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King Ding Dong

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Everything posted by King Ding Dong

  1. ...In the past face masks have been expressly prohibited by the park, so.... ... --- ...
  2. This was fun. The park probably took it to far but I suspect the reason was this lady had a "I want to talk to your manager!" attitude going on.
  3. They could but they sure don't have a history of enforcing rules other than phones out on rides or sidewalk chalk. Also when Disco heard "build the wall" he mistakenly thought it meant Build a Wall of Text.
  4. All the KY, IN and ichigan foreigners could 14-day quarantine in Aurora. What about the trucks and busses?
  5. If they can’t figure that part out these tenured professors will just take a sabbatical or retire. They are not going to spend an hour in a lecture hall with 300 super spreaders 3X a week.
  6. Exactly. The issue is not so much the students keeling over but all the faculty and staff that are mostly not under 30 that have to provide the service these students are paying for. They are not so easily replaceable.
  7. Where are these dorms filled with people under 30 right now?
  8. They don’t sell those kind there anyway. Working out splendidly for Singapore with contract tracing and testing that would make our heads explode. Should be an interesting fall semester at Purdue, who knows maybe all of them will give it a go. It won’t end well.
  9. Because in 2010 only smart people had iPhones and were not dumb enough to take them on a coaster. Dumb people. Searously? A 10 year old Blackberry or Nokia? Is this serious question?
  10. Do you have a source that claims a Walmart is violating corporate policy (as previously posted in this thread)and allowing more than 5 customers per 1000 feet? Nice promotional photo of a RV campground. Sure doesn’t look like any I have seen, they pack those pads in tight. https://corporate.walmart.com/newsroom/2020/04/03/changes-to-our-shopping-process-to-encourage-social-distancing
  11. Americans' Readiness to Return to Normal Activities Once government restrictions on social contact are lifted and businesses and schools start to reopen, how quickly do you think you would return to your normal activities, including interacting with people in public? March 27-29 April 3-5 % % Immediately 22 20 Wait to see what happens with the coronavirus before resuming 69 71 Continue to limit your contact with other people and daily activities indefinitely 9 10 GALLUP PANEL, 2020 https://news.gallup.com/poll/308264/americans-remain-risk-averse-getting-back-normal.aspx
  12. The Confederate battle flags at the Michigan protests were puzzling on several different levels.
  13. The photo in this Dispatch article on the protests at the Statehouse today looks like the beginning of every zombie movie ever made. https://www.dispatch.com/news/20200413/gop-lawmakers-protesters-call-on-dewine-to-begin-re-opening-ohio
  14. Everything that one believes will happen in the future is a guess. The difference is what information and evidence those guesses are based on. There is no law against basing your guess off a hunch or your gut feeling, but others generally don’t take that very seriously without some sort of logical case being built on how one came to such a conclusion.
  15. So is the messaging consistent now across all parks that they will open “as soon as possible” without any specific time frames?
  16. Or before....hopefully we can keep up with vaccinations here in the US since in general it doesn’t require large gatherings like in remote villages in undeveloped nations. Viruses do not respect borders so now is not the time to defund public health campaigns. In addition there is a growing body of evidence of other organ damage in those infected. Kidney, liver, heart intestinal permanent damage is serious. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/coronavirus-destroys-lungs-but-doctors-are-finding-its-damage-in-kidneys-hearts-and-elsewhere/2020/04/14/7ff71ee0-7db1-11ea-a3ee-13e1ae0a3571_story.html
  17. Been done before, just ask Carole $(&)#/ Baskins. So I want to know what animal gets to eat the pandas.
  18. The Thing. 80’s version. The original was like 1959 and there was another remake a few years ago. Flame throwers, lots of flame throwers, doesn’t get much better than that.
  19. Yep and the basis of the scientific method is repeatability. That takes time and money. Much easier to go with a hunch.
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