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Colonial Vibes- silver2005's VA/MD trip TR and Planning


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Well, I was going to go swimming in Lake Erie, but there's no one there and I don't feel comfortable swimming alone.  I will have more than enough time to get Waldameer's water park and get the rides I want.

Checking out a sea food place for dinner, then CP tomorrow and Wednesday.

Weather on Lake Erie is gorgeous. Couldn't see the horizon at Lake Michigan in Muskegon, much less hazy in Port Clinton, though, I can’t make out Put N Bay.

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I haven't been able to do trip reports as my laptop is accidentally back in Cincy.  CP was funky day 1 and started with a heart attack day 2 but turned out very good.  

Shivering Timbers was a bust, so I'm really hoping Ravine Flyer II makes up for it today.

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1 hour ago, silver2005 said:

I haven't been able to do trip reports as my laptop is accidentally back in Cincy.  CP was funky day 1 and started with a heart attack day 2 but turned out very good.  

Shivering Timbers was a bust, so I'm really hoping Ravine Flyer II makes up for it today.

So you mention a heart attack and keep typing like it was nothing!     ????

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3 hours ago, IndyGuy4KI said:

So you mention a heart attack and keep typing like it was nothing!     ????

Day 2 had a line out to DQ which I was afraid of a full capacity day as it was the first day of summer, but it was only down to 1 lane on the causeway for a water main break. I'm also condensing my posts as my main phone charger is also in cincy and I'm using a makeshift one that's slow to charge.

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So this Trip Report will be a change of form as I left my laptop in Cincy for this trip by accident and couldn't use my good camera as I had no way to empty the memory card and my charger for my phone was in said bag which made me have to buy one that didn't charge my phone as quick so I had to ration keeping my phone on.  I do have ample photos of MIA, Waldameer and CP already, so its not a big deal.  I will kick myself to do it properly when I do the bigger trip through VA and PA, especially for BGW, HP and Knoebels.  Also, only 1 new coaster for me this trip. 

Part 1- Michigan

The trip to Muskegon went smoothly until I stopped in Kalamazoo to find my laptop still in Cincy.  The day I got to Muskegon, I had a GREAT time driving up to Lake Michigan.  Muskegon is mostly pretty sparse along the business district, downtown only consisting of a handful of building not unlike an IT park.  The part of Muskegon to visit is going up to Lake Michigan.  It really feels like a beach side town you'd find in Myrtle Beach or Florida.  There's small outdoor restaurants, marinas, and ice cream stops taking you to Lake Michigan and the beach is pretty nice for such a small town.  The fires in Canada REALLY cut visibility, much less than a mile and no view of the horizon.  Sunset was blinding.  

I felt MIA had better staff and overall aesthetics than my last visit in 2017.  The park popped with landscaping, some buildings looked spruced up with new paint, siding, and the like.  The park opens in tiers of sorts, rides near the front including Corkscrew and Wolverine Wildcat opened first, then the area towards the water park including Thunderhawk next, the log flume didn't open until about an hour in, and Timbers opened last after 1.   The steel coasters were pretty fun (skipped Wild Mouse with no FL line and horrible CF mice ops). I found Thunderhawk enjoyable this time around and Corkscrew was fun for what it is.  Wolverine Wildcat was the surprise for MIA. The Titan Track really smoothed the first drop into the 2nd hill, it looks to have had recent retracking on the first set of bunny hops between the first 2 turn arounds.  The only bits that needs work are the double up and down, and the last set of hops to the brakes.  It could be a bit of a dark horse at the park for being a good coaster. 

Then there's Shivering Timbers. 

The only part retracked is the top of the 2nd hill, but only as it nears the top and stops once it gets to level.   It really needs a LOT of TLC.  Most of the jackhammering occurred at the top of hills on the first half, and the 2nd half was just bumpy.  Oddly enough, the bottoms of drops, the turn around, and the helix were quite comfortable.   Needs about another 4000 ft of retracking.  Very much a let down this trip.  

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Part 2- Lake Erie and Cedar Point

So along with the let down of Shivering Timbers, driving in Michigan isn't something I enjoy.  It will be a while until I see significant work down on Timbers to go back to Muskegon, the drive up and back isn't worth it to me otherwise.  The Michigan drivers did make me make it to Port Clinton in record time as I was forced doing 80-85 mph getting back to Toledo.  

Planned on swimming in Port Clinton, but lack of people at the beach wasn't ideal for safety (this was on a Monday), so I just took some quiet time on the beach.   Got some decent walleye for dinner.  

Day one at Cedar Point started kind of slow.  Got in for ERT just to get the Wild Mouse credit out of the way, but it broke down as I got to the stairs up to the station and was cycling empty cars for a good chunk of the day.   GateKeeper then went down for a protein spill, all that took until 11 between trying to wait out the Wild Mouse fix and finding GateKeeper down.   All the coasters except (plot twist) Maverick, Millennium Force, Valravn, Blue Streak, Corkscrew and Raptor went down at least once on day 1, Gemini and Wild Mouse having the hardest time staying open early.  CCMR didn't appear to open until noon.   I did get every coaster sans the Camp Snoopy duo in on day 1 including my first front seat rides on Maverick and Steel Vengeance.  Had BBQ wings by Magnum for lunch which were great.  I also had a snafu with my drink plan that GS said it was allegedly because I bought said drink plan at Kings Island (despite the rest of the plans working perfectly).  KI did get back to me via email that it should work, so it must've been a computer issue or something that going to GS at CP and KI probably fixed between the 2.  Drink plan worked fine on day 2, but I will be going to KI before my next trip to test my pass before using it at KD and DP in a few weeks.   Ended day 1 with a great Millennium Force night ride. 

Day 2 started with a bit of a shock.  Slept in and didn't get to Sandusky until just before 11, and the traffic was backed up to DQ on the causeway.  I was fearing the park was having a full capacity day as it was the first day of summer.  Turned out to be a water main break that dropped the causeway to go 1 lane right before the parking booths.  Got light crowds (for CP at least) both days.  Stayed more to the more popular coasters and did SRF, Skyhawk, and Cedar Downs in as well.   Rode the train a lot both days to take a break from coasters.  Probably got 3 full laps in on it.  Weather was great both days with a nice breeze coming off the lake, enough to keep WindSeeker down day 1 and Sky Ride down both days.  No coasters went down for wind.   

Did check out the footers for the TTD overhaul, and judging by the size, those initial footers aren't for this alleged 200-500 foot spike, but maybe for the track ascending up to the spike.  It looks like unless there's either a change to the station location or an extremely sharp pull out, Iron Dragon's proximity will be interesting to see how they get around it (hopefully without taking it down, its among my favorite of the more medium/smaller coasters there, great at dusk IMO).   Staff was mostly decent for what CP should have sans one op howling on the Rougarou mic and a Magnum op on the mic talking incoherently fast for the sake of talking fast.  Did get props from staff and a few enthusiasts I met through the day for the Banshee first rider shirt I wore.  There was an enthusiast from Maryland I ran in to several times, we had some good talks, and he gave me a bit more info to go on for the PA part of my next trip.  Was happy to hear that RMC Wildcat got its kinks out pretty quick apart from the normal first season set backs.  

Wild Mouse review- CP probably has the best mouse operations out of the CF parks I've been to with a mouse, probably having to do with it being new and mostly because they were moving faster than others.  I suspect that won't last more than another season.  The new boardwalk looks great, ate at the Pavillion and had the turkey day 2, which, with all that beach front property, why hasn't CP built a building like that where it is sooner?  Anyways, CP's Mouse is in the upper half of the wild mice I've ridden.  Among spinning coasters, its the one I like the least.  Exterminator, despite its mad spinning, has better theming, Steel Dragon at Waldameer has a more dynamic layout with better drops, and Laff Track is Steel Dragon's layout with theming I prefer to Exterminator and LT and SD don't spin as harshly as Exterminator.   CP's is a nice change of pace within the line up and looks really nice.  

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Part 3- Waldameer

So this wasn't exactly my best idea.  I tried to pull a @malem and drive to Erie from Port Clinton (nearly 6 hours round trip).  Since its unlikely I will be staying at Port Clinton again for a CP trip, especially because next time I plan to explore Cleveland, this won't be an issue if I want to do Waldameer on the same trip.  The drive wasn't too bad except for a bit of construction at the OH/PA border.   Day started with overcast, but right as I rolled into Erie PA, it cleared up to nice blue skies with some clouds.  I did the water park this time around.  Unfortunately, I couldn't do the water coaster as they don't pair up single riders and most of the ridership was a bit young for me to ask to ride with if you catch my drift.  Still had a decent time there anyway.  The mat racer was probably my favorite slide I did.  The others are pretty fun as well, and spent a while in the wave pool and lazy river.  Knocked it out in about 90 minutes.  Did it quick because that long drive made me super hungry, which, Sara's diner right down the road instantly fixed.  I HIGHLY recommend eating there if you go to Waldameer.  The park is free parking and enter, so there's no reentry shenanigans.  The burgers there are good enough to not need condiments.  The place smells great, has a nice retro look, milkshakes are top notch, and you're a short hop from the lake.  That area is really nice, I vastly prefer the lake via Erie than Ohio.  Ravine Flyer II was running great.  Had to get a few rides to pick out the rough patches, which there weren't a lot off, but once I got used to them, I greatly enjoyed it.  More than made up for Shivering Timbers' disappointment.  Rode Comet, Steel Dragon, the flume, and a few other flats as well.   Got 7 laps in on Flyer.  Started walk on early, but crowds picked up after 2 which gave it a pretty good wait with 1 train ops, even if the line was only down the main ramp up to the station.  I found it easier to brace towards the front and middle.   The back was a little too wild for me.  Its also incredibly loud to ride on.  Left just before 6 so I could rest up for my trip back to Cincy. 

Overall a decent trip.  Got a little bit to take it easy before the 2nd bigger trip.  

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I do keep a coaster ranking of sorts, and this trip shook things up a bit.   

For MIA- Shivering Timbers plummeted nearly out of my top 20 woodies from just short of the top 10 for me with its dire need of TLC, Wolverine Wildcat went up a bit, and Thunderhawk surprised me with being decent and it went up a little bit.

For CP- Wild Mouse is my 2nd WM favorite behind Hershey's, though its my least favorite spinning coaster, Valravn raised a bit, Rougarou dropped a hair, and Raptor went up a bit.

Steel Vengeance still reigns supreme as my favorite steel coaster.  I also found I prefer Millennium Force over Orion, I think MF is closer to Fury's style than Orion and it had decent forces both days I was there, even if it wasn't that hot out (would love to ride MF above 85 degrees).  I think coasters going above 85 mph or so should do more things that let you enjoy those speeds for longer periods than Orion's more hyper coaster focused style.  Fury 325 balances those low to the ground high speed moments with the bigger elements with air time perfectly.

Ravine Flyer II went up a little bit.  

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So apparently, my quest for 150 coasters might be cut short.  Apparently, all the Premier Sky Rocket IIs are down and Tempesto at BGW is one.  :( 

And I won't be making it up with any kids coasters.  

Or....I could check Stricker's Grove's schedule...

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30 minutes ago, silver2005 said:

So apparently, my quest for 150 coasters might be cut short.  Apparently, all the Premier Sky Rocket IIs are down and Tempesto at BGW is one.  :( 

And I won't be making it up with any kids coasters.  

Or....I could check Stricker's Grove's schedule...

Stricker's is open to the public July 4th!

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This was the best Kentucky Kingdom visit I've had yet.   Got light crowds for the most part, the crowds that did show all went to the water park, staff was on their A game, and the park was running extremely smoothly.  I am impressed by the job Herschend has done to improve the park.  The slower day made it great to take it easy, and I did get some decent riding in.   The back of the park was so dead that I managed to get Flyer, TR and Storm Chaser all with zen rides, even in the middle of the day.  

Thunder Run (which is running excellent)- 5

Lightning Run- 2

Storm Chaser- 4

Kentucky Flyer-2

Also rode Sky Catcher and the raft ride.  Didn't quite feel like a lot of flats nor getting drenched on Mile High.  Had a decent nacho bowl near T3 and the cinnamon bread to end the day, which I rather liked (not as good as in Pigeon Forge, but for coming out of KK, I'll certainly take it).  Of the smaller parks I've been to, Kentucky Kingdom has been the best of them (better experience than MIA and Waldameer). 

I expect a certain park in Elysburg to have a say in that. ;) 

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I got some decent hotels for my next trip. 

For Williamsburg, I'm staying within walking distance of Colonial Williamsburg, I'm 10 minutes from BGW, and have a LOT of breakfast options.   Also an hour from Doswell and Virginia Beach. 

For PA, I'm staying roughly where I stayed last time, just not at the hotel which charges you for every little thing.  Also lost of breakfast options including a 50s diner, I'm 10 minutes from Dorney, an hour from Hershey,  an hour to Philly, and 90 minutes to Knoebels.  

I'm watching weather carefully.  I've been waiting to get my BGW ticket just to see how the weather pans out as I'm giving the better weather day to BGW.  All the days I'm in VA look to have equal but low-ish chances of rain, so we'll see.  

Also looking for good restaurants in Williamsburg and Philly.  Bringing masks for Philly as well. 

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Making a change of days.  Sunday looks slightly better in weather, so I'll be moving BGW to Sunday and KD to Monday, so BGW will be the sight of my 100th steel coaster.  I'm at a 3 way decision between Apollo's Chariot, Alpengeist, and Loch Ness Monster for that. 

I also lucked out in waiting to get my BGW ticket, they're having a 4th of July sale.  Getting in for $70.

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Went to Kings Island today.  Got a decent day of riding in including my first go arounds on Sol Spin and Cargo Loco.  I didn't realize Sol Spin went fully vertical.  I might ride it every once in a while, but it feels like it can trend to being a bit on the intense side for me.  I definitely prefer Huss Enterprises.  I got stuck with malem for Cargo Loco and got an Exterminator-esque spinning session.  Assuming I don't get that again, I can learn to like it.  I will say though, Sol Spin deserves a more flamboyant lighting package. 

That's not all though.

So, with the whole schtick with Tempesto likely being down when I venture to Busch Gardens Williamsburg on Sunday, I decided to make up for it today.  I ventured to Stricker's Grove for the first time.   The trip was basically do Bear and Tornado and go back to KI.  Its turned out a bit different than I thought.  I've driven by it a lot and didn't think much of it.   I didn't expect so many other buildings there.  Its a nice little getaway park.  I probably won't ever go back except maybe to take a chill day or something when its open, but its pretty nice for what it is.  Frankly, I wish Coney Island was done in that same style on the dry park, though, I definitely know why it likely can't be that way.   

Teddy Bear wasn't anything too special, a scaled down version of Woodstock, which, I actually liked a tad better.   Its always nice to encounter a woodie gifted with buzz bars and no seat belts.  Tornado impressed me a bit.  Runs real smooth, has decent air, also with buzz bars but with seat belts (not an issue really), and a few hills were profiled in a way with a little bit of ejector air, always welcome with PTC buzz bars (which, I get launched to the moon next week a la Phoenix at Knoebels B) ).  

I am now back on schedule to hit 150 coasters at HP.  If, by a miracle, Tempesto opens and all goes well, 150 will actually take place at Kings Dominion.  If HP, it will likely be RMC Wildcat.  If KD, I'm actually going to hold off on saying which because I've have a unique choice for 150 if it happens in Doswell.  

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So glad you got to venture out to Stickers Grove! Technically, seeing as I live in Harrison, OH it would be considered my home park but I have always given that title to Kings Island seeing as stickers isn't open very often. Teddy Bear as you said is a classic (literally an ACE Coaster Classic) but isn't that great. Tornado is where the money is at. I really enjoy that one for a figure 8 style woodie. Also, stickers electric Rainbow and pirate ship rides came from LeSourdsville Lake so it's kinda cool that they have lived on at stickers. I also think that strikers has a nice miniature railroad seeing as it has nice views of the river and the tunnel under the entrance road. Stickers is about closest thing I can get to Knoebles without driving 8hrs away...

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46 minutes ago, johnjniehaus said:

So glad you got to venture out to Stickers Grove! Technically, seeing as I live in Harrison, OH it would be considered my home park but I have always given that title to Kings Island seeing as stickers isn't open very often. Teddy Bear as you said is a classic (literally an ACE Coaster Classic) but isn't that great. Tornado is where the money is at. I really enjoy that one for a figure 8 style woodie. Also, stickers electric Rainbow and pirate ship rides came from LeSourdsville Lake so it's kinda cool that they have lived on at stickers. I also think that strikers has a nice miniature railroad seeing as it has nice views of the river and the tunnel under the entrance road. Stickers is about closest thing I can get to Knoebles without driving 8hrs away...

Knoebels is everything you wish Stricker's or Coney Island could be.  They do the ride tickets and all day wrist bands like Stricker's with a fantastic classic ride line up, which, has a Zierer Eurofighter-esque coaster that does kind of stick out like a sore thumb (but still fun).  Phoenix and Twister are incredible wooden coasters which they take care of very well. Twister is currently my favorite wooden coaster and Phoenix has THE best air time of any coaster I've ridden (better than El Toro and trimless Voyage IMO).  Very good food, too, usually in the running for best theme park food on various polls.  The drive to Elysburg is also part of the charm, its a pretty mountainous area of Pennsylvania.  I'm saving it for last on my trip as kind of a wind down park and its also among my favorite parks.   Its a bit out of the way, but totally worth it.  

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26 minutes ago, silver2005 said:

The drive to Elysburg is also part of the charm, its a pretty mountainous area of Pennsylvania.  I'm saving it for last on my trip as kind of a wind down park and its also among my favorite parks.   Its a bit out of the way, but totally worth it.  

Absolutely! I hope to get out there in Aug. Maybe by then they will have the Bayne Kurve running. Have you checked the park website recently? Earlier this week, quite a few rides were listed as closed... 

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