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New Coaster 2024?

Allen Greene

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1 hour ago, DispatchMaster said:

B&M delivers exceptionally well built, reliable, and efficient products. So that's a great rut to be stuck in.

I totally agree, and I like B&M coasters. Banshee and Diamondback are, IMHO, both extremely good rides and they rate very highly on my top rides list. I also think Orion is far better than the critics make it out to be.

The issue is, B&M has their niche, and it's fully filled in the park now. Big, wide, smooth, reliable rides are great, but they are also similar. Isn't that exactly why everyone was mad about Orion in the first place, since it was too similar to Diamondback? Why repeat a similar feel again?

It's time for something different.

Edited by marineman
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18 minutes ago, DispatchMaster said:

The idea that two parks can't or won't have the same model coaster is patently absurd.

Why would they do that after all the disasters? Shoot the Rapids wasn't very long ago...

It hasn’t affected the lines for Maverick or Millennium Force?

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2 minutes ago, WoodVengeance said:

But it has affected the line for Top Thrill Dragster, in more ways than one.

If they opened it back up as TTD, people will still have flocked to it.  

While it was a terrible accident, there has been deaths on rides that re-opened and people still got in line to ride it.

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Even with the ridiculous presumption that CF is a mustache-twirling evil villain, they have a financial interest in keeping guests safe from harm. So too do CF's underwriters.

47 minutes ago, Tr0y said:

It hasn’t affected the lines for Maverick or Millennium Force?

What does that have to do with anything? StR was a multimillion dollar disaster from start to finish. That MF hasn't tried to kill its passengers doesn't change that. Nor does it change what happened with I305, Rita, Xcelerator, the other time Dragster injured guests, S:RoS, Perilous Plunge, the other other time Dragster almost killed people, Maverick's heartline, and on and on.

And on top of all that, they are by all accounts a terrible company to work with stateside.

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Firstly, not every incident you listed was the manufacturers fault.

My argument however is regardless of the incidents people still ride Intamin coasters and hold them to high regard. In fact Intamin produces such a fun ride that they currently boast 7 coasters in top 10 spots for the Golden Ticket Awards.

RMC is another alleged company that CF no longer wants to work with. And that company has 2 coasters in the top 10.

And before I get the argument of “ThE GoLdEn TiCkEt AwArdS DonT MaTtEr” Then why else would any park go after them or even post signage of the golden tickets they have won? Heck CF even posted their Golden Ticket accomplishments on their corporate website. It is a big deal, there’s a lot of prestige that comes from obtaining those awards.

And clearly those rides are a lot of fun and typically rank highly in most people’s favorite rides.

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5 hours ago, Orion742 said:

The problem with getting a B&M wing is GateKeeper is 3 hours away and if we wanted to do a launch to differentiate, Thunderbird is 2 hours away so it wouldn’t be very different from the surrounding area coasters.

Respectfully, I think this largely would only matter to enthusiasts.

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1 hour ago, TombRaiderFTW said:

Respectfully, I think this largely would only matter to enthusiasts.

Each coaster does something different so it doesn’t really seem as saturated as I had originally thought. 

Thunderbird, GateKeeper, X-Flight, & Wild Eagle are all completely different rides with just wing trains if you think of it:

Thunderbird is your standard launched coaster

X-Flight is kinda has a flying coaster layout

Wild Eagle is your traditional looping coaster

GateKeeper can be seen as what an actual wing coaster should be


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19 minutes ago, SonofBaconator said:

Each coaster does something different so it doesn’t really seem as saturated as I had originally thought. 

Thunderbird, GateKeeper, X-Flight, & Wild Eagle are all completely different rides with just wing trains if you think of it:

Thunderbird is your standard launched coaster

X-Flight is kinda has a flying coaster layout

Wild Eagle is your traditional looping coaster

GateKeeper can be seen as what an actual wing coaster should be


Problem is the GP aren’t going to look at things like that they are going to see the train design and go “oh that looks like a coaster I rode at Holiday World, or Cedar Point” (etc). It’s not about the layout is the same train design that the GP look at.

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