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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/2013 in all areas

  1. Photo #3 - Outer Limits Flight of Fear Construction 1996
    13 points
  2. Photo #2 - Flight Commander 1990-1995
    5 points
  3. I also wish they'd use revamp all they land around the train ride. They have all those buildings/props that used to be used, but now it's all just kind of sitting there. I'd like to see that whole thing revamped and rethemed. It made for an awesome train ride experience!
    4 points
  4. I'd consider The Crypt's space unused. Opening it up for 1 month as a "Haunt" attraction and letting it sit from April-September as basically nothing makes it unused space in my book. Screw the Haunt attraction, let's turn it into something cool that could be open all season long!
    4 points
  5. And TA is gone!!! **EDIT** Sorry, came of KI's Facebook page.
    4 points
  6. It's 2013 and just under four more months until Kings Island opens its gates. For the 3rd year, each day I will try my best to post a "vintage" Kings Island photo from my massive collection of photos I've saved and came across over the years. Most of the photo's I will be posting are not my personal photos and I do not claim them to be mine. If anyone has a problem with a certain photo they wish not to be posted or anything else feel free to "Personal Message" me on KIC rather then posting in the topic. If you have photos of your own you'd like to contribute feel free to "Personal Message" me or simply add to the topic discussion. And try not to quote photo's that are directly above your post, its annoying. Past Topics: Flashback Till Opening Day 2012 http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/24872-flashback-till-opening-day/?p=448460 Flashback Till Opening Day 2011 http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/23316-flashback-till-opening/?p=414128 Photo #1 will be posted later "today" its 4am lol
    3 points
  7. ^ I wouldn't mess with Timberwolf. The Singing Spirts will get you!
    3 points
  8. Looks fine But I'm all for themed signage.
    3 points
  9. During Haunt days, i would go into the park as a guest and scare the people in one of the coaster lines by telling them that the Haunt monsters are known for taking people from the ride lines and eatting the brains of the guests they take. Some fell for it. It was funny saying that to a bunch of teen girls and then seeing the same girls go though my Haunt that same night. They didn't know who i was because of my makeup. But when i said i'm going to eat your brains, they ran like mad. Lol. That's bad i know. Lol.
    3 points
  10. 3 points
  11. Fair enough. Whenever one is on sound footing, I have no objections.
    2 points
  12. I themed sign would be terrible marketing as it gives the appearance that the ride is closed often (even if it is true).
    2 points
  13. The space that was formerly occupied by The Crypt attraction is not empty or un-used and I see no reason to consider it that. The roller coaster that once stood proudly at Kings Island, Son of Beast's station is being used for the purpose of frightening people in October and yes at the moment, The former land that Thunder Alley was sitting on is empty besides the placement of construction equipment and garbage (Concrete). WindSeeker is a used thrill ride at Kings Island that I very highly believe will probably operate at KI in 2013. Also Welcome to KIC!!
    2 points
  14. For short, temporary closures, yes. But not typically when a ride is closed for the day.
    2 points
  15. But your leg will not fall of while walking. A wheel falling off is concerning as it has to be one of the easiest items to check during a routine inspection. Now if that check is once/ month, the checks need to be increased; if the check is once/ day, was the check performed, or just "signed off". There are MANY scenarios that need investigated. I hope it is something easy, and not a case of incompetency.
    2 points
  16. Indeed. Elaborate signs imply that closures happen so often that the park went to a great deal of trouble and expense to prepare ornate customized closure signs.
    2 points
  17. The rugged sign is to define that area of the park as the old rides. Classics that have made it though the worst. They are the rides that remain as many other rides have changed/ been removed though out the years. The Yin and Yang is for the fact that if their was no blue racer running it would be unbalanced. They need each other to make it a race. One could also argue that more people will ride it if the two are racing. A classic amusement park (which Coney Mall was meant to resemble) doesn't strike me as rugged and old.
    2 points
  18. Trash cans at queue entrances can make it confusing from a distance as to whether a ride is open or closed. Using them for purposes other than the collection of trash (i.e. to close a ride or as theming) is tacky. Any sort of sign indicating that the attraction is temporarily is better. Ride closure signs should be seen rarely by guests, so elaborate designs based on the specific ride/area are overkill. Unless the ride is a WindSeeker.
    2 points
  19. During Halloween Haunt, when Time Warp from RHPS would come on, I'd do the dance that goes along with it. I really enjoy tormenting the boyfriend in public
    2 points
  20. Kings Island will open its gates for its 42nd season in 2013. He did say he was posting this at 4am....
    2 points
  21. Kings Island will open its gates for its 42nd season in 2013.
    2 points
  22. I pout when my wife and kids are ready to leave KI for the day,apparently im the one with issues.
    2 points
  23. I used to ride Racer backwards. I was such a "Rebel" that I would "Yell" Terrible pun...
    2 points
  24. Not specifically at Kings Island, but because of Kings Island... Ever since the Paramount Rides were given their new names (i.e.- Drop Tower, Backlot, Flight Deck) I have an extremely difficult time calling The Italian Job (movie) by its real name. 9 times out of 10 I end up saying, 'I really want to watch Backlot, I love that movie.'
    2 points
  25. So glad to see this thread appear once more! It always takes the edge off getting through the off season!
    1 point
  26. I simply can't drive by the park without looking at the Eiffel Tower. I tried once, and was completely surprised to see the Tennis Stadium!
    1 point
  27. Have A-frame signs like at CP.
    1 point
  28. Not as strict as Newton's third law is on bumper cars.
    1 point
  29. I migrated north for the winter and started yet another career with my longstanding employer. Between locating housing, learning another way of doing business and a whole host of new colleagues, and plotting summer expeditions to amusing places, this is a thrilling winter for me. Terp, who got his very own version of a sort of learner's permit today (always tell the truth, it will amaze your friends and astound your enemies).
    1 point
  30. Why cant we life in a world were their is apropriate speling and gramar used?
    1 point
  31. Well now you have.... 3 Original SOB trains 3 Villain Trains 1 Raging Wolf Bob Train (formerly on Legend at Holiday World) 2 Red & Blue SOB trains (formerly on Hurricane in Myrtle Beach) and 1 Monster (from Canada's Wonderland) https://maps.google.com/maps?q=kings+island+ohio&hl=en&ll=39.341635,-84.25907&spn=0.000557,0.000603&sll=40.365277,-82.669252&sspn=6.352341,9.876709&t=h&hq=kings+island+ohio&z=21
    1 point
  32. It's not how much you would do his job for, but rather what would your effort be worth, and according to whom. There have been those who had a country club board that rewarded them handsomely almost without regard to performance, while the Chair/CEO handpicked the members of the board. This is complicated even more when unitholders were getting large distributions from a limited partnership where they had very little say. Only crushing debt and activist unitholders put an end to that particular scenario, and even then that was largely a consequence of an aborted attempt to sell out the pesky unitholders for a veritable song (Three Coins In The Fountain, I think it was).
    1 point
  33. Man, you know me and my crime rate-Cedar Point conspiracy theories...
    1 point
  34. Don, What's your favorite Ryan Suhr memory?
    1 point
  35. In this case, I can see why each question that Don answers gets its own, separate reply. Multiple quotes, especially the way the new forum works, could quickly get messy. One should be honored that Don is answering, rather than quibble about how.
    1 point
  36. Are you being sarcastic, or have you not seen posts, and videos about Coasting for Kids? Coasting for Kids 2011! Coasting for Kids 2012!
    1 point
  37. No, because I don't have that kind of dough and my backyard isn't big enough to build a ride like that.
    1 point
  38. My wife. We recently celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary.
    1 point
  39. I love it more today than yesterday. But not as much as tomorrow.
    1 point
  40. Flying Eagles. It was a favorite of mine going back to when it was at Coney Island. I have a lot of memories riding that ride with my parents, brother and sister when I was growing up. It was so much fun!
    1 point
  41. Not to mention, and I'll say it, Roller Soaker really wasn't much fun. At all. Without the water effects, it was nearly as thrilling as what is now situate in Kings Island's former Paramount Story. Almost.
    1 point
  42. My question would be: "On average, how many times do you roll your eyes a day while reading the KI Central forum?"
    1 point
  43. Something tells me you should avoid having a conversation with sheikra_rocks...
    1 point
  44. I would ask Don if he would put a word in about bringing a Pinks hotdogs to KI, Ever since i had my first one at CP hotdogs have never been the same!
    1 point
  45. Maybe Im wrong here, but when we were at the company headquarters for the showing of the prototype I swear I recall an employee of Gravity Group saying that the original Timberliner train was designed FOR Voyage using Voyage as a design model!! If that is indeed the case, Im waiting for a valid explanation as to how the design doesn't work for the ride. I am in no way intending this as a dig towards you, Joncars05, just wanting some believable explanations.
    1 point
  46. I sit on the handrails sometimes.
    1 point
  47. I stopped looking at the Kings Island FB page long ago. Got a few IQ points back that day.
    1 point
  48. From CP's page. This stuff can't be made up: And another: Same person commented later: This is a PRIME example of why I could not work in CS.
    1 point
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