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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/28/2013 in all areas

  1. Yes, definitely give the impression you will not steal. If you walk in with pantyhose on your head and scream "hands up!", you may not get the job.
    6 points
  2. I can see it now: "1 ride of Flight of Fear: $5." What an awful idea at a park so large, truly awful. This would cause even greater outcry and corporate greed. Nothing compared to a Fast Lane system.
    4 points
  3. Disney should be required to pay $4,000.00 each time anyone has to listen to "It's A Small World."
    4 points
  4. I'm in the wrong business. http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2013/03/26/six-flags-ceo-hoists-massive-2012-payday/2022559/
    2 points
  5. I'll be there opening day. I never used to like going on opening day because of the large crowds, but it's been fun doing these videos, so I'll be there for sure! It was cool to see these photos and get an idea of what we can expect to see next month.
    2 points
  6. Thank you. I'm surprised more people don't bring up the Six Flags system. Comparing Fast Lane to Disney is irrelevant, apples to oranges. Larger corporation with more capital who takes time to invest in doing things right the first time compared to regional company that changes on the fly. Fast Lane isn't an issue, it's here to stay and won't be gone anytime soon. Not to mention, the park had a perk like this before. It's not "unfair," it's a tiered experience like the ones found at nearly any other entertainment venue. The problem with Fast Lane is not its concept, but its execution. The system is operated horribly and sub par compared to industry standards. It's sad when Six Flags is doing something better than you. Wrist bands, unlimited rides and their lax policy on "capping" sales to keep impact down are all part of the problem. Then again, why cap Fast Lane purchases when you can just say you do while spending very little to operate a system you're immensely profiting on? One of the biggest dissappointments with Matt Ouimet is that he allows a system such as Fast Lane in its current state to exist. It could be operated so much better while delivering better value to those who purchase it and those who chose not to.
    2 points
  7. Don't forget to let us know how it goes! Questions I've been asked at park interviews (I've worked for 3 of them, including KI) have always included why you want to work at that park. Be honest about this one - I told an interviewer that I wanted to work at KI because I spend so much time there I might as well get paid for it! He said that was the best answer he'd heard all day, and in the end I got the job.
    2 points
  8. Although not said by a ride op, or a worker for that matter, my uncle insisted that Drop Zone is 500ft tall. I had to ask the worker in front of him to prove him wrong. He shrugged him off because he was "a kid". Made for a good laugh though!
    2 points
  9. Don @KingsIslandPR posted a photo the walls will feature a timeline of Reds events.
    2 points
  10. Would people rather have the parks continue to increase the price of season passes or have season passes that include greater perks at a greater price? Would people rather have the park raise the admission prices and do away with coupons as the means of raising revenues? Would people rather have the park introduce higher quality food at much higher prices than regular park food? If you were increase the price of admissions to higher levels, it would effect attendance levels as people would find other venues to spend their hard earned money. You can only increase the price of admission so much without anything to show for the increase like newer and more extreme rides that might only attract the segment of park goers that are fans of the mega coasters. Parks are going to areas to increase revenues that won't effect the price of admission and therefore hurt attendance levels. If I see long and longer lines for rides that might show people might be willing to spend a few dollars more to go to the front of the line by paying more for a limited number of enhanced ride tickets. Guests are always asking when are we going to get that mega or giga roller coaster that the other park has just constructed? It costs lots of dollars to design, construct and maintain rides and if you do not make a profit to build these rides, they won't get built. Parks are constantly conducting research as to what guests want and what they are willing to spend their dollars on. Be it higher admission prices, food, merchandise. and or other perks. Amusement parks are a business and like any business it must make money to pay for everything that makes it work without putting a burden on the guests that purchase their product. Parks have to be able to compete and if they do not bring in enough revenues, they will not build newer rides that guests want or desire. Or the guests will go to their competitors and spend their money. Then people will start to write how things are going down hill for this once great park and how the owners have neglected it.
    2 points
  11. Well, Hopefully "MatthewAlWaltz" took some of our advice here at KIC and did good with his Kings Island interview today!!
    1 point
  12. Apparently Roller Coaster Tycoon thinks that's okay.
    1 point
  13. Lo-Q also just bought Accesso, which Cedar Fair uses for tickets and phone apps.
    1 point
  14. ^^^ Amen brother! I'm much happier with the season pass prices being lower and having the option. And I think (based on observation but certainly not scientific method) that most of these FL bucks come from teens with lots of disposable income and few true responsibilities, and vacationing folks looking to maximize 'throughput' in a day or two. The only time I think I've been delayed thus far, was at Halloween time, and the park is so crowded then that you just have to suck it up if you choose to go. Spending money in the park is all about options - arcades, merchandise, food, and yes - Fastlane. I'll choose how to spend mine, and so will you, and we'll make the call based on perceived value, but the more options they afford, the better the profit is likely to be, and the sooner we'll see improvements! I'm ready for opening day!
    1 point
  15. My apologies for such a late response on this topic. I've been busy with surgeries, work, etc. This is a great idea. A very long overdue idea. Maybe they can work out something similar with the Bengals, Buckeyes, and Bearcats.
    1 point
  16. What? No. That's not true. US Patent #6173209. http://www.google.com/patents/US6173209 I do not think that means what you think it means. There are tons of patents out there for virtual queuing systems. Disney is constantly obtaining patents for tech they may never use. But that doesn't prevent other companies from developing their own patents. They don't have to pay Disney royalties. It's true that patents usually start with claims so broad that they're unenforceable on their own. The claim of having some customers enter through a second queue would be a good example. As far as I know, Disney is the only company with a virtual queuing system featuring assigned return times, one of the key claims in the patent I mentioned. This would seem to indicate that other players in the industry view that claim as valid. The only true test of a patent's enforceability is in court, but few companies want to be on the receiving end of patent litigation.
    1 point
  17. Thank you all for the welcoming and encouraging words! It means a lot! -M.W.
    1 point
  18. You'll be absolutely fine, Kings Island knows this will probably be your first job and will understand that you're nervous. They won't be tough on you, they just want to see if you can work as a team, and do the job correctly. Good luck, and remember, a firm handshake is a must.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. No way. The Apollo thing definitely had this beat.
    1 point
  21. It will always be The Beastie in my eyes,just like it will forever be the Woodstock Express in my little ones eyes! I was corrected several times last season followed by a dirty look!
    1 point
  22. I told Snow woman about Fast Pass Plus and she summed it up perfectly: I asked, "What do you think about this at KI (our home park that we go to all summer)?" she said, "This is ridiculous! How dare KI add extra charges, shame on them. we'll never use them." I then said, "They're also doing it at CP with TTD and Gatekeeper. When we go this summer, do you want to purchase the fast pass plus there?" she said, "ABSOLUTELY!!!" That sums it up to me.
    1 point
  23. You mean like funperks, which is aimed to reward the people how come to the park often and spend more money as oppossed to the people that come once a year, spend a whole bunch of money and never come back? Fast pass isn't about greed, its about giving their customers an option to alter their experience while minimizing the effect on those that choose to bypass the system. If you want a new 300 foot coaster, the park is going to need to turn a profit, otherwise the best they can do is the status quo. Cedar Fair's primary goal, is the same as any well run company...namely to keep their customer's happy. If you can't keep your customer's happy, you end up hurting the bottom line. Fast Pass gives its customer's a chance to enhance their experience, one that their customers can take advantage of, or pass on. I've never noticed significantly longer wait times for any ride b/c a bunch of fast pass users were hoarding a ride. Since the new CEO has taken over, communication has improved, a lot of the small things have been handled better, they provided options to enhance the experience of all different types of guests.
    1 point
  24. Everyone who knows me knows my perfect vision of Kings Island. One with NO TRIM BRAKES!!!! Aside from that, get rid of Fast Lane and separators. Then get the big bunches of trees back that have been cut down, always race The Racer (and kick out anyone that adds an unnecessary "s" to the name), and for the love of all things precious, give The Beastie back its name. It was the best name for a kiddie coaster anywhere...period. Though Mild Thing at Valleyfair comes in a close second.
    1 point
  25. Well, as I posted a wavepool ago, this is how I came to KIC. A few years ago I was marathoning on The Beast on ERT in the fall, in the last ride that I rode, a ride op asked me a question. " Are you (With my recollection he said this, but how can I look like him? I have no clue ladies and gents) Beastfan11 on KICentral?" I asked what and he repeated such, I said no, but this brung me to KIC to look, then came to a few years later. That ladies and gents, is the most ridiculous thing a ride op told me. A special note to you, thanks for showing me such a site. It has helped me in many ways and it really has been a pleasure posting and sharing things on this great site with you all.
    1 point
  26. All sports players are overpaid. A reduced salary from $15 million/ year to $13 million/ year should not be praised. Now if all the players & owners reduced their salaries by 50% so that the average Joe could afford the games, I would praise that. Idiots, like myself, pay a premium to watch them both in person & at home.
    1 point
  27. Before the issues? I'm not sure there ever was such a time. It had a major collapse incident during construction. It closed in its first hour the first Saturday morning, and stayed closed for weeks. It had numerous injuries, including some not widely reported or known until the 2006 incident. How about Son of Beast designed properly, built properly and meticulously maintained?
    1 point
  28. Can I ride even after I'm silly, being as I have such a head start?
    1 point
  29. That que will be cold when the wind blows off the lake in October, but shall have a nice refreshing breeze in July and August.
    1 point
  30. The proceeds from the "first riders" go to a good cause, and means much more to the beneficiaries than most of us can probably fathom.
    1 point
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