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Official Iron Gwazi POV

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  On 11/12/2020 at 9:06 PM, tuxedoman52 said:

RMC has really smoothed out their transitions. IG's elements seem more drawn out and smooth compared to some of its counterparts with quick jolts in one direction or the other.

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It kind of seems that way a bit from the POV but I feel the true intensity of their rides don't come across in their onride POVs. I know from the ones I've ridden like Storm Chaser and Lightning Rod, their videos seem much tamer than their rides. Especially with Lightning Rod's quadruple down. It looks like a calm smooth decent down the side of the hill there but in reality you are getting tossed all over and thrown out of your seat.

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Watched the POV yesterday as well as this morning. It looks alright and seems to combine other RMC elements (Lightning Rod's upward twist before the brakes - Iron Gwazi has two - as well as elements of Twisted Timbers and Steel Vengeance) to make a unique creation. Though I mostly thought it looked middle of the road, the one standout element is that barrel roll drop/twist thing - that looks insane! Also, as others are saying, POVs don't tell the whole story. When I305 and Intimidator (at Carowinds) were announced, Intimidator seemed to be the better of the two. However, it turned out that I305 is now the more talked about of the two as it's one of the most intense coasters out there (I haven't ridden it yet, but I've heard...) and has many fans. So, I guess the point is, we won't know until we ride.

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