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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2014 in all areas

  1. I once rode Tornado at Stricker's Grove in the same train as a dog. Two weeks later, the silly ACEr who owned the dog tried that stunt again, at Holiday World. Pat Koch, bless her soul, threw him and the dog out of the park.
    8 points
  2. Indeed, a lot of counties in Indiana are just now starting to put their government info online. Santa Claus, being a small town, is not one that is currently digital to a great extent. I'm sure if the plans were required to be filed by ordinance, an intrepid reporter would have leaked the specs by now.
    7 points
  3. 7 points
  4. I suddenly feel very, very old.
    7 points
  5. Think of the baby. YOU want to eat in a restroom? And let's not forget the wheelchair access/ disability issues. Or the security issues in the water park... Poor Kentucky Kingdom. All these customers picking on it. Isn't it just a trifle odd that each incident shares the circumstance that the complaining party is in a class often discriminated against? Then some people here want to blame the victim? Remember, it was no less than Ed Hart who, in trying to make amends, said mothers can nurse where they want IF they use discretion. Perhaps they should use that discretion when considering if Kentucky Kingdom is a family friendly park. Then we get told here that the person making the request was a "so-called" employee. Really?
    7 points
  6. I've held commenting on the board's at arm's length for a while, but some times I read things and just have to comment. John's professional background is in operations and more recently in a marketing capacity. One of the downfalls is that Marketing and PR are two different disciplines. That being said, this "mother" must not have been too embarrassed since she went from crying on the phone to her mother while at the park to exposing her name publicly for all to see and posting pictures of herself with her tongue out at the park on Facebook. If she had been truly scarred- she would have been seeking an apology privately. Instead, we ALL know who she is. What I don't understand is how once people get this "victim" mentality, there's really no end to it. I have no idea where said breast feeding occurred in the park, but instead of taking a bit of personal responsibility in the matter and realizing that "hey, the world doesn't revolve around me, this isn't my home living room and is a 'public' place, maybe I should be a bit more discrete." Breast feeding is a natural part of life, and therefore should not be illegal anywhere, within reason. Going to the restroom is legal- but you don't drop trail just anywhere. OK, maybe bad example. Not that the park hasn't done a pretty good job shooting themselves in the foot... with their own guns- but I get irritated at people who get their feelings tinged a bit turning it into a federal case. Someone gets their feelings hurt, or gets embarrassed so what do they do- set up an interview at the local TV station, better yet- get interviewed by the Huffington Post.
    7 points
  7. Disney California Adventure (which you actually mentioned) California's Great America Alabama Adventure Six Flags New Orleans Six Flags St. Louis. Six Flags Over Texas Six Flags Fiesta Texas Six Flags Over Georgia Six Flags Mexico OK, admittedly, there's a pretty big and easy-to-spot pattern here (which brings up an issue I have with a particular chain, but that's for another thread) and a couple of parks that are not operating for various reasons. But the main point is that while having a location (ANY location) in the name of a park is going to bring with it certain ideas about what you might expect to find, I don't think that alone is enough to REALLY make a difference. I mean, by your very logic as a liberal Ohioan from Columbus, would not the two Six Flags parks in Texas offer similar vibes in a lot of ways? And yet, those two parks are two of the most prominent ones on that list that I threw together. Let me also add that as a conservative Ohioan from Butler County, the idea of "California Adventure" or "California's Great America" offers its own baggage that, to me, is very similar to what you would experience looking at a park with the name "Kentucky Kingdom" so I do see where you're coming from (only my preconceived notions have some capacity to be overcome due to the parks in question actually being good, but that's another story). I really don't buy into its name really being pertinent to be honest. And look at what we've seen from the park. Change their name to "Super Awesome Funland" and leave every other aspect the same and I honestly don't see things being any different. The park is shooting itself in the foot badly enough right now. I actually think there's little negative impact that the name even COULD bring in considering what we've seen, because reputation-wise, they're doing a poor job. And it's a real shame, because they actually have a wonderful little collection of rides, and there's no denying that I've had a lot of fun in that park this season. As the name goes, I actually like it. Since the park is funded in part by the taxpayers of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, I think it's only fair to give them some representation in its name (though I can see where they may not really want THAT sort of representation...) And for those who don't want to read my 12:00 AM ramblings, here's the short version: I think the fact that Kentucky is in their name is BY FAR the least of this park's issues right now.
    7 points
  8. As far as Flying Eagles, I'd rather see those appear on Flight Commander's old pad. The height of the platform would certainly add some thrill to the ride. I want to stay positive about SR&R. It's a fun ride. Hope it's only a matter of time before we find out what's happening.
    7 points
  9. The neatness in which they are dismantling it leads me to believe it's just going to be refurbished. Maybe it'll get a new color scheme. I'm sorry but those colors look terrible together. In a completely unfounded wishful thinking side note, how awesome would it be for Shake, Rattle, and Roll to come back painted red with white cars and called The Big Red Machine. If Cedar Point can have a Lebron themed ride why can't we have a Reds one? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  10. Despite its current state, nothing seems to point towards removal right now. It wouldn't make sense for them to suddenly remove it mid-season. There was evidence of work being done shortly after it went down in early June. They wouldn't just take the cars off and leave the arms propped up for weeks before dismantling more of it. They wouldn't leave parts of the ride sitting around in full public view if they planned to remove it. They wouldn't continue telling the general public that the ride was "temporarily closed" (at least not current KI/CF - not with a CEO who emphasizes giving guests the "best day" in the park) I'd be much more concerned if a certain nickle-hoarder were still in charge.
    6 points
  11. There are different levels on rehab on flat rides. Particularly, I've seen Zephyr both ripped down to a "skeleton" and a time when it appeared to have been completely removed. Clearly something complicated needs to be fixed on SR&R. I bet the ride could be assembled in a matter of days once it's ready to thrill riders again. I know no more than any of you, but I'm not worried yet...
    6 points
  12. I just picture Goble like this after acquiring that knowledge
    5 points
  13. Each piece has been carefully taken apart, giving further evidence that the ride is simply going into early rehab... And yes, the sign still says TEMPORARILY closed.
    5 points
  14. I'm not quite sure why everyone is making such noise about the whole 66 Days At Sea campaign..... I mean....We all already know that the largest investment in the park's history is going to be the world's largest pilgrim themed children's area...... Yes! That's right, you saw it here first: NEW FOR 2015 At Holiday World and Splashin' Safari, Planet Pilgrim! The World's Largest Pilgrim Themed Children's Area (This post contains no true or accurate information)
    5 points
  15. On top of that, there are far fewer people living in that area. According to Wikipedia (based on 2010 census data), there are more people living in Mason alone than there are in all of Spencer County, Indiana.
    5 points
  16. He could put a feather in his hat and call it macaroni, though. I think that would be appropriate. We all know how much Goble enjoys macaroni.
    5 points
  17. Don't wear a red Speedo!
    5 points
  18. Latest Facebook post by KK announces that they have reduced the height requirement for the Splash Zone slides from 48 to 42 inches. Top comment? A complaint about the Himalaya's 60-inch requirement. They just can't win. It's at times like these that I almost feel sorry for Ed Hart and company. Having said that, I will be visiting Kentucky Kingdom Friday. So I'll decide what I really think about the park after I've experienced it in person.
    5 points
  19. I have learned recently that breast feeding mothers are not to be messed with. You want to see someone go from a great mood to terrible in the blink of an eye tell her she shouldn't be breastfeeding where she is.
    5 points
  20. Thanks for making me feel Ooooold. I recall riding it when it was brand spankin' new.
    5 points
  21. ^ They were approximately where the 3 Point Shot game is now. I really think you guys are making something from nothing. Delirium was broken on two different occasions and went into rehab early. This sort of thing isn't unheard of.
    5 points
  22. I hope it's not done, but keep this in mind, everyone. If SR&R's time has come, then it's come. No amount of petitions are going to bring it back. Kings Island isn't going to tear out a popular family ride on a whim, and if it is leaving us, it's with good reason. I have full confidence that Kings Island and Cedar Fair will take the best possible course of action for all parties affected. The only thing I think we can postulate for now is that even if it's not leaving us, the ride isn't going to be back up and running for a little while. If SR&R leaves us, then I am grateful to have had an opportunity to enjoy this classic ride with multi-generational appeal. If not, then I know which ride I'll be headed to as soon as it opens back up. Just sit back, grab a Snickers and wait it out. No sense working yourselves into a tizzy over something that is completely beyond your control and, in the grand scheme of life, not terribly important.
    5 points
  23. Say its not so, hope it gets fixed for sure, but Kings Island needs more flat's for sure, lets hope for Shake Rattle and Roll, and it keeps shaking.
    5 points
  24. They tried to make me go to rehab but I said Shake, Rattle, and Roll
    4 points
  25. I hope the produce a DVD. Katie (Princess Sparkles) and a clown during the opening. She's very happy. These guys are fun! Guess it's fitting since it's FUN!
    4 points
  26. We film each of our shows during the season.
    4 points
  27. Also, the first day I saw it, it appeared as though the snare was not working on the left side of the organ. I'm happy to report that it was working yesterday.
    4 points
  28. Just for giggles I emailed the owner of the domain asking how much he wanted for the domain and he actually responded "Not interested in selling."
    4 points
  29. Lol, Planet Pilgrim! How will they pull off the expansion? The Plan-et!
    4 points
  30. I've only been on Shake, Rattle, & Roll a few times. When I first started going to KI as an adult, I went simply to power ride all of the coasters. One trip, I decided to ride other rides and was pleasantly surprised at how thrilling this ride is. Hopefully, it will be around for a while. If not, I had some good rides on it. On a side note, two years ago, I took my son, who had just turned 4 to Camden Park. We rode the Scrambler, the Whip, Big Dipper, the Train (Halloween time) and the Haunted House. I had really forgotten how other rides can be loads of fun, especially when sharing the experience with your kid. I'm not sure who's smile was bigger, mine or his.
    4 points
  31. For those that are unaware, pki.com still works (redirects you to visitkingsisland.com) and requires less typing.
    4 points
  32. Question: What if I don't live in the US? Can I still lose my domain name under the ACPA? Answer: Indeed, you can. If the mark owner is protected by US law (uses the mark in the US) then that mark owner can bring an ACPA action in a US court regardless of the domain holder's location. If the domain holder fails to show up in court, s/he may lose by default, in which case the US court will issue an order to the domain registrar or registry to cancel or transfer the domain registration to the mark owner. (source: http://www.chillingeffects.org/acpa/faq.cgi)
    4 points
  33. Man........ this is one BIG storm they're sailing in!
    4 points
  34. I was taught when I was in my first management position it was my responsibility to handle things correctly and take ownership when my staff was at fault. Throwing them under the bus so to speak was not acceptable. Ed and management of Kentucky Kingdom should own up and say we messed up. That's far more commendable than blaming others. Train better, management needs to conduct themselves better (an employee will never perform at a higher level than those above them. In fact, employee behavior often mocks managements behavior). I am happy to report in my current position I am not in management.
    4 points
  35. Well, if they do get rid of SRR, I hope the replacement is a ride that is 42 inch height requirement, that was a fun ride last year for when my little one hit the 42 inch mark, more fun than the Linus Launcher anyways. I really hope SRR comes back though as it's one of my favorites, if it were to be removed I would be worried about them turning it into a picnic area for Juke Box Diner *shudders*
    4 points
  36. Even if it's not done for good it's likely that it is done for a while, and there's no guarantee I'll make it to the park any given day to be able to ride. I may not make it again in 2014 and I may not have a pass next year so I just really appreciate the time I got to spend with SR&R, especially when our family all rode together.
    4 points
  37. I was there yesterday in the station when they awarded him. Ive never seen ride ops so excited before.
    4 points
  38. I breast fed my daughter in public numerous times, including KK, KI, SeaWorld Ohio and never once had a problem. I never fed her in a restroom. I was discrete, covered up and not sitting in a major walk through. As a mom, it was my time to take a few minutes to rest and not make us a public spectacle. I do believe KK handled the situation wrong. I think the woman was either just in a bad mood or had an agenda from the get go. I would guess the latter since nothing seems to make her happy.
    4 points
  39. I used to throw some truly awful puns into my Millie spiels at CP, but every once in awhile you just gotta spice it up. "They say this is the number 1 steel coaster in the world, when it's over you'll Ce-der Point....." (Most people couldn't Rap-tor minds around my humor...) I was always conscious of what I was saying, and filtered it pretty heavily. There were other people who would just make me cringe every time they got the mic. There's definitely a fine line, if it's an autospieler, or just too dry, people stopped listening. But going overboard is even less helpful because you're focusing on being entertaining rather than relaying the appropriate information. I don't see a problem with making a joke here or there, but first and foremost, pleeeeeease make sure you're not eating the microphone/yelling into it, that defeats the purpose if I can't understand you in the first place.
    4 points
  40. Keep in mind that for several weeks it was up on blocks. Apparently they were looking for a replacement part. It's quite possible that it was determined that the replacement part/s would cost as much as replacing the entire ride with a new one. Maybe a new SR&R from Huss is on it's way. Fingers crossed!
    4 points
  41. Petition. Heh! How many petitions were there for Son of Beast's return? As if a few dozen enthusiast signatures somehow outweigh shareholders, dividends, safety, operations, etc.
    4 points
  42. Now that would be something to see at Halloween Haunt for certain!
    4 points
  43. We're on it with improving the mobile app. You'll see changes to the app in the foreseeable future.
    4 points
  44. ...Shooting Star, Lost River...
    3 points
  45. The wood keeps the kickstand from digging holes in hot asphalt...
    3 points
  46. ^ Actually, The Crypt experienced downtown. It even said so on the park's website AND the old WordPress blog they used to use!
    3 points
  47. ahhhh Paramount Kings Island. My childhood. I am part of the Nickelodeon Universe generation. I remember The Beastie, high-fiving SpongeBob, blasting ghosts with Scooby-Doo and the gang, flying with Danny Phantom and splashing (or should I say smashing) with the Wild Thornberry's. It was bliss. (From my first trip to KI, closing day 2004) Hard to believe that was 10 years ago.
    3 points
  48. After reading through the 63 or so log entries, is it certain that the entire log isn't just an ostentatious journal describing The Voyage coaster? At the least, I don't think each day is meant to have a clue hidden inside, but the entries seem to repeat the same sentiment, over and over, dragging on too long, when it should have just put some strong laterals...
    3 points
  49. Times have changed, especially the consumer. Yet Ed Hart has not. The New Kentucky Kingdom was falling down before they ever got to the start line. Who builds a new Drop Tower ride, with the history of having one of the most tragic industry accidents happen within the park on a similar ride? Who does that? Ed Hart and the New Kentucky Kingdom. Who staffs an inept PR department that is unable to resolve a simple misunderstanding in the media with one post? Ed Hart does. Seriously, 1 post to social media that management agrees upon and locking the comments on Facebook would have resolved this issue. Instead details are missed and it only feeds the storm that is brewing. We have covered the continuous missteps of the New Kentucky Kingdom in this thread, but I think the best way to some of The New Kentucky Kingdom is they do not pay attention to the details of the business or operations. Ignoring the details will provide a few years of success, but eventually patrons will stop going because the details are missed. How many times will you go to McDonalds if they constantly give you the wrong drink? After awhile you will travel a bit further to a different McDonalds who focuses on the details. This my friends is how you get from "just ok" to "great"! The New Kentucky Kingdom is "just ok" it is not great and "just ok" will not survive this economy.
    3 points
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