is going to enjoy the park this summer regardless.

With all due respect, things DO happen, some not within the control of the park and/or guest:

* The park could even not be there. Unlikely, but at least possible.

* The park could fail to open for the season (again unlikely, but at least possible).

* The guest could die.

* The guest could become seriously physically incapacitated.

* The guest could come down with some condition (such as severe depression) making enjoying anything difficult or impossible.

* The guest could move so far away and/or become so busy that plans to visit Mason, Ohio may become impractical or even impossible.

It is realized that the park's selection of which rides, if any, will be offered for ERT for gold and platinum passholders has little if any bearing on any of the above, but STILL, it cannot safely be said that everyone here is going to enjoy the park this summer regardless. This is one of many reasons I often post to enjoy your times at Kings Island with those you love while you can...the day may come when, for whatever reason, you cannot.

Terp, who almost always has a reason (or more than one) for things he posts. (In point of fact, Terp himself had a season pass to a park he dearly loves last summer....total number of visits, despite his plans, last season: 0.)

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Yep, DB ERT was the reason I made so many trips from Indy the last 2 seasons. If there is no DB ERT, I will not be motivated to take the 2hr trip over. I do appreciate the park giving ERT, but they are going to loose lots of money by not having DB ERT. I am sure there will be hundreds if not thousands of other pass holders that feel the same way.

I think keeping DB and Beast ERT and adding WS first ride of the day would be nice. This would not cost any more money for the park. Here is how to do it. You have the same ERT as before and there is a WS line by the securuty chain by Beast. Then 5 min before opening you let the people wanting to ride WS through the check point to head to to the WS queue. The ride still does not start till normal start, but pass holders have the option to be first to the ride.

With all due respect though, there were never thousands or even hundreds there on most days for ERT.

I never said a single day did I? I am looking at the big picture, I am talking the full season. I am only stating what I feel to be a fair assumption. If I decide to not go to KI 3 less visits this summer due to not having DB and Beast ERT that is about $40.00 per visit that KI looses, (I always buy a few Cokes and eat something while there.) So that is $120.00 lost for KI just from me. I am sure there will be a lot of other people and families that feel the same way. So my point is this will loose money for KI and feel this is not the best decision.

This no way takes away my love and devotion to KI. I am disappointed in this decision, but am looking forward to ERT on WS . Will it keep me coming back as often as I have the last 2 season with the DB and Beast ERT? I hope so, but time will tell.

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....So that is $120.00 lost for KI just from me. I am sure there will be a lot of other people and families that feel the same way. So my point is this will loose money for KI and feel this is not the best decision...

You're not getting it. The average family/season pass holder will not care which "big ride" is open to them for the ERT session. They are going to show up to the park regardless. It is simply a perk to them and not a make or break decision on if they show up or not.

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I'm sorry, but this is a pretty big change. I realize people think that every change is small and doesn't really matter, but this really isn't. Most of our visits to Kings Island was simply getting there at 9, riding the Diamondback 3 or 4 times, riding The Beast 4 or 5 times, and riding 2 or 3 rides after the park opened. This pretty much changes everything about our visits to Kings Island, and one of the main reasons we planned on renewing the Platinum Passes in the first place. If they don't open Diamondback and The Beast, I'm not sure if renewing the passes are worth it...

I say call them, send them messages on their website. KICentral is a pretty big site, and a lot of us on here go to ERT. Our opinion is pretty important.

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Wow people get over it! You would think that they were nothing more to life in riding a roller coaster. Who cares if DB and The Beast are no longer offered for ERT. They want to shine the spotlight on the neweest attraction at KI. Vortex just happens to be right there, so why not add that to the line up. It doesn't matter to me either way. Yes I'm addicted to roller coasters, but not so wrapped up that i'm going to let this change the way I feel about KI. Wow wee some of you all, need to CHILL OUT!

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Wow people get over it! You would think that they were nothing more to life in riding a roller coaster. Who cares if DB and The Beast are no longer offered for ERT. They want to shine the spotlight on the neweest attraction at KI. Vortex just happens to be right there, so why not add that to the line up. It doesn't matter to me either way. Yes I'm addicted to roller coasters, but not so wrapped up that i'm going to let this change the way I feel about KI. Wow wee some of you all, need to CHILL OUT!

Spending well over one hundred dollars for passes is a choice that many of us made last year and some even years before, and with the passes came a list of perks.

Why spend the money if the perks change to something that we don't want?

And what about the people who spent the money last year in the fall, who understood that they would be receiving ERT on Diamondback and The Beast?

Not worth complaining about? I think not...

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And despite Terpie's interpreting I see no proof that KI is not going to continue to have DB and Beast as part of ERT. You are all relying upon a quote ( which I am paraphrasing) that gold pass holders can enjoy ERT on rides such as WindSeeker and Vortex. This does not say that WindSeeker and Vortex will be the only ERT rides. Again, I would check with the park.

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IF it said what you did, I'd agree...but it most decidedly does NOT say ERT on rides such as...instead it does say perks such as...NOT rides such as:

My friend is coming to the park with me but they are not a Gold passholder. Can they join me when I take advantage of VIP perks such as early ride time on WindSeeker and The Vortex or early access into Boomerang Bay?


That's a HUGE difference....

Methinks you are understandably guilty of wanting it to say what you want it to say. It does not.

The park changed it YESTERDAY. If they wanted to ADD WindSeeker and Vortex, they could have done so. They didn't. They took out the Diamondback and Beast language and substituted WindSeeker and Vortex. Why do this unless that is EXACTLY what they ARE doing?

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Until we get confirmation that WindSeeker and Vortex are the ONLY rides open for ERT, I'm not getting upset. After all, there is no point getting upset over something that is uncertain when I have no control over the outcome. That said, I will be quite upset if (especially) DB is removed from ERT and I'm posting it here knowing the certainty that KI management is aware of what we are saying here in the hopes of influencing the decision.

WindSeeker will be great if it is as advertised, and its visual impact on the park's skyline (read: marketing) will be significant, but two rides appeal to the enthusiasts, as a general rule, more than any others. The enthusiasts are the Gold Pass holders that use the ERT. We are telling KI that we want DB and Beast included in ERT in no unequivocal terms.

We appreciate the preferential treatment regarding WindSeeker - as a new ride, the enthusiasts would appreciate special access to get a chance to enjoy it before the great unwashed. But there are very few people that will repeatedly re-ride WindSeeker given the chance, especially after the novelty has worn off. That is not the case with DB and Beast. Thirty-plus years later, Beast is still an incredible thrill every. single. time.

You can take Vortex and shove it. I ride it perhaps every fourth trip. ERT on this ride is completely worthless to me.

Remember, KI, you have three main sources of income:

1) the Gold Pass enthusiasts, who don't spend much per visit, but visit a lot and spend a lot over the course of a season, and more importantly, boost attendance numbers so FUN can have a pretty annual report.

2) the large groups and corporate groups

3) the once-a-year tourists or casual families that pay full price for admission and buy one of everything in the park.

Groups 2) and 3) are a non-factor in ERT determination. Group 1 is EVERYTHING in ERT determination. Listen to us and give us some love.

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The enthusiasts are the Gold Pass holders that use the ERT.

That's where you are wrong. KIC members/ enthusiasts don't make up the majority of Gold Pass members that use ERT. I would say most are just people from the Cincinnati area that have Gold Passes that get there early enough to use their Gold Pass VIP benefit, they probably don't even care that much which rides it's for. I'm sure there are a lot of people who will be ecstatic that Vortex will be on ERT. I know a lot of people that love that ride, with it being one of their favorite rides.

Just to show you just how many people have Gold Passes, that probably aren't enthusiasts, that took advantage of ERT on opening day in 2009, take a look at this picture. This is facing toward the front of the crowd. We were towards the front too, so there were many more behind us! Do all these people look like enthusiasts? because they don't to me!


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And despite Terpie's interpreting I see no proof that KI is not going to continue to have DB and Beast as part of ERT. You are all relying upon a quote ( which I am paraphrasing) that gold pass holders can enjoy ERT on rides such as WindSeeker and Vortex. This does not say that WindSeeker and Vortex will be the only ERT rides. Again, I would check with the park.

Enjoy our tallest Gold Pass VIP perk ever with early rides every public operating day in 2011 on the new 301-foot tall WindSeeker!

In addition to WindSeeker, early rides will also be available for Gold Passholders every public operating day on one of the most popular rides in Kings Island history, The Vortex roller coaster!

Does not hint at another ride being open for ERT. They changed the FAQ about Diamondback/Beast, and they removed the blog entry related to Beast/Diamondback being on the ERT. (Which was the only blog entry they removed.)

Kings Island is watching this topic (they keep removing things as we point them out). There still is a chance. But right now, Beast/DB has been removed.

I know some people don't view this as a big change. But, for some of us, it really is. We each have our own opinion. Some of us, the ERT on Diamondback/Beast was very important, especially seeing how it was advertised on their website. Just understand that as you read this topic.

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Just to show you just how many people have Gold Passes, that probably aren't enthusiasts, that took advantage of ERT on opening day in 2009, take a look at this picture. This is facing toward the front of the crowd. We were towards the front too, so there were many more behind us! Do all these people look like enthusiasts? because they don't to me!


I am just responding to your point about the enthusiast or lack of in your picture as about this topic I see both sides and have been on both sides through the years. Now in the picture you posted about one of the biggest if not the biggest crowds for opening day and if they all look like enthusiast. I got to say YEAH or else they would not have been there like most other opening days at KI. Entusiast do not always take the mold we see here and my not even know this site exist. Now do I think we will see crowds this large for opening day for WindSeeker, well we can hope and if I had to guess I would say they sell less Season Pass with WS ERT perk than they did back foe DB opening day with a promise for ERT. Again I see both sides on the issue and hope it all works out in the end as it certainly will over time.

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