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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/2023 in all areas

  1. Id be quite OK with that, just keep the fog generators, the fog lingering around the bottoms of the drops is what makes the night rides so good!
    5 points
  2. But once again, how does that affect you? Logically those four other non-wearing No Boo people are with the person wearing it…and if they don’t mind, why should you?
    3 points
  3. In my opinion the roaming scareactors are one of the best things about Haunt. Not only do they add to the Halloween feel, they are great photo ops…plus they give everyone an easy chance to (possibly) be scared without waiting 2 hours on a Saturday night for one of the haunts! As for the No Boo necklaces…why are no many people upset with these? It’s not like it affects anyone other than the person wearing it?!
    3 points
  4. Working in the haunt industry and being trained by some of the awesome heavy hitters throughout the Ohio Haunters Association, I can say that roamers are good to have. At an outdoor attraction, such as KI, to get people amped up to enter the house (maze) or scare zone, you want to have queue actors (aka roamers at KI). Imagine going to a haunted house in the middle of October and there is nothing outside of the house to set the mood that you may get scared including actors. You just walk up to the building and enter with no "setting" being portrayed, no actors giving you information on the place whether rules/history/portraying a character that may be inside...it'd be boring for sure. If they half @** or not even that, the entrance experience you'd likely expect the inside of the attraction to be half @**ed. The queue actors not only amp guests up to head into an attraction, but they set the expectations of how to act within the attractions. Yes you have your greeters at the entrances of the mazes for the rules but in person interactions when a guest touches what they shouldn't touch (actor or prop) queue actors have more flexibility to roam, tell a guest to stop, flag security down, etc. I have not worked a Cedar Fair haunt, but I will say that I do know the haunt industry is way more complicated than what meets the eye.
    3 points
  5. It’s only 12 nights but it’s the only 12 nights of the year with extended darkness for night rides. Summer season only has about an hour of night. Winterfest doesn’t have many rides
    1 point
  6. I don’t personally mind, I just don’t agree with the overall concept
    1 point
  7. yeah - thats clearly a budget issue - they already HAD the game show idea over by Hanks - this is essentially a cutback - not an add. Pretty weak overall lineup.
    1 point
  8. I always thought they should’ve done that for Winterfest. The background should show snowing and maybe the abominable snowman and or an angry Christmas tree be the ones attacking the shed.
    1 point
  9. Roaming Scareactors have been a unique part of Haunt/Fearfest since the beginning... over 20 years. If most people at the Haunt didn't like them they wouldn't have them. To that guest I would say, "why are you at Halloween Haunt if you don't want to be scared?" If being scared is that bothersome, he has the whole spring and summer not to mention the time earlier in the day before Haunt starts to enjoy Kings Island without being scared. Yes, the "no boo" necklaces are a cash grab, but people buy them which seems to be what the park cares about. That guest has to realize that there are some people who look forward to Haunt all year as it's configured and it would be selfish to try to change it just because it's not entirely his cup of tea.
    1 point
  10. It is certainly interesting that Kings Island has been focusing on mini-lands recently. Area 72 is a mini-land inside of Coney Mall, Adventure Port is a mini-land inside of Oktoberfest (or vice versa), and Camp Snoopy will be a mini-land inside of Planet Snoopy. In 2025 or whenever the Soak City expansion is, I think there is a good chance that a mini-land will be added to the water park. This mini-land would probably encompass the back portion of the water park. Maybe Mondo Monsoon, Breakers Bay, and whatever replaces Pipeline Paradise. It could also include Splash River and Zoom Flume, as I know there was a construction marker near there. The Tropical Plunge and Tidal Wave Bay portion of the water park already feels like its own mini-area, so maybe they could build on that?
    1 point
  11. There’s nothing scary about any of the actors. They are people dressed up. The ones coming at you on the midway are annoying. Not scary. I agree with the original post. If people like being jumped at the better use for the employees is at the mazes. We all know that Haunt does not bring in a high quality crowd (the reason for no re-entry) . If they didn’t have these annoying actors jumping at people through the park, they might perhaps increase the quality of the crowd with people who don’t care for that stuff, but would like to go to the park for night rides. Cedar Point limits their midway actors to Frontiertown/Trail. The majority of the park midways are just normal night operations. This works great and seems to bring a better quality crowd as they allow re-entry.
    0 points
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