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15 points
Family of 5 arrested at Canobie Lake Park for not complying with a request to return the knives that were clipped to their belts to the car. Charges are riot, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and trespassing. Also, the mother faked a seizure. This, to me, is more interesting news than "Banshee stuck on lift hill." http://www.newser.com/story/188646/family-of-5-arrested-in-amusement-park-brawl.html8 points
8 points
Quick trip update Got on line for Goliath at SFGAm around 10 am. They gave out a ride ticket for the coaster. Mine was 182. The station was non-descriptive. The line was about 3 hours long by 10:30 am. Ride itself: a great envelop pushing wooden coater. I got on the last row. First drop was by far the best on any wooden coater. After the turn, the third hill air was almost as good as third Diamondback hill. The dive loop was quite intense. There was a camera on the last hill. One real downside was the length. It is way too short. I will rank this after Outlaw Run. More with picture later6 points
Interesting but I don't know if they will keep that up everyday forever. We shall see what happens but I will say that's quite effective6 points
What classy people they are. I'm glad the cops were eventually able to take out the trash.6 points
5 points
The 10-midnight should be a big sign thats its not intended for little ones...5 points
Like it or not, they are doing their job. Put yourself in a victim's shoes: if you were somehow wronged, victim of theft, or assaulted you would want security to do EVERYTHING in their power to catch the perp. For whatever reason you matched the description. Be satisfied someone did call you back with an apology. They had no reason to do it, yet still did. After all the stories of: thefts from lockers, line jumping, smoking in line, and just the unique jackass looking for a fight, it is a breath of fresh air knowing park security IS around. It should also be mentioned- kudos to you for following security's direction. Many would not.5 points
Sorry, but I'm actually asking someone that has been to KI in the past couple days to answer my question but thanks That's still the best answer you're going to get. Whether someone has been to the park within the past couple of days or not does not magically make them able to look into a crystal ball and predict whether the ride will be open on any specified date in the future. The simple fact of the matter is that it will be open if it is safe for the park to do so, and closed if it is not. Whether it is safe for them to open it is not something that can be determined in advance and is usually independent of whether it was open on previous days, since the majority of closures last only part of a day. So regardless of what you're looking for, that's the best answer to your question.5 points
Yea but when Mr. Kinzel escaped his handlers he didnt eat the park guests...4 points
If they are giving out numbers, why would you even have to stand in line? They could have a big counter at the front of line saying "Now Serving guests: 300-350" and if you have any of those numbers you get in the queue....4 points
4 points
You're also missing a lot more- mainly wooden coaster manufacturers like the Gravity Group, Great Coasters International, the now-defunct Custom Coasters International, Philadelphia Tobbogan Coasters Inc., etc etc. Now if this is just an all steel list (Rocky Mountain Coasters, you could argue, doesn't actually make wooden coasters but instead wood-steel hybrids) then you have most of the "big" current names listed...though there are still companies like Mack, Zierier and Zamperla too... Though there are so darn many coaster manufacturers out there, it's actually crazy...4 points
Obviously being kind and courteous is one of the things you should expect from any employee of an establishment you are giving money in return for a service or product. Security's, as hinted in their title, main job is provide security and maintain a safe environment for the guests of the park, and they are doing their best to make the park a safe place. This I found quite a bit more troubling than the original post (no offense or anything you should voice any and all concerns with the park at Guest Relations), I don't know everything about this, but considering "the guard told me to wait with him until they caught him" this implies that he didn't actually believe you were the culprit. And the fact that he denied you permission to call your father, which is something that he should definitely be informed of and involved in, it real rather disheartening. To the point, where I'm not sure I would want to return the park after something like that with my children. I don't know what Kings Island Security can and can not do, but I don't think he really would have the right to prevent you from calling your father, after all you weren't really under arrest, & even then you should be allowed to make a call (right). The fact that they wouldn't reimburse you didn't surprise me, after all they were just doing their job, right? That would be something to take to Guest Relations. I know I would be very ****ed if my Best Day Ever was interrupted by rude security, I would expect some sort of compensation for my cooperation, and at the very least an apology for the confusion and inconvenience.4 points
^ Jurassic Park was shown at Soak City's dive-in movies last year. It's a well-known film, and it's up to parents to decide whether or not to take their kids.4 points
Would you rather be profiled and know that security is doing their job and keeping Kings Island safe or think that security is lazy? Colonel who was stopped by EKU police on my way to a class one day because I was profiled. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 Active using Tapatalk4 points
4 points
So Goliath at Six Flags Great America opened today, and i have notice people tweeting pictures of a ticket with a number on it that corresponds to their place in line. Quite honestly, this seems like a great idea to prevent line jumping. If you get to the turnstile at the station and present at ticket that is not in the correct order, then you're turned away. Photo credit to this Twitter Account.3 points
Yet, I bought two liters of soda the other day, drove on several dozen traffic circles....3 points
We have great relationships with a lot of local hotels. For a listing of our featured hotels, visit https://www.visitkingsisland.com/places-to-stay/featured-hotels. Most of these hotels also have our tickets, you'll need to reach out to them individual for more information. Discounted tickets can also be purchased at Kroger.3 points
Yeah, but IIRC they're bolted into the cement. As I said above, take out those screws/bolts and the fence is gone. They were probably done this way to prevent people/guests from moving the fences and gaining access to an area that's off-limits to park guests this time of year.3 points
3 points
Waiting in line I hear a small child ask her daddy - '' Does The Racer go up side down'' Her dad replies '' No, But it did go backwards at one time.'' I was so happy by that response. I hear all kinda of stupid responses but that one ..made me so happy inside.3 points
https://duboiscountyherald.com/b/speculation-builds-for-holiday-worlds-secret3 points
If you dont think its appropriate for your kids, then dont bring them. Some kids will love to see Frozen and some kids will think its too young. Some kids will love to see Jaws later this year as a Dive In movie. Same thing here.3 points
I have been advised that...you are missing one of Kings Island's coasters, according to the park....3 points
I was at the park during the temporary delay. No one had to walk down the lift hill. The riders still rode... no long after they were stopped.3 points
The fact that it stopped on the lift hill, I think is a good sign. It means the B&M's safety features are functioning properly and as expected and Operation crew is working to ensure the safety of the guests. After all I'd much rather stop on the lift hill to be safe rather then go through a possibly unsafe ride scenario.3 points
So you're upset because you didn't get an apology, but got a phone call from a supervisor apologizing? What did you want the supervisor tell you to make you feel better about the situation? I understand it was probably stressful and a waste of your time. But, the officer was doing his job by looking for someone matching a description. The officer didn't just pick you out because you have one quality but because you matched the description of the offender. The officer may not have apologized or thanked you for your cooperation because there may have been a bigger task at hand. He could have had to respond to the area where the offender was found. As someone else said, you should call them back if you're not satisfied, nothing in all honesty will be rectified here. I can tell you, never leave the park without voicing a complaint. The more you wait by traveling home, taking a nap, lets you just get more worked up by thinking about it. There's a great place at the front gate, called Guest Services. If there is a complaint or compliment, go there before heading home. It will get addressed as soon as possible. Often times if there is a complaint someone from the department you have an issue with, will come and speak with you personally.3 points
3 points
Lots more info, incl t-shirt offer and ticket prices: https://www.visitkingsisland.com/events/things-to-do/events-and-promotions/Dinos-After-Dark2 points
Today (just an ordinary Wednesday) seemed to be a day of heightened security at the park. We had the security guard bag search on the way in, which is unusual when it's not Halloween Haunt, just a standard, non-busy Wednesday morning. Then we were blocked at Diamondback with a no early admission rope, and a VERY intense female security guard. Then after two perfect Diamondback rides, we were locked in our seats for our third consecutive ride, and suddenly we were all ordered to exit the train and go back to the gate. We stood and watched three empty trains run through, with no explanation. The young people working at Diamondback were courteous, as usual. They encouraged us to go enjoy another ride and come back later. After a quick Beast ride, we got back on Diamondback and our seats were chosen for us this time. Flight of Fear had a CLOSED sign in front, of course. We walked up to the lockers in front of Banshee, to be told that Banshee was having maintenance issues and was shut down. As we walked toward the main entrance to get a bite to eat, we passed the emergency truck and several grim security guards. After taking a lunch break, we worked our way back to Banshee to find it was still shut down, roughly an hour later. So we left the park at 1:00 PM, facing much longer lines waiting to get in, and having their bags checked by many security guards. Again, they seemed intense and grim. Just a weird feeling in the park today. When did all this extra security start? I come to the park weekly.2 points
I can see that working... I mean as long as they'd use some flexibility and common sense. You can't expect everyone to get every single number in exact order, but if there are 1 or 2 numbers that suddenly are 100 or 200 after anything else around them in line, you know they cut. Otherwise, if you give up your spot to go back to friends farther back in line, you've got a number that indicates your turn came before those around you, so they should recognize that and allow you to ride. I know this is generalizing too much. Someone will always find a way to abuse any system, but on paper that would seem to make sense. Something like that could require some ride op discretion, which could in turn lead to inconsistency though. There's just no perfect answer.2 points
I enjoy the extra security. It's one of those if I need em they are there Sent from my SM-T520 using Tapatalk2 points
We're talking about a 10 to midnight time slot for the showing, though. I assume for that time that they aren't intending this to be a younger-child-friendly event. It would be fine with me if they age restrict it to 13 and above. I doubt they'd lose that many people who otherwise think 10-midnight is a good time for their younger children to watch a movie, and they very well may gain teens and older visitors who think it is more "for" them than a family event would be.2 points
I'll take the "nuisance" of extra security over not enough security 10 times out of 10.2 points
That's about how far away I lived from the park as a teen, but the accountant in me could not justify choosing a minimum wage job with a 40 minute drive over a job that paid a buck or 2 over minimum wage that was less than 10 minutes from home, despite how much more fun working at KI would have been. But as a CPA, managing my own finances was and continues to be an even bigger "thrill".2 points
And I believe that it was this incident that resulted in the increased security measures at KI yesterday outside the front gate.2 points
^ One of the many reasons it exists in its modified version today. Disney, especially the Magic Kingdom is not in the business of scaring the bajeezus out of kids.2 points
Yeah... I kind of meant that sarcastically. Just doesn't translate well in written form.2 points
Typically park upgrades come in cycles. Usually it's a five year deal with the 5th year being a coaster. I can imagine that Soak City would get some love over the next few years. 09 - Diamondback 10 - Snoopy 11 - WindSeeker 12 - Soak City 13 - no new ride 14 - Banshee It's a similar cycle for the other there 3 million+ parks in the chain. Not saying it's going to necessarily follow that exact cycle, but I'd guess it'll be similar.2 points
Customer service is actually a priority for many (most?) law enforcement officers, though maintaining safety always comes first. Security can be a stressful job, and they have a lot to deal with on a daily basis. Hopefully the officer or employee involved will communicate more effectively if a situation like this comes up again. It's unfortunate that a guest was upset. "Thank you" and "I'm sorry" are two of the most powerful phrases in the English language. Using them at the right time can make all the difference in the world.2 points
^ You're obviously being sarcastic, but it's my understanding that the ride was simply restarted, and no Banshee riders had to walk down. Of course, such an occurrence is not newsworthy in either case, but it's best not to be inaccurate - especially since members of the media read this forum.2 points
I did a VIP tour on July 4th, 2012, and it was by far the best day I have ever spent at Kings Island. If it is in your budget, I will recommend it to anyone.2 points
2 points
I wonder how they'll fit a 2-hour film and a 0.6mi walk into those two hours.2 points
@DonHelbig: "Breaking News: I'm Bald." Possibly poking fun at WHIO's story? Lol2 points
They'd have loved the many, many people who called it "The Son of The Beast." And that was BEFORE riding it. You should have heard what they called it afterwards. Or not.2 points
I was in line for Firehawk last year and a family from California behind us said, "I remember when Kings Island had Top Thrill Dragster. I rode it when I was a little boy." I was about to start laughing because one, the man was around 47ish so in no way would he have ridden it even if it was at KI, and two, because his son (around 10 or 11) asked his dad if they could go on Firehawk after this, even though they were in line for Firehawk.2 points
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