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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2013 in all areas
6 points
http://www.visitkingsisland.com/events/things-to-do/special-events/Coasting-for-Kids-4-4-12-39 "a day filled with riding Diamondback (8:00am - 9:15am) and The Racer (10:00am - 5:00pm) over and over again, plus an early morning ride on The Beast"5 points
(Thought I already posted in this thread... Apparently not, since 90% of its posts are from before I joined.) September 2008. That was a couple months after I joined KIExtreme, which, for me, is now a mausoleum of my most embarrassing posts ever. (I used the word "n00b," complete with both zeroes, so, so many times... So embarrassing, haha. I'm sure a couple posts of mine were SH0Xing--right, ahank? ) I will say this much for KIC: even though I was never around for PKIU, etc., which many of you seem to consider the glory days of the site, this place has more or less consistently remained one of the best park/coaster fansites around. It's had its rough moments, but it always seems to work out in the end. There aren't unreasonable forum rules, disrespect for the park and its rules, or an epidemic of know-it-all attitudes like several sites I could mention. Trust me, I've shopped around to see what's out there. (TL;DR: GROUP HUG.)4 points
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3 points
That, is the most disgusting, laughably elementary piece of crap flyer Ive ever seen. My Respect for that organization is dwindling to the level of respect I had for kinzel (not Capitalized for a reason) era Cedar Fair, and for ME to say that is saying a LOT. I, like Terpy, feel incredibly sorry for Pat Koch in this whole debacle. She is a Fine, Class A Lady who doesn't deserve to be involved in this3 points
Hahaha, that was me! Oops! I was not feeling good what so ever and I kept trying different ways to type: coasteraddedtoKIin2009, coasteraddedtokiin2009, etc. lol. Anyway, thanks for sharing!3 points
Just ride Drop Tower and Congo Falls in a loop...you won't miss a thing.3 points
For your listening pleasure, I have uploaded some videos that I made with the music from a vinyl record featuring Kings Island's very own Wurlitzer #157 Carousel Organ. You may recognize this as the organ that currently sits (but does not operate) upon the Grand Carousel near the Eiffel Tower. As of writing this, the videos are not quite uploaded yet, so you may have to wait 15-20 minutes before they will become available. But at any rate, you may find the videos here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qkj4F8fnLE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGO7D9rNPcc2 points
Wow! Talk about bringing back an old topic from the past, Gabe! Its hard to believe that this site has been around for so long! And that I have been a staff member for eight years now! I first became a staff member right before WinterFest in 2005 after taking some pictures of the set up for Winterfest in October of 2005. The site has allowed me to build many friendships over the years, and has allowed me many unique and special opportunities at Kings Island over the years!2 points
They disabled the ability for others to post on their page. I'm not sure whether this is a good move or a bad move.2 points
2009. That was the year I really got into roller coasters (thanks to Diamondback), so I joined here to talk about it.2 points
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I drove past the park today, and from KI Drive the only remaining part of the water tower were the 4 legs.2 points
I truly feel terrible for Pat Koch. This is a truly sad ending for such a wonderful family and family park. It's clear that money is more important than family to at least part of this family, and the courts end up having to value relationships. I don't think peaceful resolution is coming any time soon. It has to be awkward to work close to the family, too. This whole situation is sad.2 points
I'm sorry, but how petty can she get? Truly, truly sad. Pathetic, even. And then to call it a Koch Family Production. Wow.2 points
^Unless there's several of us that decide to coast up that way... Thankfully we still have a while to decide!2 points
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This ride (drop of doom) was so unexpectedly amazing! It ended up being one of my favorite rides at the park.1 point
If it counts for anything, in my own experiences in riding Diamondback ( which is A LOT just like most of you because I practically was obsessed with ride counting there for awhile since the day it opened ) the only vibrations I seemed to notice were only when I rode the brown train. For some reason it just seems like the brown train is just really shakey compared to the red and green trains. Anyone else notice this? Everyone I have ever ridden Diamondback's brown train with has noticed this too so I know I'm not losing my mind but I was just wondering if anyone else here noticed it too.1 point
I think the path should end where Flight Deck's plaza begins. Having a path spitting out visitors right at the ride's entrance couldn't hurt.1 point
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While we are on the topic of upcoming attractions, TG93 talked to me the other day about a new expansion opportunity now that Thunder Ally is gone. Check it out, Coneys walkway could actually be expanded into Action Zone, thus eliminating the dead end status of the zone. It just squeezes by Sling Shot. The only thing that would need to be changed is the entry and exit for Adventure Express (which couldn't hurt, the ride needs some love and I think a better entrance may help its popularity. Plus, with the rumors about a Action Zone expansion, and the talk on this site of it maybe taking over Oktoberfest, it makes sense to re-profile AEs entry for a more modern touch if AZ does expand into the area. What do you think, I just think it is crazy how the path expands perfectly into the lonely back area or AZ.1 point
glock703's new. I figured he deserved a brake today. Or was making witty cracks about B&M coasters (see also Bavarian Beetle, the poster, not the coaster!) Edit: kblanken even beat me to it!1 point
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I found it on ebay, after the auction was posted in a thread on this forum about ebay items. On another note, despite having owned the album for around a month, I just realized that the last song, "On the Beautiful Blue Danube" is, in fact, the same piece played by the carousels in the original Roller Coaster Tycoon.1 point
I have heard a lot of park guests talk about Outer Hanks as their favorite food joint in the park. I'd love to see a photo of it in the wintertime! I wonder how it looks right now!1 point
Anyone want to take a crack at interpreting Terpy's use of the word "plane" instead of "plain"? Calling KIC's aerial photographer...1 point
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Maybe it is just a diversion... Tired of that word yet? I know I am.1 point
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The same thing happens on all the other Cedar Fair sites. Thrills Connect!1 point
I hope they rip it out and put a large area of trees and grass in the center of the walkway.1 point
Hmm, what else did they do in 2009 other than Diamondback... Oh yeah, they remodeled Rivertown.1 point
Photo #23 - Flying Dutchman I wonder if it would be a "good" marketing strategy to "bring back the classics" in lets say bringing Flying Dutchman back from Kentucky Kingdom and Flying Eagles back from Carowinds.1 point
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Photo #20 - KI&MVRR - Theming KI needs to see if its practical in moving Cedar Point's "Paddle Wheel Excursion" themeing pieces to KI.1 point
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Photo #19 - International Street - Your first glimpse of the park - 1970's1 point
The road on the far left is the access road that was between the lift hill and the hills after the drop out of the station To the right of the road on the far right was where the first drop and loop were. The dirt at the bottom of the photo is were the helix after the loop used to be. Cant wait to see this area maybe 5 years from now.1 point
Attempting proper grammar shows class & respect for those who read it. Blatantly disregarding grammar is a sign of laziness.1 point
I guess Paddlewheel Excursions isn't coming to Kings Island at this time. Darn.1 point
1 point
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