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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/2014 in all areas

  1. Well between Boo Blasters and Scooby Doo it has been almost 12 years? Essentially its the same ride as the one it replaced (Scooby) just with less theme? I will say this, on Sunday I really realized how much KI is missing a family dark ride. My son cannot shoot anything (he is 1) and the ride is a very generic shoot-em-up ride. I dont think we need to get a "thrill" dark ride with a bunch of movement, as then that would ruin the family aspect for the youngins. TBH something like the original Theater or the Smurf Ride (didnt ride it before the Smurfs) where the ride is enjoyed by many of all ages.
    6 points
  2. I just passed the park on the expressway and it appears that T3 is already being repainted in what looks to be the ride's original red color, or something very similar.
    5 points
  3. ^I would respond to how much I agree with this statement, but I have done so in just about every other thread and I'm afraid that it's starting to get redunde... ...oh heck, I 100% agree with this statement!
    5 points
  4. To me, they are all tame. You won't really know till you walk through them for yourself. My suggestion is to try them all....of course you'll be startled...but expect it and keep a sharp eye open you might see the scares coming. Realize that no one is going to hurt you.....heck the other night I walked through most of them totally alone (no one in front or behind me....no biggie). Only one time I reached up to move a curtain and the scareactor was behind it, popped up and screamed...nearly shart....right there....but its all in good fun. In fact I'm looking forwards to doing it again.
    5 points
  5. I've been to haunt plenty of times and this is my first year actually doing the mazes at haunt. I scare easily so could somebody please put some of the tamer haunt mazes that don't scare as like a lot? Thanks! (Also first post!)
    4 points
  6. The park has already annouced on FB that the ride will have new trains and those trains will not be manufactured by Vekoma. I believe Hart stated each train cost $1 million before the first deal with the fairboard fail through.
    4 points
  7. I'm fairly certain I know which cottage they are referring to. There was a cottage over near Paratrooper and Tilt-A-Whirl that had partially collapsed. It was in extremely poor condition and would be dangerous if someone had attempted to enter it. But I don't see in the article anywhere that says CLP was paying for the demolition, just that they had reached an agreement with the owner of the cottage. Whether that agreement was financial or just good faith is unclear.
    4 points
  8. I remember seeing a sign hanging up inside of a food stand in 2006 saying, "Our attendance goal this year is 1.1 million." This is nearly double the actual attendance reported for this year.
    4 points
  9. What portion of the ride was painted? It just seems to quick that the ride has already in the process of being repainted from Sunday imo. But then again, the winter is coming. Definitely part of the lift and part of another element. I was on the Watterson in heavy traffic so I couldn't gawk, but the new paint was certainly enough to catch my eye.***OK, after a little Google research I found some Courier Journal photographs from 9/24/14 that show T3 being "pressure washed" revealing some of the old red paint. If that's all it is then there is a lot of old red paint exposed. Sorry for any confusion!
    3 points
  10. I'm going to open my own park and name it Geauga Lake because... what they gonna do????
    3 points
  11. All of them are tame. The tamest, in my opinion, is CarnEVIL. Even if you hate clowns (like me), it's very tame. It's colorful and fun unlike the other mazes. When there are scares, they're more funny than actually scary. Plus there's funhouse music playing in the background! Club Blood is very tame as well. The only part that really makes me jump is when the motorcycle starts. The rest is just fun and games, really. On the flip side, the worst of them all would have to be Slaughterhouse. The theme is gross, disturbing, and gory. The scares are plentiful. The actors are always really good. It still is tame to me, because nothing really scares me at Halloween Haunt, but still...
    3 points
  12. Welcome to KIC. I scare easy when things jump out at me. Ok, when I see them and they say boo, I jump. Walking by the crazy Jack-in-the-box knowing it is going to go off made me scream and almost run someone over. Had a scare actor sit beside me while waiting on someone to get food. I screamed like a Banshee. Make someone go through in front of you that is semi-humored that you are just going to be jumpy. I am not sure if the ones I go through with are humored or just take pity on me.
    3 points
  13. ^ I don't particularly enjoy being startled, though it's hard to scare me when I'm expecting monsters around every corner in a Haunt attraction. I'd post some tips to help avoid being startled, but certain scaractors would read them and be ready for you. Perhaps they'd be less scary if ohiocolts would go through them with you.
    3 points
  14. Pretty sure it's been just named "Wildwater Kingdom" for years now.
    3 points
  15. wow. I remember someone predicting promotions like this. Attendance.
    3 points
  16. I wouldn't say that Urgent Scare is the least scariest. Lol.
    3 points
  17. Well for me personally, ALL of them are pretty tame, so I probably wouldn't have the best insight as to what mazes are most suitable for the faint of heart... But if I had to guess, the ones that are the "least scariest" for me are Urgent Scare, Tombstone Terror-Tory, and Delta Delta Die. The most well-done ones IMO this year so far have been Slaughter House, Cavern of Terror, and KillMart. And as a side note, I have to say Cornstalkers has improved from very recent years (since it has replaced Cemetery Drive). They actually somewhat brought the corn back into it. Instead of all of it being empty pathways adorned with walls of burlap, there is actually a wall made of cornstalks towards the end, just like the classic maze used to have... (Also, if you have a clown phobia, which some people do, then CarnEvil obviously would not be the maze for you.) Oh yeah and by the way, welcome to KIC!
    3 points
  18. Holiday World Season Passes Up Despite The New Kentucky Kingdom Reopening: http://www.wpsdlocal6.com/story/26661912/holiday-world-season-passes-up-despite-kentucky-kingdom-reopening
    3 points
  19. Or...you could just visit the bathroom at Camden Park on any normal operating day. Yuck. It was not always thus.
    2 points
  20. This point in the season, many employees are returning to college or elsewhere. This means there is a wave of new employees to replace them who are still adjusting to the job and learning the ropes. Hopefully important policies, like whether or not drinks are included with a meal plan, are learned sooner than later though.
    2 points
  21. That sounds like a boss trip. The third reason you stated is exactly why I love my season pass; I can only go for a few hours before I feel like someone cut my strings, and I get tired. I can't abide shoving the whole park into one day.
    2 points
  22. I just noticed I started this thread. Wow two years ago, a fledgling member of KIC. I cannot believe it has been two and a half years since I have joined KIC.
    2 points
  23. Is... is that Christina Aguilera hitting a high note edited onto an Australian roller coaster?
    2 points
  24. They may not have the old ones anymore though. I've seen photos of the trains from Twisted Twins in storage at another SIX property (I want to say St. Louis). If SIX took those with them, then why not the ones from T2 as well? Especially since there are a lot of SLCs in the SIX portfolio. Though I'm sure they wouldn't be against Erasing those purchases from their Mind. Though I have no idea what new trains cost. If they weren't adding two brand new rides, I'd almost say it seems like it would be feasable with the $8 million figure. With two new rides and refurbishments on three others, though, I frankly don't even see how they could deliver the things they've ALREADY promised on that budget.
    2 points
  25. The toilet inside a cage in Club Blood. It is disgusting.
    2 points
  26. I believe it was random. Don't recall that there ever was an assigned side to do one or the other. I suppose it was based on whomever started it.
    2 points
  27. The tamest IMO is Board To Death....so tame that when you walk through it you'll be bored...to death.
    2 points
  28. I miss those too. Bring 'em back!!
    2 points
  29. I think they're all terrifying!!! In a fun way, but I startle super easy.
    2 points
  30. The Auntie Anne's locations at the park lost my interest when they discontinued the pepperoni pretzels. Those were delightful. I've been told that many Auntie Anne's locations do not sell them because the shelf life isn't as high as the regular ones. If that's true, then I understand their decision, but I still long for those delicious things.
    2 points
  31. I used to do the "taste great, less filling" chant well before I arrived at the appropriate imbibing age. So personally, I don't find it to be much of an issue. I'm in the same boat regarding saying that every time, but figure it would be lost on most people, however if you ever shout it out from the other side while I'm on, you'll certainly get at least 1 response.
    2 points
  32. Meh... I get where you're coming from, but let's be honest. They need to do a lot for Sundays. Haunt is the big attraction during this time of year. It makes Sundays seem incredibly undesirable. That's also why Dog Days aren't Saturdays and Sundays - just Sundays. Yeah, the company has some ground to make up in attendance, but in a lot of ways Sundays in October is an untapped market too.
    2 points
  33. Show your Student ID at the front gate admissions window on Friday nights and get into Halloween Haunt for just $29.99! Gates to the underworld for Halloween Haunt, Driven by SafeAuto, open at 6:00 p.m. on Friday nights through October 31. https://www.visitkingsisland.com/things-to-do/events-and-promotions
    2 points
  34. I usually tell people that I think Carnevil is the tamest haunt if they ask what to start with. It is a very good combination of fun and scares for a first-timer!
    2 points
  35. And slightly older folk: My Space What's that? My Space What's that?
    2 points
  36. If you think "Great taste, less filling," is inappropriate then you probably shouldn't leave the house.
    2 points
  37. Less filling! (I've been tempted to start up this chant every time I've ridden the ship this year, but I know I'd just get a lot of blank stares)
    2 points
  38. Overheard at the park ''they should get rid of Racer and Adventure Express NO
    2 points
  39. I've had that be hit or miss throughout the season, sometimes the cashier would say the drink was included, other times not. Think all that comes down to training issues.
    2 points
  40. That's just sad. At this point in the season??......SMH.
    2 points
  41. That was an awesome video. Makes me wish I knew where to find that video my uncle made in the late 70's or early 80's of his ride on The Racer. Also taped some of the fireworks too.
    2 points
  42. That's an awfully broad statement you're making there. I understand what you mean by it, but do bear in mind that there also are teenagers who wouldn't steal a basketball and who would have reported the theft the same way you did.I'm not trying to be the PC police, but I think it's unfair to generalize it like that.
    2 points
  43. But to take down a ride that still moves lines, has plenty of fans, is relatively low maintenance, and still reasonably popular is quite a bit more far-fetched than to demolish one that sat unused for years.
    2 points
  44. Was at Haunt on Friday. This is one of my favorite times of the year at the park. The rides and atmosphere were great, the Haunts we experienced could be great, but the actors have zero energy. That being said many of the actors I watched either in scare zones or in the haunts were not trying. Just standing there or even worse in multiple scare zones it was actor social hour. I don't think the actors are being paid to socialize with one another and area managers need to be aware of this issue. Also I noticed many of the roamers breaking character multiple times to give directions, say hello, or hold conversation with park guests. The quality of acting is down greatly this year. Will be attending later in October and hope to see some dramatic improvement.
    2 points
  45. "The unnacceptable behavior and events that occurred yesterday, acted out by some unsupervised youth, are in no way typical behavior for our park or the surrounding area." Haha, ok.
    2 points
  46. I remember in 2007 (I think) when Haunt was on Thursdays and Sundays. It didn't work.
    1 point
  47. Sounds like the trustees have plenty of optimism. I just hope that optimism isn't for naught.
    1 point
  48. Other FUN parks have BooFest on Sundays. Think Maple Grove. Just to name one. What say ye re the student discounts on Fridays?
    1 point
  49. A very cool read: http://www.dafe.org/articles/darkrides/phantomTheater.html
    1 point
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