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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/2014 in all areas

  1. Banshee was designed to be a high capacity ride. Having bins in the station to store loose articles would greatly reduce capacity and result in two trains being stacked on the brake run before the station, waiting on the train in the station to dispatch.
    17 points
  2. You would dare remove Adventure Express? YOU HAVE VIOLATED THE ELEVENTH COMMANDMENT!
    10 points
  3. My school's last day was on Friday, May 30, so going to KI on June 2nd was one of the ways I "celebrated" that. Since a handful of schools are/were still in until June 5, I figured it wouldn't be too crowded. I was pretty much right. Although the waits for the rides weren't walk-ons, the most I had to wait was only 20 minutes for Diamondback. The least I had to wait was a cycle-length for a couple of the Planet Snoopy rides I rode. I had originally planned to be there for ERT, but we didn't get there until about 11:00. But whether what time it was or not, this was our first time visiting during the day after 3 evening visits. For once, I didn't have to worry about running out of time! The first place we went was Planet Snoopy. I was itching to ride a few of my previous favorites from 2007 and 2008! The first one I rode was the Fairly Odd Coaster/Woodstock Express. Since I had not been on this ride since 2009, I was far from used to hearing "Woodstock Express" instead of "Fairly Odd Coaster" in the station and on the lift hill. I still vividly remember the light purple track and supports, the pink train (Wanda) and green train (Cosmo) and hearing "Welcome to Cosmo and Wanda's Fairly Odd Coaster. Please remain seated..." halfway up the lift hill (I didn't really hear the rest of it because the train was already at the top by then). The wait was only a couple minutes. I rode in the back row on the yellow train. The ride was still so familiar to me even after not riding it for about 5 years. The only things that had changed were the name, the spiels, and the colors. The experience was exactly the same as I had remembered! Granted, I had never rode in the back seat on this ride before, since in 2007 I was very picky and only rode in the middle or the front. I had, and still have, NEVER ridden Avatar/Surf Dog. I was hoping I would get to ride it this time, but it was closed. It was testing at some times during the trip but it never opened. Next, I headed to Plankton's Plunge/Kite Eating Tree. The wait was only a cycle length. I was the first person in line for the next cycle. I rode on the end seat on the side facing the front of the park. Next to me was a little girl who was riding with her father. She was laughing for almost the whole ride, which made me laugh a little as well. The ride was already fun as I remembered, and this experience was making it better! Like on Fairly Odd Coaster/Woodstock Express, I had to get used to hearing "You're not gonna get this kite!" instead of "All hail Plankton, or you take the plunge!". Just because you're growing up doesn't mean you'll stop enjoying Planet Snoopy. Big kids can enjoy it too. Next I headed to Runaway Reptar/Flying ACE, my first full-circuit inverted coaster (and the park's only invert with a powered lift). The wait was a 5-train wait (about 10 minutes). I rode in the second row. Like the others, it was just as I had remembered, although it was a teeny bit shakier than I remembered. The next former favorite I visited was Phantom Flyers/Linus' Launcher. The wait was a cycle length. I had a nice mini-flight for the first time since I last rode it in 2008. I was getting a little hot by this time, so you all should know where I headed next-- --to Wild Thornberry's River Adventure/Race For Your Life Charlie Brown, Kings Island's oldest Arrow! I rode 2 times. The wait was about 5 minutes each time.On my first ride I rode in Boat 5; the second one was in Boat 19. It was a very good way to cool off! I joined the line for Diamondback. Although it was a bit lengthier than I hoped, I knew it would move fairly quickly. I had not been on Diamondback since October, so a ride on it was WAY overdue! I rode in Row 6 on the Green train. This was my first time riding Diamondback since when it got the seatbelts. Thankfully, they do not affect the exhilarating ride experience! It felt so good to fly down that drop again!!!
    8 points
  4. The purpose of the event is to raise money for children with life-threatening illnesses. Anyone that wants to complain about only being able to ride two consecutive times before having to exit the train isn't participating in the event for the right reasons.
    8 points
  5. The next to best Arrow mine train in the country? Sigh.
    8 points
  6. That's a good thing, drink water, it's hydrating you. Grab a soda on the ride home. What is this "soda" you are talking about? I drink pop. lol
    8 points
  7. The fabric making the "stone" beams in the lift hill is shredding with age, making them less than realistic, too. What's interesting to me is that when I was there on days with a lot of school groups, the lines for most coasters were fairly empty. About the only time I saw a crowd of sixth graders all enter a line together was at Adventure Express. I definitely think it fills a niche as the coaster for people who aren't really into coasters/don't like heights. Mine train style coasters are the only kind my not-so-crazy-about-heights husband actually enjoys. I've gotten him on other coasters, but the mine ride up at Cedar Point is the only one he's ever gotten off of and turned to me and said "let's ride that again!" I don't think I've had him on AE, but I'm fairly sure he would like it too. So, if they were to remove Adventure Express, I think they'd lose a lot of the mid-thrill enjoying paying customers. And enjoyment of a mid-thrill level coaster can eventually lead to devotion to high-thrill coasters and bring people back. My husband and I were just talking tonight about the bad experiences each of us had on The Beastie when we were young. Both of us were terrified by it the first time, and never rode another coaster for years. If it wasn't for happy circumstances that I got sort of peer-pressured into riding every coaster at Cedar Point the summer I turned 13, I probably wouldn't ever have become a coaster enthusiast. I think it is important to have coasters that are thrilling but not too scary, because otherwise a lot fewer people are likely to grow up to want to ride the terribly expensive big boys.
    7 points
  8. I don't think I can be friends with you. (I'm kidding. I just really love Adventure Express)
    7 points
  9. 6 points
  10. Thanks for sharing devarious. I guess I never really thought of it in this context. I'd never lost an article in hundreds of rides....but...2 nights ago...I did (even after 60 Banshee rides) to update that...I checked the lost and found this morning (nothing) - they told me its possible that it could be in the station and was found this morning. So, I went to the Banshee station this morning...and low and behold...they had my cellphone (covered in mud) and my season pass stuck inside the cellphone case (covered in mud) But, I recovered it...and it actually WORKED. It's a miracle after the rain we got that night.... But, it'll teach me to make sure I wear my cargo shorts...and not my gym shorts.
    6 points
  11. Alright...one more...My favorite comedian: I was at this casino minding my own business, and this guy came up to me and said, 'You're gonna have to move, you're blocking a fire exit.' As though if there was a fire, I wasn't gonna run. If you're flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit. -MITCH HEDBERG [RIP}
    6 points
  12. Some seem to be! (i.e. I'd rather ride Magnum XL 200 than Diamondback) I don't think AE is rough at all, it's aggressive. It's what makes the ride fun without having to have crazy airtime or crazy speed/ height. -- I wish Adventure Express had more vertical greenery around the outer edges and the last turn around though.. Esp. with the new shiny coaster next door.
    5 points
  13. That's what I've heard too, but every time I do try to ride it it breaks down and we have to walk all the way back through the woods.
    5 points
  14. Ask any ride op why a ride is/was down: "I don't know." It's what they're trained to say, and probably the right thing to say.
    5 points
  15. I was actually pretty happy with how quickly in and out I was yesterday on the ride. And to be honest, if something as simple as a 2 dollar locker would keep you from enjoying a world class ride or park, then well maybe you are strung a bit too tight. There are other things to lament about than a locker..... Things worse than a 2 dollar locker in the world: War, Hunger, Poverty, Justin Bieber, Chevrolet ignition problems Things worse than a 2 dollar locker in Kings Island, but not worse than the stuff in the world: waiting in long lines, not winning a game, winning a big prize at a game, getting wet, being hot, skinning your knee, running out of soap, walking up to a dinosaur in Dinosaurs Alive and just missing its movements, Walking past a dinosaur and it starts moving when you leave, too much cheese on a coney, not enough cheese on a coney, etc etc etc
    5 points
  16. Between 4 and 5 hours for Top Gun with DiamondAceExpress after prom. We found ways to pass the time in line!!! Don't get any ideas, OhioColts!
    5 points
  17. The live cam has finally returned, and with 2 of them! I think I've figured out the location, and they're on top of Power Tower. Currently one is facing the front of the park toward GK and the other is facing the other direction toward Dragster. But earlier Tony tweeted that people can use the hashtag #CPlivecam and he would move them based on requests at 2 pm. I personally love the current view and don't want to change, but maybe they are mounted sort of like the only Sandusky Register cam and can swivel and turn (except only done so by Tony, not just anybody.) It's past 2 and they still haven't changed so we'll just have to wait and see what happens. I love these new cams! https://www.cedarpoint.com/online-fun/live-video-cam
    4 points
  18. Given the title of this topic, I'm a little disappointed this isn't a thread about Adventure Express related poetry.
    4 points
  19. I personally like Adventure Express and don't really want to see it go. I think that it's best ridden when sitting in the very back (specifically, the second to last row in the last car) and at night. During the day, Adventure Express is fun, but when the "Now you will pay" audio in the last tunnel doesn't work, the ride seems like it's missing something. At night however, it ride really comes alive and it doesn't matter whether the audio works or not because it's just crazy awesome!
    4 points
  20. Terpy has many, many times said his favorite coaster, period, is Maverick, but only in the front row. Favorite wood is El Toro. Favorite classic wood is/was Rolling Thunder. Coaster that loves me most: Volcano: The Blast Coaster. Favorite Arrow mine train: Roadrunner Express, Six Flags Fiesta Texas.
    4 points
  21. Ask the original poster. He started this...
    4 points
  22. There is nothing I detest more when getting off a coaster than fighting through a crowd of people who are trying to get their crap they put in bins, while I am trying to keep my daughter with me so we can safely exit the ride platform and get in line again. I have seen basketballs go rolling down ride platforms on to ride tracks, drinks spilled on ride platforms, and multiple items left near the exits. I for one am glad KI eliminated storage bins at Banshee and hope the trend continues. I would prefer ride opps to be solely focused on ride safety and operation than making sure they have opened and locked the correct bins and that little Jimmy got the right pair of flip flops. If the no bin policy were solely about money then KI would provide all prize basketballs deflated and have an air machine located outside the park that charged Nickles, Quarters or more to inflate said prize basketball.
    4 points
  23. How about again, buy a two dollar locker Or use the car you came with Or leave it with a non rider Or not bring it at all Or only have secured articles on you This is the policy that the park has decided to enforce. The policy works as demonstrated currently. I wouldn't want to add bins with a ride that has 8 ride ops already scrambling to secure riders to hit dispatch interval and keep things orderly. Could you imagine what would happen with bags as well on this ride? Sheesh. I already am surprised how much 8 ops on platform make things difficult lol.
    4 points
  24. Personally, I think the locker rental is reasonable. Heck, the locker rental at Kings Island is exactly the same as it is at my local roller rink! I also am amazed at how quickly the line moves for Banshee. I do not have the facts and figures to back anything up, but I have a gut feeling that the continual movement in line and contantly seeing trains on the tracks has to be due in part to the no bin policy. I have "bin" nothing but pleased with this policy.
    4 points
  25. Part 2b: The continuation of coasters. Jack Rabbit - This 1920's Miller would be an average coaster if not for one element, the double dip. The trains give a false sense of a tame ride, with a fixed grab bar and only a seat belt to keep you in one is fooled into thinking that there wont be much air. My first ride 12 years ago, I learned quickly that holding on was a wise descion. At the time only a thin loose leather belt was the restraint, hitting the double dip with my hands up I thought I was going to fly right out of the car. Since then I've held on every time into the ravine. The ride really comes to life at night, with no light in the dark ravine you feel like you are well outside the car at the moment of ejector air. The ride is best experinced in the back, so if you get lucky to have the first choice take it. A word of warning, you will go thump and may jostle your tail bone if you are not careful. Jack Rabbit's historical sinage Not to be out done by it's lagoon partner Racer at night, Jack Rabbit features neon lights to make it stand out. Exterminator - Kennywood's indoor spinning wild mouse, is in a warehouse looking building so far at the end of the park it looks like a random building from the road! The theme apparently is mutant mice take over a power plant, and riders are the mice trying to avoid the exterminators. It has low lighting, but most of the time you can see whats happening. The ride compares to most of the other spinning mice out there, only complant is the lack of A/C in the queue. It is also the only coaster I know where anyone over 52" is to not where their seat belts, the ops will get grumpy if you do. Exterminator tends to have the longest lines of any ride in the park. Exterminator's building entrance. Cool sign in the queue, I wish other parks had this. Sky Rocket - Kennywoods newest coaster is located at the front of the park. Built in 2010 by Premier Rides, features an LSM launch and 3 inversions. It may seem small (only 95 ft at the top of the top hat) and a tame launch (0-50 in 3 sec) but does it deliver. It zips around bends, gives pops of airtime and dangles riders on the top hat. The trains are cozy for smaller people, with only a lap and ankle bar there is no head banging to be had. Sky Rocket is what I wanted Maverick to be like, instead of the pain inducing machine that it is. My only complaint is a MCBR the nearly stops the ride dead, the second half could be much more intense if the sped it up a bit. Bunny hills! It's compact design and low to the ground turns gives the feel of an out of control rocket. Lil Phantom - The parks kiddie coaster has no max height, and it's restraints are roomy enough (the bar goes to it's lowest setting on me) for those who want to experince or just get the credit. However, those above 54" may give them selve whip lash or a tweaked back if not prepared for the mole hills it has. This coaster may be the roughest in the park. That concludes the coasters, up next will be the unique rides that make Kennywood the finest traditional amusement park.
    4 points
  26. It's still a really fun coaster that is often judged by its cover. But I find it more fun that The Racer. Sorry, Don.
    4 points
  27. Banshee not having bins, swayed me from buying this years souviner cup at the park due to the fact i wont have a place to put it, without having to pay the price of the drink itself for a locker. Ive been drinking alot of free water because of it.
    4 points
  28. I don't like tripping over the piles of sandals and thongs stacked up near the exits to the Banshee station.
    4 points
  29. ^That will definitely change come Friday! You'll love them!
    4 points
  30. Decided to waste timing reading the Facebook reviews for Kings Island. People that say they're never going to the park because of having to pay $2 for a locker...HAH! We'll all be having fun without you. I can get the complaints about the lockers, but a lot of people are blowing it way out of proportion. It's really not that big of a deal. Oh...and once again, Fast Lane. Shut up about how Fast Lane is "unfair". There are upgrades to everything in life. Why at an amusement park is it unfair? Why is Kings Island only getting slack for it - Universal has Express Passes for $80 or something crazy like that - I don't see complaints! In fact, I see people, and one of them is me, that think these passes are a great idea. I hate how everyone calls amusement parks greedy. They're making money - it's kind of their job. Before making a trip to Kings Island, understand it costs money. Disney World is the same way. Six Flags parks are the same way. They are expensive. How do some of these people not understand that before coming? Yeah, my ideas are kind of mixed in this post and I kind of jump to different ideas, but I'm tired and annoyed so...
    4 points
  31. Not sure if anyone noticed, but Apple quietly executed a 7-1 stock split earlier this week, so those looking to invest in Apple should now be able to do so at a much more reasonable price point.
    3 points
  32. Over the weekend at Cedar Point I noticed something that really makes Kings Island unique and that I miss at other parks sure they have a couple of things that aren't generic chickentenders, fries, or burgers but they don't have the real local flavor like Kings Island has. With Skyline and Larosas being at the park it makes things that much better. Id be really sad if they ever dropped carrying the local food items. Also we need to get geotta at Kings Island.
    3 points
  33. Chocolate World, Ironic when many of Hershey's products no longer contain what can be considered Milk Chocolate or Chocolate.
    3 points
  34. Looks like Banshee scared the parts right off of Drop Tower!
    3 points
  35. The BYBBQ returns! (For one day) Make it available to those of us who have the Season Long Dining Plan and I'm in! Although too many Baked Beans could be a problem later.....
    3 points
  36. The sound of upstop wheels whirring on the ready brake makes me so happy. BS is running great post refurb. That first year after, just..wow
    3 points
  37. People that say Fast Lane is unfair would not be saying that if they spent the extra money once and tried it out. It was an awesome experience at Cedar Point.
    3 points
  38. Makr, If you have something that needs stowed, leave with a non rider and split the group, or fork out $1 to $2 dollars for a locker, plain and simple. If you can't and refuse to spend $2 on a locker, wow. Paid $200 for a season pass, bet you thought that was a deal.
    3 points
  39. You, sir, are easily amused. That's a good thing.
    3 points
  40. Could it? Yes. Is that likely? No. What happened to Rolling Thunder?
    3 points
  41. I should also point out that this entry is historically accurate. See: http://mayflowerhistory.com/hopkins-oceanus/
    3 points
  42. Agreed. I like Blue Streak better than The Racer.
    3 points
  43. That's a good thing, drink water, it's hydrating you. Grab a soda on the ride home.
    3 points
  44. I remember you two!(kidding,but I wouldn't remember) Sadly I was passing time with the boys while the future wife was on her daddy's military base in California. Between her family and mine, I have heard the same war stories countless times, and still just nod my head agreeing not getting a word in otherwise! JR.. Class of 93!
    3 points
  45. Dear Kings Island, please terminate all bins located in your ride stations! ... Jr.. who would pay extra for this attraction.
    3 points
  46. RMC don't make wooden coasters, they make steel coasters that are dressed up as if it were a woodie. Both their Topper track and I-Box is considered steel track. A true wooden coaster does not use steel track, real woodies use laminated wood with mounted flattened steel strips. Unlike Topper track that eliminates the steel strips and laminated layers of wood resulting in a smoother ride, now it may provide somewhat of a wooden coaster feel, but that is due to the steel wheels on the train, replace those with ploys and it will be smooth as glass. Its surprising that they consider such a fraud a wooden coaster..
    3 points
  47. I hope this park survives for a next season, because I'm not one for water parks, and they are planning to have the SLC and the two twisted woodies up and running for 2015, based off their park map. I really would love a chance to ride Lightning Run, it looks like such a blast and to have more dry rides to offer me, I could see spending the time, gas, and money to visit Kentucky Kingdom once again.
    3 points
  48. I do not envy Don right now. Between yesterday and today do you think he'll say the phrase "There was no fire" more times than he's ridden The Racer?
    3 points
  49. ^ Well, that pretty much ends any speculation I'd have on this NOT being a roller coaster (I seriously doubt it's a Splashin' Safari addition now- and it'll 99% be in the Thanksgiving section IMO). So now... 1995: The Raven 2000: The Legend 2006: The Voyage 2015: ??? ...what will ??? be? Yet ANOTHER woodie? The park's first large steel coaster? Hmm...this will be interesting...
    3 points
  50. So these "coasters" were handed out as parting gifts at HoliWood Nights: (Photo credit: Andy Guinigundo)
    3 points
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