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New Members/Spammers/Trolls

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So we've all noticed many new members and lots of trolls. Are there any moderators to clean up this site or check IP addresses?

Or are they actual different users/people. Or is there no way to prove it? Because these people are really degrading this site and making it pretty much impossible to actually discuss a topic. I'm sure there are many more who agree with me here.

I've flagged a few posts and haven't gotten any response back. Personally I've been blasted for a having an opinion and fanboys can't take their coaster being criticized. So they redirect their anger at the user, which is absolutely ridiculous. Can we see some action taken?

This site has KI days involved with the park and I'm sure the park looks at this site every once and a while, it probably doesn't look good when there are posts like Big Sexy trash talking GM's and PR's of Kings Island.

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So we've all noticed many new members and lots of trolls. Are there any moderators to clean up this site or check IP addresses?

Or are they actual different users/people. Or is there no way to prove it? Because these people are really degrading this site and making it pretty much impossible to actually discuss a topic. I'm sure there are many more who agree with me here.

I've flagged a few posts and haven't gotten any response back. Personally I've been blasted for a having an opinion and fanboys can't take their coaster being criticized. So they redirect their anger at the user, which is absolutely ridiculous. Can we see some action taken?

This site has KI days involved with the park and I'm sure the park looks at this site every once and a while, it probably doesn't look good when there are posts like Big Sexy trash talking GM's and PR's of Kings Island.

You say you have personally been blasted for having opinions and your mad that other posters or trolls as you say has their own opinions as well? It appears the only members attacking other members are fanboys.
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You say you have personally been blasted for having opinions and your mad that other posters or trolls as you say has their own opinions as well? It appears the only members attacking other members are fanboys.

You were not even brought up, yet still respond with an attack?

Someone has a guilty conscience......

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I've noticed this too and its becoming a little unbearable to post on here with out being trolled. Its actually becoming quite annoying recently. I haven't been posting as much mostly because of this. Also while I'm at it its makes us look like an eyesore of a comunity/site when geust read all the stuff people post and think never to join this website because of it. *end of rant* Sorry but its just my opinion.

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Have you seen my status? I would like to think that we have full time mods, but now I'm on the fence. Yes I come here to discuss and debate multiple topics, while trying to learn new ideas and making puns. Well now I am getting multiple people telling me to get out of there from the troll.

On that topic, dear troll/trolls, please leave professional griefers and professional trolls, and quit trying on KIC, I have found better rages on XBOX 360.

Now in the meantime I will keep posting and sharing my thoughts on KIC from the great people and fellows I see a few times out of the week. Until when the problem has over came and has messed up the community, which I hope does not happen.

BB1, hoping this isn't the beginning of the end.

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it always seems that in the May-June corridor (corresponding to the end of the school year) there is an influx of bored teens looking to be an antagonist. Not to stroke them all with a broad brush- but it seems to happen every year at this time.

Combined with a large addition for 2014, forums like KIC are breeding grounds for trolls.

You have to wonder why parents allow kids to be on the internet that much.

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It's only a handful of them...many of them likely the same person (see above). I figured this would happen, given the time of year, the new coaster, etc.

My only advice is, as before, do not feed the trolls. And, perhaps a more heavy handed mod would help to clear things up as well.

The best way to make a troll go away is to not respond, as that is all they are seeking.

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There have been times where I think I see spam, but it turns out to be an ambiguous phrase for a title. Case in point: Once there was a thread called "Mirth Mobile." I thought it was spam for another startup cell phone company. Turned out to be about the "Waynes World" car being on display. Still, we have a lot of good, watchful people on this site who know what to watch out for.

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it always seems that in the May-June corridor (corresponding to the end of the school year) there is an influx of bored teens looking to be an antagonist. Not to stroke them all with a broad brush- but it seems to happen every year at this time.

Combined with a large addition for 2014, forums like KIC are breeding grounds for trolls.

You have to wonder why parents allow kids to be on the internet that much.

agreed. though, to be fair, it's not just the teens with too much time on their hands.

As for the mods, at last check- this wasn't a paying gig. I'm sure Ryan has better things to do than patrol the site like he did 8 years ago and I haven't seen Dane's name on here in probably years... it could be a lot of "letting the inmates run the asylum."

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What about some of the mysterious names that pop up in the "X users reading this topic" gadget at the bottom everytime I start a new topic. They are the same names always, and they appear for about 10 minutes, and I never see them again until I create another post. I wonder if these people are admins and/or mods? Thoughts, Pedro? Anyone?

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^That doesn't mean the forums should be totally un-moderated.

It's not totally un-moderated, but it is far from over-moderated like other sites. Consider it loosely moderated.

I personally enjoy how things are ran at KIC. The members know this is a family site, although some do walk the racy edge of inappropriateness (no, not me :P ), and do police things quite nicely- which is why it is so easy to pick out the trolls.

The mods do a good job and cannot be expected to be on 24/7. The recent KIC event sounded like a great time. They allow new members a lot of slack in hopes that they are just coming off a different way than we are used to. After enough time, the trolls out themselves.

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Yeah the oppression of the opinions is an important thing to get out of the way but, more importantly I'm asking if the moderators are actually checking to see if the IP addresses match. With the influx of new members it's really easy for people to make a new account and star hazing and trolling.

YoungStud, trolls don't have actual opinions on rollercoasters, they're here to p!ss people off and be @sshats. They're not real people.

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I think a lot of you guys are making a mountain out of a mole hill. sure there are a few "trolls" but I would hardly say it's "unbearable" to post now. The more topics and posts about "Just stop talking to the trollz" there are, the more the site gets cluttered. Sure some of these posters are annoying, but I wouldn't say they are breaking any rules by posting here. Don't they have a right to post here, even if they are annoying and have disagreeing opinions (on virtually everything lol). For all of us that have been here for several years, we should be used to the amount of new people that join when a new attraction is being added. A lot of the "trolls" that were around for Diamondback's construction, stuck around and became normal functioning users.

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Discussing topics with your own opinions is one thing. In my opinion spamming and trolling is being rude, starting flame wars with other members, and spamming links.

The Youngstud is a supporter of free speech.

Trolls also continue to say the same thing over, and over, and over, and over. There are only two reasons why to repeat that many times: to get a reaction (trolling) or attempting to cram your opinion down others' throats which simply disrespects another's free speech.


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Yes, we still moderate here. It is hard in the busy summer season to be on here much, as I work two jobs pulling close to 70 hours a week. But I do still do moderation stuff, and am alerted every time that there is a reported post or user.

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sure there are a few "trolls" but I would hardly say it's "unbearable" to post now. The more topics and posts about "Just stop talking to the trollz" there are, the more the site gets cluttered.

Great point being made here.

I was the first one to call BS on Big Sexy's green Intamin track story, I posted how I felt about it then moved on. Others on this site should consider doing the same. Hounding him may seem like a way to deter him, but the result of such is further detracting from the conversation.

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Maybe some sort of vetting system such as the account can't start new topics until it has been a member for so many days, or even make a post for at least 30 days of membership. Most trolls won't bother if they have to wait. Actual people who want to be a part of this community will wait.

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Yeah the oppression of the opinions is an important thing to get out of the way but, more importantly I'm asking if the moderators are actually checking to see if the IP addresses match. With the influx of new members it's really easy for people to make a new account and star hazing and trolling.

YoungStud, trolls don't have actual opinions on rollercoasters, they're here to p!ss people off and be @sshats. They're not real people.

And then there are the people who get p!ssed off because you express your opinion about certain types of rollercoasters.

A troll is generally someone who deliberately tries to sow discord, or tries to upset others by starting arguments. The key word there being "deliberately". There are many times when someone simply expresses a legitimate opinion that isn't shared by the majority of people, and then they get singled out for censure. People call them on it and try to point out why they are wrong. When the person tries to defend himself/herself, it leads to some tension. People then tend to look at the person as a troublemaker or troll, when all they were really trying to do was express an opinion.

It's very hard for me to identify who's a troll and who isn't, because I don't know their heart or what's in their mind - and thus I don't know if they are expressing a genuine opinion, or simply trying to be a pest. Some people who have recently been labeled as "trolls" have made some statements I find myself agreeing with. But I don't think that makes me a troll. At least I hope not. I'm certainly not trying to be one.

It's still a great country! One is free to say whatever they want, and everyone else is free to ignore them.

It's too bad more people don't actually do that these days. I used to be on Facebook, and most of my family members were on my Friends list....until one day I opened my mouth and posted a status update which reflected how I felt about something controversial, and the next thing I knew they were jumping on me about it. It caused a huge argument, and almost tore my family apart. I had simply expressed my opinion, which they were free to ignore. The ironic thing is, they wanted to be able to publicly post anything they wanted on their pages, and they got upset when people called them on it. But when it came time for me to do the same thing, they didn't want to extend the same courtesy in return. Needless to say I dropped many of my family members off my list. I firmly believe the ultimate contemporary paradox is "I don't tolerate intolerance".

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That's one of the chief reasons I left Facebook altogether. I can't quite articulate why, but I think there's something insideous about global social media. I'll stick with the few sites like this one, where a relative few people come to discuss common interests in a well-moderated, focused forum.

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I am on everyday reviewing the "reported post" section. Do you not see my replies or when I mark the as "Under Review"?

As for new users being trolls, I installed a ban button that shows up right on everyones posts. All because I don't put online that I have banned XYZ, YZX, and ZYX today doesn't mean its not happening.

I also do go through they IP addresses and ban those as well.

As for your concerns "KI Man" I go through the posts of people you report and when you read those, none of which seems like "trolling" just replies that disagree with yours.

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