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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/2013 in all areas
11 points
8 points
Kinda starting to be a little concerned for Paul. I hope he is ok! In the mean time, here is another pic I met the former employee who helped construct this piece. The reliefs were sculpted in clay and cast in fiberglass by this individual while the sign department assembled and painted the final product. Enjoy! ~Josh7 points
4 points
Nice photos Josh...i'll add one that I don't think i've ever posted: Perry Meek, the main guy in the photo now designs outfits for Lady Gaga: http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/from-hindley-street-to-dressing-gaga/story-e6frea6u-1226095969220 KI "Wall Of Fame" here he comes. Where is Paul? (Hopefully somewhere having fun!)4 points
And as for Greased Lightning, Mr. Hart does not include it in his plans to reopen. He has stated the coaster is beyond repair.4 points
We're in the depths of the offseason now, ladies and gentlemen(or ladycoasters and gentlecoasters, I guess).4 points
Maybe it's just me, but other members' posts like UncleHenry have really gotten on my nerves lately. Too many people are using their seniority as an excuse to bash on the community, and that's what I take issue with.4 points
3 points
3 points
I am not sure she appreciates being flaunted as your avatar though.... Totally J/K!3 points
My god. You guys are acting like I posted a tasteless photo of a dead cat or something. It was just a JOKE. Ridiculous.3 points
Me and Voyage first met in 2006. It was love at first sight. As I turned the corner on the highway and I saw fresh wood and her flags waving in the wind. It was a glorious sight. Sooner rather than later, Voyage welcomed me in and I got the chance to penetrate her queue and anxiously wait my turn. But oohhh was it worth the wait! It was a quick ride up to the top, and once that train whipped over the first it was such a rush of adrinaline. I've had rode a lot of woodies in my day, yet on that day I immeadiately knew that I could never be satisfied by any other woodie other than her. Voyage without a doubt has a special place in my heart. She had a really nice Timberliner dress in her closet last time I was over to visit her. It still had the tag on it and everything! Man, I bet she wood look great in that dress.3 points
I agree. This forum does have a tendency to take things much to seriously. People need to learn how to take things in strides. Especially on the Internet. It makes everyone happy campers. Now with this being said, is there times that a line can be crossed? Yes absolutely. But most of the time, that just isn't the case.3 points
I'm not even going to make a comment about objectivism, sex and Top Thrill Dragster/Kingda Ka. Oops. (Appearances are not necessarily deceiving).3 points
2 points
I think I get the most out of riding with complete strangers, because were all there to have fun so why not ride with people you don't know and meet new people? In my opinion its just pretty cool to get to ride with unknown park guests and step out of your comfort zone a little bit.2 points
I've tried out the test seat on Millennium Force and was fine. Then, when it got on the train, the lap belt didn't fit. Talk about inconsistent!2 points
From working at the park, Greezed Lighting had the most downtime than any other ride in the park. Sometimes it would be out of service for a week or two.2 points
We really don't know if the park is not being consistent.The easiest: we really do not know if the person in question is being honest about being on the ride before. I know that parks I visit often during the year the ride ops get to know me by face. Given this person's unfortunate condition, he would be even more recognizable. I have no way of understanding his frustration given how capable he is, but to be consistent, certain criteria needs to be met. He does not. This is an issue that will never go away. Ride manufacturers cannot design rides for every handicap and still ma I wish they could With me, there was no consistancy. One time I can ride Delerium, next time not. Another visit I can, yet another, I am told no. Delirium is a tricky ride. If you are tall or have wide shoulders, the restraint might not go down far enough for the computer to register it as locked. Hope this piece of information helped.2 points
2 points
^To clarify, the Fair Board didn't take Chang away. Six Flags did. What they left, they felt wasn't worth their time or money. Take that for what it's worth.2 points
Metro Council approves city incentives for reopening Kentucky Kingdom http://www.courier-journal.com/article/20130214/NEWS01/302140094/Metro-Council-approves-city-incentives-reopening-Kentucky-Kingdom2 points
2 points
No words can express how weird some people in the world are. Is "objectum sexuality" even real?!2 points
2 points
Hey now... let's keep this clean! There are young'uns on here, you know!2 points
2 points
The park has zero control what ride manufacturers determine to be a "safe" rider. If a manufacturer spec changes, the park has to as well. Unfortunately, different ride ops see things differently. I suggest a visit to guest services so that it cannot be misunderstood.1 point
We encounter this or something similar probably once or twice a year. A teenage ride operator finally works up the courage to deliver the bad news that a person's preexisting condition goes against the park's safety rules and maybe even the manufacturer's requirements, so the person raises a fuss and insists that they've ridden it before and that they're perfectly capable and they feel violated and hurt by any assumption to the contrary. My thing is, if I had even a slight condition that seemed more or less harmless in terms of theme park safety (maybe, a prosthetic foot or a recent oral surgery) my very first stop at the beginning of the day would be Guest Services, where I'd ask to speak with someone knowledgable about such things to know what I can and cannot ride. Granted, it's worse in the cases where people missing entire legs claim they're treated unfairly after they wait in line for Millennium Force for three hours without bothering to ask anyone or even read the informational signs at the entrance. But still, what could it hurt to start your day at Guest Services and ask what limits they impose in terms of ride requirements? Parks have to protect themselves from liability and as this man clearly demonstrates, we live in a sue-happy society. He'd sue if he got on and couldn't brace himself and something happened, and he's suing since she couldn't get on.1 point
^Your argument makes sense...to a point. I'm not sure what the rules are on water slides, but for most of the rides at Kings Island you must have one full arm, and one full leg. If you don't have any legs, you can't ride. If you have no arms, you can't ride. There is not much the park can do about these rules, since they're the ride manufacturers policy and they have to abide by them. Sometimes people HAVE to be excluded, that's just how the world works, whether you like it or not. Is it fair the person without any arms can't ride? Sure it isn't, is it needed? Yes, for their own safety. Think about this one here. Although, like I said, I don't know the rules on slides, does it REALLY make sense to ride a slide without hands? That's a liability issue, that the park obviously doesn't want to face. It is sad that the park operators let them on in the past (IF that is true), and that is something I'd be upset for, but the man should understand that it is needed. Edit: Just found out, Aqua-man splashdown is not a water slide, but is in fact a ride. Sorry.1 point
Stupid, really? Heres a man whos been to the park dozen of times and probably been on that ride a dozen times, now all of sudden out of the blue he can't ride it because he doesn't have hands? If you're going to exclude someone without hands, then enforce a rule where riders with hands need to hang on to the restraint throughout the entire ride and if they don't, kick them out of the park.1 point
1 point
...to be fair, much the same could be said for Holiday World or Michigan's Adventure, for that matter.1 point
More ideas - happening in Bowling Green, Ohio this weekend. Some pretty cool stuff! http://www.northwestohio.com/news/story.aspx?id=861006#.UR4NdqXWgs41 point
1 point
1 point
Admission Details are now at the original link. All you need is a form of admission and a coaster club card. Tickets will be available at the gate and there is NO preregistration.1 point
The live show venue featured Kenny Rodgers & the First Edition and The Climax Blues Band when the park held their first grad night. I was able to talk with Kenny Rodgers in the back area for several minutes and got his autograph. Kenny was very nice and was very down to earth.1 point
There's so much damage on all the rides, the water rides especially, because the freaking KY Fair Board didn't know how to properly mantain a theme park and tend to the attractions. It's going to cost these guys a whoolllee lotta money to get everything working properly. The most disappointing part though? They took Chang away >.< It was the biggest coaster there, and man, it was a blast! I only live like 45 minutes from Louisville, and I have family that I visit often that live there, so I've sort of seen everything progress. The good part is, Greased Lightning is still standing!1 point
This thread also reminds me of the woman on the slingshot ride. Please, no one post that.1 point
1 point
When it comes to rides that give that type of thrills, soaring with the eagles' flight was my cup of tea. Too bad they migrated down Carolina way.1 point
Why would they leave after dumping a great amount of money into the park? Ask VIACOM .1 point
I just wish I could have seen you and RoTag on Voyage together. I heard that was pretty epic!1 point
1 point
I couldn't find a topic just about Action Zone so this is what we have now.1 point
But if the original topic is about a diversion then what? Inception?1 point
1 point
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