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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/2024 in all areas

  1. Splurged tonight! The desserts were fantastic!!!
    3 points
  2. If they axe The Bat, why not announce it so people can get last rides in? Do what they did with Vortex and make a huge send off for the ride. Easy way to increase attendance in those few months!
    2 points
  3. There is a new easement on the Warren County site from November that reads like it is to put the Duke lines in Soak City underground.
    2 points
  4. The Bat will be there longer than a number of current full-time employees.
    2 points
  5. Or was it PR spin? She acknowledged that it was a rumor. She didn't straight up say it was a false rumor. I'm sure the group of people with direct knowledge of the fate of Kingda Ka was quite small at first, so to anyone outside of that group, it was a rumor. I bet most people who work for Six Flags Great Adventure found out at the same time the rest of us did. So Kathy's quote can be read either way, she could have been in the know, or she may not have. We'll never know, but I don't think it's fair to call her a liar. She was just doing her job and would probably have been fired if she had stated that the coaster was going bye bye before the official announcement. If anyone wants to criticize Six Flags employees, criticize the decision makers at the top. Those are the people who decided to wait on the announcement, which put people like Kathy in a tough spot, and didn't give their guests a chance to get a last ride in.
    1 point
  6. no, that is not what the easement is for, this is near the intersection of Western Row/Kings Island Drive
    1 point
  7. That would be nice and allow Soak City more room to expand.
    1 point
  8. The culinary team at KI got robbed at the Golden Ticket Awards.
    1 point
  9. Adding to the Vortex spot first is my vote. Then focus on AZ.
    1 point
  10. Totally agree. Sometimes I'll walk past security and I will overhear new guests saying, "I want to go on that one" (Talking about Invertigo. Some even call it Timberwolf because of that sign after security ) People see those rides at the front, and a brand new one would excite guests greatly. Kings Island needs a standout attraction at the front.
    1 point
  11. I would like to say I was impressed with one of the chefs at French Corner today. They took our order we got the fall special the tomato soup and the open fsged grilled cheese. Well apparently they were out of soup as apparently it's made in a different location. The chef came out to apologize and offered us free cheese cake for our wait. We did get our food finally but I appreciate him going above and beyond. Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. It missed the mark. It fell well short of garnering the same level of anticipation, interest, excitement that teaser campaigns and earned media placements did for Diamondback, Banshee, Orion, and the parking tolls leading up to those announcements. Slapping posters on a wall as teasers just didn’t net the same results. It would have created more buzz had the teasers been things like boulders being placed around the front gate area and around park with steam coming out. The posters were not aligned with what planning and design had in mind for the backstory. And then on the night of the announcement, a banner was unveiled with a rendering and it had The Racer with one side running backward. So, guests were wondering if that was returning instead of talking about Orion. Plus, half the conversation on social media was is it really a Giga? The parking tolls announcement had everyone buzzing because an aerial photo from behind The Racer that showed the parking lot and tolls was used on social media with the accompanying post copy saying two things that had been at Kings Island since 1972 was going away. Naturally, everyone assumed The Racer. “What’s Kings Island doing?” stories were everywhere. New York Times. Los Angeles Times. Boston Globe. I worked with KIC on that teaser and that really helped amplify the speculation. When it was announced new parking tolls and the original parking tolls would be torn down, there was a lot of conversation on social media with people breathing a sigh of relief The Racer wasn’t being torn down. Because of all of the chatter, news of the new tolls was nation wide. Matt Ouimet, Cedar Fair’s CEO at the time, was impressed that I could take new parking tolls and get it in the New York Times, and other major papers. Orion could have had that same kind of media coverage leading up to and for its announcement. It didn’t make it much further than the park’s backyard. just a lot of misses from start to finish.
    1 point
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