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Orion Coming to Kings Island in 2020

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Waking up this morning and reading a vast majority of people being disappointed in the ride has made me kind of sad. Not here, but on YT, Twitter and Facebook. It kind of worries me that CF made a mistake. I’ve seen countless people disappointed that it’s not “Beast Unleashed”. Let’s hope this doesn’t reflect poorly in pass sales and attendance :(

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3 hours ago, Pagoda Gift Shop said:

Expectations are always high for a park like Kings Island, where the majority of new attractions are completely custom.  I just don't think it is realistic to expect that every time a new coaster or ride is built that it will be the "greatest every created" in its category. 

The comparison should probably not be against other similar B&M coasters, but instead against the Vekoma flying coaster that stood in the same place just 2 years earlier.  That is what the public will see, and is anything but "underwhelming".

But that comparison to Firehawk illustrates what I’m feeling. Was FH a GREAT coaster? No. But the “flying” aspect seemed “unique” and totally unlike anything at the park. Again, maybe it’s just my personal feelings, but it feels like “slightly more of the sane but bigger, faster. Not “broader”. 

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4 hours ago, Pagoda Gift Shop said:

Expectations are always high for a park like Kings Island, where the majority of new attractions are completely custom.  I just don't think it is realistic to expect that every time a new coaster or ride is built that it will be the "greatest every created" in its category. 

The comparison should probably not be against other similar B&M coasters, but instead against the Vekoma flying coaster that stood in the same place just 2 years earlier.  That is what the public will see, and is anything but "underwhelming".

I thought the same thing, but getting on other social platforms this morning, I’ve seen a whole lot of the GP saying they’re confused on why it’s not Beast Unleashed or why it looks like a blue Diamondback. I am totally pumped for the ride, and I was excited today see some positive reaction to it today, but I’ve seen so much negativity surrounding it that it’s made me a little upset honestly. 

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So I watched the POV about 20 times so far and here is my analysis.... although I think Leviathan and Fury will be better, Orion will still be a top 20-25 coaster worldwide. It is short, and the only standout elements to me (outside the drop) are the first turn and that speed hill. Of course, real life POV's and actually riding it will ultimately decide this. I still think it's lacking another element or two and that break-run is even larger than Leviathan's... sigh.. but hey, still gonna be a kick ass ride. 

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6 hours ago, Rallyomalley said:


Not sure if this was posted.  This is the black shirt on a fat guy.2C67A14D-F2E5-4969-94E8-F0DE7EF42C9B.jpeg


Edit : not gonna lie. Was hoping the stars would glow in the dark, but alas....no dice.

Edit 2:  so there's no confusion.  I am the fat guy.

Interesting that the shirt says Orion: The Ride... is there another Orion?

Also, Tomb Raider: The Ride... :lol:

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I'm excited about the coaster and it being here, but I'm still disappointed. It is just lacking anything unique. It's the smallest of all the gigas in each main category. To the people saying "you won't notice the height difference," have you ridden MF and Fury? I promise, you definitely notice those extra feet. Not saying it makes it unenjoyable, but I disagree completely saying you wouldn't notice if it were taller/longer drop.

The biggest miss for me is the vanilla nature of the layout and not utilizing the terrain better. Yes it's a giga and the hills will tower above the woods, but send smaller ejector air hills and banked turns into the trees back by beast! A "terrain" giga could've been something really unique that would've made up for the lack of anything special with the stats. Without it, it just feels like a bit of a relegation to a park with the lowest intensity, but still big, coasters possible

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7 hours ago, Rallyomalley said:


Not sure if this was posted.  This is the black shirt on a fat guy.2C67A14D-F2E5-4969-94E8-F0DE7EF42C9B.jpeg


Edit : not gonna lie. Was hoping the stars would glow in the dark, but alas....no dice.

Edit 2:  so there's no confusion.  I am the fat guy.

Curious how much were the shirts? We left early because I had to work at 6am so we didn't stay to get any. 

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Somethings you might have not noticed in the pov/birds eye view

In the first picture it just shows Orion on the side of the station and the number 20

In the second Picture it shows The Racers flipped and blue racers backwards, possible hint for backwards racers 2020?

In the third picture it shows Soak City I think on the wrong side lol

In the 4th picture just another look at the station and queue





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I think this looks incredible. Orion is one of my favorite Metallica songs and one of my favorite movie studios and now it'll probably be one of my favorite rides at KI. 

9 hours ago, sixohdieselrage said:

But, why is blue Racer going backwards in the picture? LOL

My guess is that it is just a tribute. 

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1 hour ago, Phantom Theater said:

Waking up this morning and reading a vast majority of people being disappointed in the ride has made me kind of sad. Not here, but on YT, Twitter and Facebook. It kind of worries me that CF made a mistake. I’ve seen countless people disappointed that it’s not “Beast Unleashed”. Let’s hope this doesn’t reflect poorly in pass sales and attendance :(

Honestly, I don't think it will because we've been here countless times before. I'd argue that it was at its worst in the years between Diamondback and Banshee (see the infamous Save Son of Beast Facebook fan page), but even in that instance, attendance didn't suffer anywhere nearthe extent people proclaimed it would.

Now if they pull a Disney by hiking ticket/pass prices up and blacking out dates for all but Platinum passholders to curb any massive crowds come next season, then it'd be a different story.

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I didn’t let my kids stay up for the announcement last night (Mean Daddy) so they were not super informed on Orion but did watch the POV this morning.  On the way to school The Sunny 95 morning show called Kiefer to get the “kid reaction”.   I think he did pretty good for 14 and not expecting it.  


The clip is only about a minute.

COASTERS 081619.mp3

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9 hours ago, Mystic1017 said:

Dangit lol i am just messing around and hoping for something in between either end of Coney Mall

Same, in not as young as I used to be and it's a far a** haul from fof to either the Coney or WindSeeker ones.  With more foot traffic in that area adding another set would be a logical and nice thing to do for us. Fingers crossed anyways. 

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Looks even better than I’d expected, especially with the speed it seems to carry through the helix! As someone previously mentioned, I hope that we see more trees pop up like the video shows when all is said and done, and it could be yet another great night ride for the park. Bummed about the lack of any tunnels, but maybe there’s still hope for a nice light package on the lift? Not sure if that’s something they would’ve shown in the video or not. Either way, I’m not expecting anything less than a great ride!


Side note: I might be making it up in my head, but it definitely looks like the constellation from the Invertigo teaser poster could have been a portion of the Orion constellation if you rotate the brain clockwise

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10 hours ago, Xdog42 said:

"Critical" Response Incoming... But please understand where I am coming from.

I'm excited about the ride, but I can't deny the fact that I feel envy in my heart in a way. I know people say "be appreciative for what we got and be happy we got a coaster at least." But it's hard to put how I feel into words, hopefully, you guys can understand...

It just feels like sometimes Cedar Point always gets the record breakers, the next big thing. Yes, its a Giga and it looks great. But you guys know it would of been great to say "My Park has the best___________, Its the tallest, fastest, longest....." I'm not saying I wanted a 350 foot ride with speeds close to 100 mph and a 7,000 ft layout. It's just hard to think how a ride built 20 years ago like Millennium Force is somehow "Taller and Faster" and Yes, I know this ride will be better than MF, but something about is just weird, It felt like Cedar Fair had the opportunity to give us something "Different".

I know Cedar Point is the flagship park and everything, but it's like "your really giving us a 300 ft drop?" "a lift hill under 300 ft?"  I'm not trying to be critical but it's just weird, It feels like this coaster is hardly a Giga. Maybe I'm selfish but it feels like CF just didn't give us the best possible. Why make a Giga that's lift hill is under that 300 ft? Why is it hardly 100 ft longer than Diamondback? It just feels like we were "budgeted" very hard but CF does not mind spending big bucks on CP to get them the record breakers. It's just been rubbing me the wrong way.

I'm really trying hard not to be overly critical and I'm trying to be as optimistic as possible.

We were the last major CF park to receive a Giga, I guess I just thought since we have been waiting for a long time, they would of blessed us with something "Bigger".

Either way, Im hyped. I will enjoy this ride and appreciated it for what it is, I am excited about it, but at the same time, I had to express how I really feel I guess...

I appreciate your comments but would like to retort. :)

CP doesn't always get record breakers.  Fury 325 broke MF's record by over 20 feet.  The bottom line is much research has been done by people more in the know than us and it "bigger, stronger, faster" sold tickets rest assured, they would do it.  Fact is that doesn't sell tickets to the general public.  In addition we got Grand Carnivale (CP didn't) and Winterfest (don't see that happening at CP).  

I've been going to KI for all of my life and over it's history having the "first" or "biggest" only worked out well one time (The Beast).  The Bat was the first suspended and wasn't exactly successful.  CP build Iron Dragon and it still stands today.  King Cobra was the first stand up and had a shortened lifespan. CP build Mantis and was able to reuse the track for Rougaru.  

Fact stands that Orion will be one of only 5 giga coasters in the US (Cedar Fair has ALL of them).  Neither Six Flags nor Magic Mountain nor Disney has a giga.  We should appreciate the fact that Cedar Fair came in a bought Kings Island and kept developing it instead of having it meet the demise of Geagua Lake.    

Also, this is a B&M.  Diamondback over the years has been pretty solid as a performer compared to Millennium Force.  Diamondback doesn't have the cable lift hill nor does it valley (that I've ever heard of).  In the end I'd rather have a "budget" giga and keep the price of season passes at $99 than pay $150 for a season pass and have a record breaking coaster that breaks down.

Having a record breaking coaster is something that lasts one, maybe two seasons (or two months in Millennium Force's case).  There is always bigger, faster, longer coming down the pike and it's a red herring not worth chasing.  The ONE exception to this is The Beast.  Still in my opinion the greatest coaster ever conceived and build.  It held the height, length, and speed records for 10 years!  No coaster will ever hold all three of those records for that long of a time.  

All that being said, I appreciate your enthusiasm and input and hope to see you on the rails!


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