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  On 11/25/2014 at 10:38 PM, DontWantToWait42mar0 said:
  On 11/23/2014 at 1:53 PM, The Interpreter said:

There was something different about Son of Beast.

Had there not been, someone other than RCCA (and RCCO in the building) would probably have designed and built it (at least partly...see also Paramount Parks) and it would probably still be amongst us.

This was disproven as Son of Beast's loop was removed for some years before it came crashing down.

It was more than just the loop that made Son of Beast different. And more than the loop that sealed its fate, obviously.

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  On 11/25/2014 at 10:38 PM, DontWantToWait42mar0 said:
  On 11/23/2014 at 1:53 PM, The Interpreter said:

There was something different about Son of Beast.

Had there not been, someone other than RCCA (and RCCO in the building) would probably have designed and built it (at least partly...see also Paramount Parks) and it would probably still be amongst us.

This was disproven as Son of Beast's loop was removed for some years before it came crashing down.

No. It wasn't. The point is, had there been no loop, others would have bid that did not, and lighter trains could have been used, as the makers of preferred trains did not allow their use on the original Son of Beast. See, for example, Philadelphia Toboggan Coasters.

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  • 2 months later...

I agree. Between Racer, Beast, and Woodstock Express we have some good classic woodies. There's many parks that don't have what we do even. Would love to see a hybrid coaster though. Think one could go great back in Rivertown.

Would like to see a giga sometime too but think there are other types that would be better first, as many gigas are similar to hypers. But if they did a giga that was more than just a taller Diamondback then yea I'd be all for it. Still rather see some more dark rides and flat rides first though too to give more stuff.

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  On 2/7/2015 at 7:40 PM, marth555 said:

I think KI has classic woodies covered

The park may have "classic woodies covered" but we still lack a GCI type wooden roller coaster.

I'm not complaining though, I do LOVE all 3 of the woodies at Kings Island, I just wish we had a nice GCI at the park to REALLY draw me.

Six Flags St. Louis has a PERFECT example of a quality and diverse wooden coaster lineup, as I've stated on this site before.

The Boss.

Screamin' Eagle.

And last but of course not least.....

American Thunder.

THAT'S a diverse wooden roller coaster lineup.

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  On 2/7/2015 at 11:41 PM, TheBEASTunchained said:
  On 2/7/2015 at 7:40 PM, marth555 said:

I think KI has classic woodies covered

The park may have "classic woodies covered" but we still lack a GCI type wooden roller coaster.

I'm not complaining though, I do LOVE all 3 of the woodies at Kings Island, I just wish we had a nice GCI at the park to REALLY draw me.

Six Flags St. Louis has a PERFECT example of a quality and diverse wooden coaster lineup, as I've stated on this site before.

The Boss.

Screamin' Eagle.

And last but of course not least.....

American Thunder.

THAT'S a diverse wooden roller coaster lineup.

FTW, resident SFStL fanatic and strong believer that that park is severely underappreciated.

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Just to add to the Intamin fun, no North American park has bought an INTAMIN coaster of any sorts since SKYRUSH (Opened in 2012).

Now that Planet Snoopy is getting a little love with what appear to be two solid additions and removing one horrendously laid out water thingy (seriously if they would have just demolished Snoopy Splash Dance, or reconfigured it so that kids entered and exited the attraction in a similar location I would have considered it wondrous), makes me wonder what is on tap for next season. Since the installation of Diamondback, they've kind of moved around the park, Coney Mall got some love with the addition of WindSeeker, the water park got some love, obviously Action Zone. So what part of the park hasn't seen any love lately? International street. Upgrade the fountain so they can incorporate some sort of "water show" along with the fireworks, upgrade the front gate to modernize it a bit like other parks have done, a revamp of Boo Blasters and do something with Tower Gardens. A bunch of "little" projects that added together will cost a fair amount, but in the end I think really revamp the first part of the park many people see (perhaps a small flat addition to Oktoberfest while they're at it).

That's my prediction, until proven otherwise.

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October was my first visit in 15yrs, but the front gate only 'needs' some cosmetic update, IMO. I mean, it's a park entrance. I'm not sure how much different it can be made (granted, it's not changed as far as I can tell since my first visit ~1980).

An upgrade to the fountains would be cool...I think a Ballagio-style water show would go over very well with park visitors and add some entertainment for folks grabbing a bite to eat in the area.Why limit it to during fireworks? Let it run every 30min or so.

edit: i was half asleep, I think, when I posted the first time

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There is lots they could do with the front gate aside from revamping the aesthetics..

Revamp the restaurant (assuming the Reds HOF grille is performing as expected) to offer that experience during regular park hours, perhaps a premium upgrade to include patio dining/viewing during the fireworks. Bring it up to code for ADA compliance (allegedly an issue I've read on this site?). Perhaps open up on select days prior to the park opening to offer breakfast (or dinner on Fridays during the Haunt). Perhaps make it available for rental during the offseason (or even in season potentially) for holiday parties, large gatherings, weddings, etc... Perhaps even add a food stand on the perimeter of the park to offer guests another option for when they're leaving the park, hopefully freeing up some of the places near the front entrance to start cleaning up a little earlier.

offer electronic ticket kiosks, hopefully enabling customers to get into the park a little quicker, add perks to their season pass, purchase future tickets, etc... I usually come mid-week in the evening, so the ticket line is sparsely used at that point, but on the occasions that I've come on a weekend early in the season or during the Haunt, it seems like the line backs up a decent amount. The intent behind the electronic kiosks would be to get people into the park a little quicker, a side benefit would be reducing overhead.

Modify the guest services counter. It seemingly meets it needs, but it also feels dated and stale.

Overall, I like the experience you get when you pass under the restaurant and all of a sudden are hit with the sound of the fountains, a little breeze and the view of the Tower, so I'd incorporate that experience into any redesign, but as a certain NON expert, I see potential to update the look, make a couple different areas to increase revenue as well as a couple of different areas to reduce costs. With many other CF parks getting new front gates, I think its only a matter of time before KI gets their facelift, to what extent we shall see.

As far as the fountains, you could run them on any time clock you wish, I'd agree to keep some version of the show thru the course of the day, but if the intent of the fireworks is to keep patrons in the park until the very end, likely increasing the spending of said visitor inside the park until the end of the day, I'd save the best "water show" until the fireworks, incorporating lighting along with the water effects that would make families want to come back and stay thru the evening every year. How many people watch the fireworks from the parking lot? You can see them just as well from out there, so they hurry back to their car watch them soar into the sky, then get out of the lot before it gets too crowded, perhaps even hitting up McDonalds on the way home for a bite to eat. The changes above could help KI pick up some of that money/time that their patrons are spending outside of the park.

Offer a little more seating, particularly in the shade near the front gate for patrons who want to pack their lunch, but prefer not to eat it out by their car.

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  On 2/7/2015 at 11:41 PM, TheBEASTunchained said:
  On 2/7/2015 at 7:40 PM, marth555 said:

I think KI has classic woodies covered

The park may have "classic woodies covered" but we still lack a GCI type wooden roller coaster.

I'm not complaining though, I do LOVE all 3 of the woodies at Kings Island, I just wish we had a nice GCI at the park to REALLY draw me.

I would love to see a twisty GCI at KI. (Or CP, or MA.)

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Be cool to see some fountain upgrade that incorporates some sort of water and light show. And some TLC on Boo Blasters or new dark ride would be welcome too.

That said we are getting some work on International Street this year as well as the Planet Snoopy additions.

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  On 2/10/2015 at 1:05 AM, thekidd33 said:

^Given recent additions in the chain I think a dark ride might be a safe bet. If only there was some sort of building already constructed to house such a ride...

Agreed. Additionally, a waterpark expansion would be a safe bet seeing as KD, CW, and VF are getting one this year while Carowinds, and DP got one the previous year. Yes, I know we just got Soak City in 2012 but, in my opinion, it was just a fresh coat of paint for everything and the addition of a much needed new wave pool with Tidal Wave Bay.

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If the park does do a fountain show in the Royal Fountain, it might go in the order of 10 PM Fireworks first, then fountain show, only because it would not be dark enough before 10 to do it the other way around. Looking at the Canada's Wonderland show, the tectured lighting would probably be a poor choice to use, if a show ever is done at Kings Island, because of the dangers of epileptic seziures caused by flashing bright lights.

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