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Soak City Construction 2/2/12


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Given Mr. Kinzel's Cedar Fair's penchant for generic names, it's a good thing it's a new Fun. I could just see it now: Wave Pool II: Not Just A Hole In The Ground (WPIINJAHITG for short).

I like to think of units of time in terms of wave pools.

Person 1: "What year did The Beast open?"

Person 2: "1977, I think,"

Person 3: "Nah, man, It was 1979."

Person 2: "Whatever, it was like two wave pools ago."

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Now that you mention it, it appears as if they did. I believe that was the one in which they cut down the trees within it at the beginning of last season. Although that one maybe farther down. Its hard to guage without seeing the relation to the buildings to the right.

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I wonder if the planters had anything to to with the overspray from the fountain.

The spot looks bare now but, I'm giving KI Management the benefit of the doubt because they're obviously focusing on beautifying the midways and they're turning out nice.

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The impression about removing the planter is that the tree has been cut down, but it could also had been transplanted to another place. Kings Island has a top notch landscaping department and they have the expertise required to dig up the tree and plant it someplace else. But we won't know for sure until we see the entire picture of the area in question.

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Honestly, I-street is tarnished by my first trip as an adult, in 2007. It stunk of dumpster horribly.

I love wooded areas but would be happy to see I-street opened up and shops utilized if it were done with class. It's an underutilized area with a tremendous amount of charm.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Maybe they're going for the old I-Street look like this. Notice that there weren't planters there when it opened.


Okay, hold up. Is that a symphony I see on the stage? Let's bring *that* back. I'd like some Bach with my soft pretzel. Or a swing band. Oh, mama.

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^Just about every week end and some times during the week, they would have high school bands play there in the early years. Great times.

on a side note, where did you get your Tinkerbell in camo at? My daughter would love that.

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