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August Announcement?


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Since its their 40th anniversary, I think it would be neat if they added a new coaster, like a huge inverted coaster (I miss going to Hershey to ride Great Bear, I dont live close enough anymore) and did a play on words with it like "Going over the Hill in 2012" Since its their 40th. But, I'm up for anything. Anything new is great!

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It is very nice to wish for the killer roller coaster but ask yourself this simple question: If you were the CEO, how will you pay for the killer coaster, what will the return on investment be, what will it do to increase attendence and thus pay for itself? Then what after the new coaster is built? what next? Do you build for the younger, roller coaster crowd or for the family crowd where more crowds will come into the park and spend more money while at the park? Do you try to make the increased season pass holder happy (and season pass holders spending less) or reach out for the families on vacation to spend money while at the park?

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The answer would be the same as it was any other year they opened a coaster. And every 3 or 4 years seems to be the average time between parks adding new coasters. All I said was just and idea, and my one and only complaint with KI is that there is not a good beefy inverted coaster. Im biased cause they are my favorite type.

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oh i will ride it, but it terrifies me to no end when im on it. this ride & rides like Firehawk make me flip-out. just ask some friends of mine who have witnessed me on these. apparently the look of dread on my face & my screams are supposedly hillarious...

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I'm right there with you rotag, it is one of my least favorite rides, but i know mrs. kingsrattler would be very happy.. I get dragged on the thing a couple times when we go to Cedar Point.

I rode it for the first time this season at CP. This was my first trip to CP in 16 years and really loved it. Great thrill ride!

I would not mind seeing one at KI.

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Also, I have a werid feeling that Electric Magnets and water don't go together...

I have never seen as issue on BLSC when it rains?

All depends on the LIMs used...

BLSC's LIMS were made for outdoor use, while others (cough cough) are not able to be exposed to water at all without damaging the LIMS and causing other significant problems.

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I honestly don't know what the fuss is about Screamin' Swings! I've ridden Skyhawk at CP and Barnstormer at Dollywood and I find that these are some of my least favorite flat rides. They seem like a dumbed down version of a Giant Frisbee and much less thrilling. I would much rather get something like Skyscraper at CP with a higher capacity. THAT would be a really cool thing to have.

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I really think they need to add something that is going to have some "people drawing" power for next season. I don't dislike the Starlight Experience, WindSeeker, or the Peanuts' retheme, but none of those things are major draws for people in my opinion. I'm not saying it has to be a coaster. Delirium and Tomb Raider were great when they debuted because they were unique attractions. A Screamin' Swing could work, but they need to do more than just slap down a standard installation like at other parks. Otherwise...

Person A: "It's Kings Island's 40th anniversary this year!"

Person B: "Yeah and they haven't done anything noteworthy since Diamondback in 2009."

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I really think they need to add something that is going to have some "people drawing" power for next season. I don't dislike the Starlight Experience, WindSeeker, or the Peanuts' retheme, but none of those things are major draws for people in my opinion. I'm not saying it has to be a coaster. Delirium and Tomb Raider were great when they debuted because they were unique attractions. A Screamin' Swing could work, but they need to do more than just slap down a standard installation like at other parks. Otherwise...

Person A: "It's Kings Island's 40th anniversary this year!"

Person B: "Yeah and they haven't done anything noteworthy since Diamondback in 2009."

I will have to agree with you.

I doubt that any of the GP this year wanted to go to Kings Island for WindSeeker or DA! - they still go for Diamondback.

I'm not asking for a B&M again, because DB cost loads of money, but something that is fast, long, and tall - maybe even record breaking for the park again.

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They need to put something in that has a good advertising theme. Something that says come to KI for the new ... ! Not come to KI for the new trash cans and light show. Its coming the time for KI to really blow everyone away or in this case blow everyone into the park to ride a new MUST RIDE attraction.

Has anyone looked around DA to see of any work being done? Since it is so successful maybe they will add on and start forming it into a new area. DA was announced a few months before opening day who knows they might pull that stunt again.

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They need to put something in that has a good advertising theme. Something that says come to KI for the new ... ! Not come to KI for the new trash cans and light show. Its coming the time for KI to really blow everyone away or in this case blow everyone into the park to ride a new MUST RIDE attraction.

Diamondback was added only two years ago, and that blew everyone away. How is there time to blow everyone away already?

600th post.

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^^^ I disagree, I still think it would take quite a few months to put together an Impulse, the main time saver would be in ground clearing.

^^ I have heard a rumor about DA being expanded, but aside from that I wouldn't expect any other work in that corner of the park next year, they just added a new ride and another attraction.

Just think CW is getting a big coaster next year, CF does have to make money every year, don't look too big for next year. Demolition costs could be a big part of next year too if they ever decide the fate of SoB.

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It would be 3 seasons considering what they do for 2012 which now looks like nothing big.

Firehawk - 2007

DB - 2009

Taking that into account Firehawk was not a new constructed coaster so it did not take much planning time as it would for a newly build coaster.

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And since Firehawk was basically acquired through the purchase of Geauga Lake, the last coaster that was a large capital investment was BLSC in 2005, before that-- SOB in 2000. Given this model I would say we're waiting till at least 2013 if not '14 for a new coaster.

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