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Closure of Dinosaurs Alive and opening of lots of land.


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With the upcoming closure of Dinosaurs Alive (10/29) this leaves a humongous plot of land open for construction. My three possible guesses are:

1. An expansion of X-Base

2. A new themed area with a possible resort hotel.

3. A huge new coaster.

what are your guesses and speculation? For the moment I think it will be utilized for Winterfest.

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  On 9/23/2017 at 2:29 PM, upstop said:
With the upcoming closure of Dinosaurs Alive (10/29) this leaves a humongous plot of land open for construction. My three possible guesses are:
1. An expansion of X-Base
2. A new themed area with a possible resort hotel.
3. A huge new coaster.
what are your guesses and speculation? For the moment I think it will be utilized for Winterfest.


I would bet my money on a huge new coaster. Yes, many Cedar Fair parks are trying to implement hotels into their park but with Great Wolf Lodge so close I don't see Kings Island going down that route. I wouldn't be shocked if we saw an expansion of X-Base as it's been a rumor for years. However, if they were to expand I think they would have to implement a coaster with the expansion. As for the coaster I'm predicting it will be either a RMC record breaking Topper Track as Kings Island differentiates itself from other Cedar Fair parks with its wooden roller coasters or a HUGE Giga coaster that enthusiasts and the GP would love.
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My heart says giga, but I really want a new area or new X-base expansion for 2019-2020, maybe some flat rides plus a huge new coaster, I'm curious to see how Hangtime will work out at Knotts, I think something like The Smiler with lapbars would be amazing, either that or a Mack Megacoaster, or an Intamin Blitz.

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As much as I'd love to see the land re-developed and used for something great, I wouldn't be surprised to see it simply become a haunted trail. The path is already constructed, the park wouldn't need to take down and put up the decorations every year, and it could co-exist with Field of Screams. Dinosaurs Alive could just be ending because maintenance and staffing costs now outweigh its profit.

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@Spectrum91 I could see that. However, knowing Cedar Fair and their love for Kings Island I expect much more. I have talked to a few ride ops in the community and they predict a coaster. Whether it's a giga or some type of RMC I don't know. Since Cedar Fair purchased Kings Island the park has really been developed (Diamondback, Banshee and Mystic Timbers). Due to the fact that Cedar Point is landlocked I wouldn't be surprised if Cedar Fair would try to make Kings Island the premier park in the chain and a giga would do this perfectly.

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  On 9/23/2017 at 5:23 PM, Hmrapp said:

@Spectrum91 I could see that. However, knowing Cedar Fair and their love for Kings Island I expect much more. I have talked to a few ride ops in the community and they predict a coaster. Whether it's a giga or some type of RMC I don't know. Since Cedar Fair purchased Kings Island the park has really been developed (Diamondback, Banshee and Mystic Timbers). Due to the fact that Cedar Point is landlocked I wouldn't be surprised if Cedar Fair would try to make Kings Island the premier park in the chain and a giga would do this perfectly.


You have a very optimistic view of Kings Island and their Haunt attractions.

Reference the former 3D theater, now Urgent Scare.

Reference the former giant top spin, now Madame Fatale's Cavern of Terror.

Reference the former arcade, now Kill Mart.

All three have the ability to remain up year-round, saving the park time and labor.

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As awesome as a resort hotel would be, I'm fairly certain they would never use the Dinos Alive area for such a thing. It's just way too far from easy vehicular traffic access (I know there are access paths for maintenance vehicles, etc, but nothing to support the kind of traffic a hotel would bring). 

I still maintain that is where a giga "belongs" at KI. I don't expect to see teasing for such a thing until 2019, though, opening in 2020. If we get one. Which would make next year pretty interesting for speculation. 

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  On 9/23/2017 at 7:35 PM, Magenta Lizard said:
As awesome as a resort hotel would be, I'm fairly certain they would never use the Dinos Alive area for such a thing. It's just way too far from easy vehicular traffic access (I know there are access paths for maintenance vehicles, etc, but nothing to support the kind of traffic a hotel would bring). 
I still maintain that is where a giga "belongs" at KI. I don't expect to see teasing for such a thing until 2019, though, opening in 2020. If we get one. Which would make next year pretty interesting for speculation. 

I agree either everyone but the year. 2020 is the 150th anniversary of Cedar Point making it easy to foresee that the other parks in the chain won't get anything of much magnitude. Yes, Kings Island I predict will get a giga but in 2019 due to the fact that Dinosaurs Alive have already been removed. Look at Mean Streak as a prime example. It was closed two years prior to the year SV will open. Just a thought.
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I expect that some of the land will be used for a giga.  I would expect to see part of that area developed next year with a couple of flats and restrooms and maybe even a restaurant.  I think it makes sense that if they are going to develop that area that they will connect it to the existing X-base but by putting in some flats it will help appeal to people who are not coaster riders.

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As soon as I seen this picture pop on Facebook earlier today I said it would make a perfect trail for Halloween and some house stops could be incorporated into the area too. Then realized it would also make a great holiday light trail walk through and like other haunt attractions could be left up making the transition quicker in the Fall to Winterfest. They could sell hot chocolate and warm snacks back there since people would be cold, heck have a fire pit storytelling area back there. Really lots of possibilities with a ready made trail.  If they ever decide to add a coaster in the area it wouldn’t interfere that much it’s a trail. 

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  On 9/23/2017 at 5:38 PM, rhyano said:

Kings Island will never be Cedar Point.


Thank God! :lol:

Dinosaurs Alive lasted a lot longer than I thought it would. I will give that it was an ambitious project...but it never thrilled anyone in my family. I agree with Avatar...the possibilities for use with The Haunt of Winterfest are endless, I hope they keep it for that, I don't want to lose anymore trees.

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  On 9/23/2017 at 2:29 PM, upstop said:

With the upcoming closure of Dinosaurs Alive (10/29) this leaves a humongous plot of land open for construction. My three possible guesses are:

1. An expansion of X-Base

2. A new themed area with a possible resort hotel.

3. A huge new coaster.

what are your guesses and speculation? For the moment I think it will be utilized for Winterfest.

  1. I would love an X-Base expansion but you are forgetting that there are maintenance buildings that reside between the current X-Base and Dinosaur's Alive. This would mean that expansion would have to work around these buildings. That being said, it would make more sense to expand X-Base to the open plot of land between Flight of Fear and Racer or to just relocate the maintenance buildings to another site and expand there.
  2. A hotel would be nice but that wouldn't be a good location. Its in the middle of a wooded area and even if the land was cleared its really far back. I don't think Kings Island is the resort type of park like it used to be. It's main attendance is from people are within a two hour radius- basically driving distance to the park. Cedar Point needs a resort because it's main source of attendance are from people who come from literally all over the country and even the world. People are more willing to spend a lot of money on a nice resort or hotel because Cedar Point is a vacation spot. Kings Island is more of a local park. Plus, Kings Island and Great Wolf Lodge are pretty close partners so I don't think they would build a hotel. 
  3. This is the most likely speculation. Despite what people think, Dinosaurs Alive has experienced consistently low attendance since it's debut in 2011. Plus Kings Island has a habit of tearing down unpopular attractions to build new thrills- Son of Beast and Thunder Alley for Banshee, Snoopy's Splash Dance for Woodstock Gliders and Snoopy's Space Buggies, the extremely long and inconvenient line on White Water Canyon for Mystic Timbers, etc. 

I don't think Winterfest would be a good idea IMO. The terrain can be steep at times and could get icy and slippery. Pus there's no guarantee that that specific part of the park will be open for Winterfest. 



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  On 9/24/2017 at 11:04 PM, silver2005 said:
Why waste all that space back in Dinosaurs Alive! with one coaster when you could make a whole other section with that much space?

Also, I think 2019 is too soon for a new coaster.  

Too soon? Yes it would be a HUGE capital investment yet, Kings Island has some of the highest attendance in the park chain. Cedar Fair has invested yearly into Cedar Point due to its extreme attendance and I believe they would do the same thing for Kings Island.

Look at the pattern since Cedar Fair purchased Kings Island:

2009: Diamondback

5 Years...

2014: Banshee

3 Years...

2017: Mystic Timbers

2 Years...

2019: Giga

The trend does show that Kings Island has received lots of love from Cedar Fair in the last 8 years and I believe that this will only increase, as this year seems the attendance is substantially greater. Another strong point is the fact that Cedar Point is landlocked and can only become so great. I wouldn't be shocked if Cedar Fair were to decide to make Kings Island the premier park of the chain in the near future. To achieve this feat a giga in the foreseeable future is a MUST.
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  On 9/24/2017 at 11:02 PM, beastfan11 said:

This could make a great Antique Cars route...


I would die forever happy. The one thing I keep thinking about with all this Antique Cars business is how badly I would want it to go in a place that's heavily forested, like Kings Dominion's. It just adds something special to the whole experience (unlike, say... Six Flags St. Louis's cars?)

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I agree with Avatar and standbyme: I like the woods. A giga in that location would require a lot of clear cutting, so I'd prefer other uses for this land.

Walking though the woods adds a dimension to haunted attractions that's hard to replicate; see Trail of Terror and Tombstone Terror-tory. Perhaps we'll see something similar return to this path in a future Haunt season


  On 9/25/2017 at 12:00 AM, Hmrapp said:

Another strong point is the fact that Cedar Point is landlocked and can only become so great. I wouldn't be shocked if Cedar Fair were to decide to make Kings Island the premier park of the chain in the near future. To achieve this feat a giga in the foreseeable future is a MUST.


Cedar Point can't make more land, but they have a lot to work with. Keep in mind that they've been "running out of space" since before Millennium Force. Kings Island isn't going to become the new Cedar Point, and that's a very good thing!

Though a giga at KI would be great, there are plenty of ways to build awesome coasters without breaking the 300ft mark.

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  On 9/25/2017 at 12:00 AM, Hmrapp said:


Look at the pattern since Cedar Fair purchased Kings Island:

2009: Diamondback
5 Years...
2014: Banshee
3 Years...
2017: Mystic Timbers
2 Years...
2019: Giga

The trend does show that Kings Island has received lots of love from Cedar Fair in the last 8 years and I believe that this will only increase, as this year seems the attendance is substantially greater.



You're seeing a weird pattern if you expect a giga in 2019.

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  On 9/25/2017 at 12:00 AM, Hmrapp said:

Too soon? Yes it would be a HUGE capital investment yet, Kings Island has some of the highest attendance in the park chain. Cedar Fair has invested yearly into Cedar Point due to its extreme attendance and I believe they would do the same thing for Kings Island.

Look at the pattern since Cedar Fair purchased Kings Island:

2009: Diamondback

5 Years...

2014: Banshee

3 Years...

2017: Mystic Timbers

2 Years...

2019: Giga

The trend does show that Kings Island has received lots of love from Cedar Fair in the last 8 years and I believe that this will only increase, as this year seems the attendance is substantially greater. Another strong point is the fact that Cedar Point is landlocked and can only become so great. I wouldn't be shocked if Cedar Fair were to decide to make Kings Island the premier park of the chain in the near future. To achieve this feat a giga in the foreseeable future is a MUST.
Last time I checked two numbers don't make a pattern. For all we know it could be 4 or 5 more years.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

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  On 9/24/2017 at 6:22 PM, SonofBaconator said:
  1. I would love an X-Base expansion but you are forgetting that there are maintenance buildings that reside between the current X-Base and Dinosaur's Alive. This would mean that expansion would have to work around these buildings. That being said, it would make more sense to expand X-Base to the open plot of land between Flight of Fear and Racer or to just relocate the maintenance buildings to another site and expand there.
  2. A hotel would be nice but that wouldn't be a good location. Its in the middle of a wooded area and even if the land was cleared its really far back. I don't think Kings Island is the resort type of park like it used to be. It's main attendance is from people are within a two hour radius- basically driving distance to the park. Cedar Point needs a resort because it's main source of attendance are from people who come from literally all over the country and even the world. People are more willing to spend a lot of money on a nice resort or hotel because Cedar Point is a vacation spot. Kings Island is more of a local park. Plus, Kings Island and Great Wolf Lodge are pretty close partners so I don't think they would build a hotel. 
  3. This is the most likely speculation. Despite what people think, Dinosaurs Alive has experienced consistently low attendance since it's debut in 2011. Plus Kings Island has a habit of tearing down unpopular attractions to build new thrills- Son of Beast and Thunder Alley for Banshee, Snoopy's Splash Dance for Woodstock Gliders and Snoopy's Space Buggies, the extremely long and inconvenient line on White Water Canyon for Mystic Timbers, etc. 

I don't think Winterfest would be a good idea IMO. The terrain can be steep at times and could get icy and slippery. Pus there's no guarantee that that specific part of the park will be open for Winterfest. 




I can almost guarantee not all of Coney Mall will be open for Winterfest....probably will only be open to the path by dodgems.

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  On 9/25/2017 at 2:50 PM, chugh43 said:

I can almost guarantee not all of Coney Mall will be open for Winterfest....probably will only be open to the path by dodgems.


I mean I can guarantee that too, but until the park makes an official statement or lineup I guess someone could argue otherwise. I-Street, Rivertown, Planet Snoopy, and Oktoberfest are my guesses.

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The thing is, I highly doubt the entire park is going to be open.....in previous versions of Winterfest there has mainly been partial areas of the park open if I remember correctly. We'll see for sure...but all signs point to such. 

If you look at where they've installed lighting units for the trees in the park, I have seen only those lighting units about 1/2 way up (by Dodgems). 

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Businesses run on a supply and demand "pattern". If the demand is there and the ROI is projected to be good, they will install it.  Past actions don't mean diddly squat. So please stop with this foolishness. 

On another note, I don't remember the last time KI really pushing a PR campaign for the end of an attraction as much as they are for DA. I guess we shall see what the future holds.   

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