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  1. I think the crypt building is prime real-estate for a Diet Coke factory.
    2 points
  2. For what it's worth, I don't want to talk about The Crypt's building. I wish they'd demolish it, too. I apologize that I made you feel attacked for being interested in Son of Beast. That wasn't my intent, but I get where it would have seemed that way. The point I was going for is solely that this path of reviving old attractions is getting tiresome, and that's not specific to you. I don't want The Crypt back, and I don't want Son of Beast back. Son of Beast seems to lead the charge on people skyrocketing their expectations anytime anything remotely related pops up, and that's been true since 2009. And then those expectations don't work out and everyone starts yelling at each other. The cycle seems endless, and it's making it hard to want to be here. Which sucks, because I really enjoy the community here when it isn't all, "Valleyfair tweeted something with the number 5 in it, Son of Beast was Outpost 5, RMC Son of Beast is coming back next year and I'm right or else!"
    2 points
  3. Out of all the parks in the chain now, and all the years to actually build it…it is opening in 2025 at Cedar Point. There are other parks in the system that also have flat, empty plots of land. It is honestly ridiculous to think this has nothing at all to do with Top Thrill 2.
    2 points
  4. entirely valid, it does get tiresome, at least for myself, ive never put too much weight into any of the potential revivals, even when the silly rumors started around top gun being rethemed to "The (og) Bat" ive been more interested in simply documenting the goings on that relate theme/lore wise to SOB, more so IF something happened, the community would have a good basis of documentation, and thought threads to run with, because im passionate about the history and future for the storyline that went along with it. bottom line is SOB (the ride itself) SUCKED, even without the loop, that thing beat the hell out of you, even as a young kid riding it being just barely tall enough, i got tossed and was definitely sore the next day I've been at this for a hot minute, even before i found this place, and the wonderful community that exists here, so while id love to see it happen, in some form, even if its just utilizing the killer marketing and theming strategy, truthfully id just like to see the park add something cool and major that isn't another B&M, or another more traditional wooden coaster, (yes i would consider MT a more traditional wooden coaster)
    1 point
  5. On the other hand of the coin, I personally could honestly give a hoot about a vekoma madhouse, or the crypt building being used. We're all entitled to enjoy the themes, lore, history, and excitement of speculation about what we each personally enjoy. There's a whole thread for TRTR/The Crypt speculation if that's what you desire to speculate about, in fact, that's the thread that inspired my post here, but you see I brought that speculation here and made my post in this thread, because it keeps it sperated into a thread, where if you desire to see such topics, you'll know what you're clicking into. Absolutely no need to come over here and bash a separate thread of speculation from what you desire to see happen. Secondhand, these comments do not contribute to the intent and purpose of this thread, and are nothing more than clutter now. Ya know for some of us, Son of Beast holds a special part in hearts. I personally grew up intimidated by that monstrous structure, always hearing stories of what awaited behind that giant lift structure. It was like myth to me then. By the time I was finally tall enough to ride it, the loop had been removed, and it was on its way out, unintentionally, my first and only ride on Son of Beast, was on its unexpected final day of operations. So yeah, it's got a special place with me, and if love to see something happen with what was, and in my opinion still would be a killer marketing strategy.
    1 point
  6. I've accepted that all conversations on this site will always lead to Son of Beast, if given enough time and enough people participating. I thought we'd eventually someday escape this Groundhog Day scenario and settle into a The Bat-pre-2014 level of discussion about it, but then apparently someone on Six Flags's creative team decided this year that they hate me.
    1 point
  7. That’s how I felt about Hollywood & Vine. We did the Fantasmic dinner. It was worth it for not having to wait 90 minutes for the show, the food was okay for a buffet, and the character meet and greet aspect was fun but not repeatable without kids. Our bucket list right now is Royal Table, Be Our Guest and Space 220.
    1 point
  8. They did this a couple of years ago. It's lights on and no scares so appropriate for kids. Very interesting especially for those of us who remeber Tomb Raider the ride. I beilive this is the first year I've noticed the "ice" on the celing not there. CP has done this in the past. It takes less people to operate and allows guests to view the house with the lights on. My favorite at CP was the old HEXED (now Midnight) house. It is beautiful. Of course they are limited in what houses can be open because of gore (Slaughterhouse would be a no go for example.) If you have a lantern there are several activation points that are used (1 or 2 are in the line). I'm assuming those points are also active during Haunt.
    1 point
  9. I hope they bulldoze that station and all of the rumors surrounding it.
    1 point
  10. I brought back this topic to shed some new light into it. I heard rumors about what is going on in that building, Explaining why Madam is the only maze to feature a lights on tour, and why Kali is being light up in special effects for Tricks and Treats. Madam might be showcasing her wax figure for the last time. Which means that this maze is it's final year. And what I think is that the entire white box will be removed to make way for something new. Either a Vekoma Madhouse or something else... whatever it's going to be, I recommend to experience her museum before it's goes bye bye.
    1 point
  11. It was also heavily rumored that Six Flags Mexico was going to theme their tilt coaster to Harley Quinn, as they used her in one of the teasers they released before they were supposed to make their announcement. It would explain why Siren's Curse has a red/gray color scheme if that was originally supposed to be themed to Harley Quinn. Also adding to this, it would also explain why the trains have a green and purple color scheme if those were supposed to represent Joker, who is also heavily tied to Harley Quinn.
    1 point
  12. This coaster is not being built as some sort of appeasement for TT2. From what I understand, the hotels have been full and the park has been busy despite it being closed. Does anyone seriously think Cedar Point thought oh no! A few people on an online message board are upset about TT2, we better pull a new coaster out our you know where to make them happy!
    1 point
  13. For those wondering how the lantern works. You have to aim these bulbs (circled in red) at the activation point. (Orange circle). There is a reset button (circled in blue) that you can press if you would like the prop to play again. I would recommend doing this. Also for those wondering where the locations are, there is a QR code at the bottom of the lantern that you can scan that directs to a website that has a map as well as directions to how the lantern works. Interactive Lantern Map: https://qr1.be/AUFA
    1 point
  14. I’m impressed with the interactive lantern so far at KI. A plethora of locations to interact with. More so than Disney’s Magic Band.
    1 point
  15. I’m not sure if this thing is working right. Is the wheelchair supposed to do burnouts or something?
    1 point
  16. (Not directed towards you specifically) Look, I’m not a fan of the current direction of things. And as someone who works in marketing, I’m also baffled by a lot of the decisions that come out from that side of the park. But to blame him specifically for this “teaser” is kind of absurd. I mean, if the park does so little as move a landscaping rock, there are enthusiasts that immediately take that as a “hint” regarding SOB returning. The only ones responsible for any disappointment are the ones who are over reacting and assuming every little thing is a hint/teaser. And it bears repeating that SOB was an awful, miserable fail of an attraction. It was a money pit that physically harmed guests on a few different occasions. And even if you weren’t involved in any of those incidents, the ride experience as a whole left much to be desired. The land where there ride stood is mostly occupied by another attraction. So, any new version would be by name alone. So is that really a SOB revival? And to that point, if there was to be a major new coaster addition, why would you want it to be associated with a ride that has such a miserable past? The hype around the ride was fun. The actual experience was mediocre on a good day. Ultimately, SOB was a low point in an otherwise world class coaster line up. Why do it again in any way? This display is a lot of fun. I love stuff like this. But it’s cool if it stays as a fun throwback to a defunct attraction.
    1 point
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