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King Ding Dong

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Everything posted by King Ding Dong

  1. ^ Except The Boss where the best you can hope for is SF hammering in the loose nails or the once a decade RMC sectional retracking.
  2. Maybe 5,000 guests are in line at the only open drink stand? (According to some recent posts) /jk Polar Bear. Wife just found this.
  3. ^ I actually paid for a Netscape license back in the day, if anyone is old enough to remember what that was.
  4. Out of curiosity what are the options after the Memorial Day deadline? Platinum is still available, is there not a KI only season pass available?
  5. At SFSTL they let passholders in about 10-12 minutes early. Not that any rides are open early, you just get to que first. On top of that, nearly everyone is a passholder given their pricing.
  6. ^ Well she is at least partially correct. Elevation is based of sea level and with sea levels rising it technically is sinking. So is everything else.
  7. I am a simple man. A large glass of milk and a half bag of Oreos to dip in it is enough to make me very happy.
  8. I have led a deprived life. What exactly is a deep fried Oreo? Is it breaded or just an Oreo tossed in a fryer?
  9. Was it a light day overall? CP was certainly lighter than I expected with most rides 5 minutes except Maverick and that sort of new thingy I can never spell correctly.
  10. ^ As long as it still fits you are doing something right.
  11. So when a beer stand changes it's name does it count as a new beer stand credit?
  12. Maybe they do and I suppose I am not a true enthusiast. I guess I kind of view it like a vehicle breakdown on the highway. Yahoo! I get to sit here for twenty minutes or more doing nothing and then ride in a tow truck! Actually completing the circuit and having time for another ride sounds much more exciting to me. Different strokes. Contratulations Malem and Pianoman on your exciting evacuation!
  13. The "!" seems to indicate you are excited about this?
  14. ^ I don't know what if any changes CF has made to their IT systems recently but at SF since at least 2013 you cannot get a meal from the meal plan unless you have scanned into the park. I assume it has worked the same way at CF, the wording on the website that discusses the plan certainly has indicated that in the past. Maybe my mind is not devious enough but there is not really any way I can think of to abuse or misuse the system. It is rather simple, you are at the park, paid for your plan, pickup your food. Who cares what you choose to do with it after that? I suppose you could set up a lemonade stand and try and sell it to passerbys and that would be over the top, but short of that, I think CF has bigger things to worry about than being Food Cops.
  15. If I understand statements made in this thread correctly it appears some feel that sharing a meal one obtains through the meal plan is against park and pass rules. I found this position rather surprising but took Indyguy's advise and contacted Guest Services and this was the response: "Hello and thank you for contacting Kings Island! As long as the person who picks up meal is the one the dining plan is registered to, they can share that meal with others. However, that person can still only get two meals a day with a four hour interval in between. If you have any further questions, please let me know. Have the best day!" For those that choose to split that chicken salad with their wife or the Dad that chooses to share chicken strips and some fries with his child, carry on and share with integrity.
  16. I am not sure what post(s) involved actual cheating or abuse but if you scan into the park and have a meal plan and pick up meal and decide to share that meal with someone it NOT cheating or abusing the system. If you feel otherwise please provide evidence. Mine is here:
  17. I have never seen it run only one train, but I am sure it happens. Bad luck I suppose.
  18. Could you describe the problems, sir?
  19. Fairly standard list, but I strongly leave off Vortex because I am of the belief that a ride should not require selection of special seats or "how to ride" tips to not get beat up. That thing completely ruined one of our trips last year and we had to go home. 1. Banshee 2. Mr. T 3. Diamondback 4. Beast 5. Skyflier ($5 only) 6. Delerium.
  20. Not failed, just the underdog. Powerful elite forces are aligned against it.
  21. The seat belts were not Velcro on any raft I was on last season, all were buckles.
  22. There is a "nominal" charge to replace the pass. Probably $10 or less. FYI: The KI smartphone app allows you to scan your card in so you can use the app instead if you forget the plastic.
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