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King Ding Dong

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Everything posted by King Ding Dong

  1. It probably isn’t a problem on the slower coasters but even 50mph is a lot of turbulence. You could set this up as science fair experiment. Testing at different speeds and if you want to go for gold try to mimic the acceleration profiles of various coasters. Though I would not recommend that on a busy interstate. A motorcycle might actually work best for this. I don’t think there is a helmet law here in OH as I see lots of no helmet cyclists. Come to think of it maybe motorcycle helmets are the key here. Would help keep the masks on and act like as a sneeze guard and discourage you from touching your face. If helmets became the norm, Vortex’s demise might prove to be premature and Rougarou would become more tolerable.
  2. Still waiting on someone with a mask to give this a try so we know how well masks will work on a coaster.
  3. I don’t believe you. Somehow, someway you spoofed The Onion. One way isles? You mean I have to go down the frozen pizza isle to get to the snack cakes? The should just go full on every sci-fi show ever and issue shock collars on entering the store. It works really well on my dog except when the battery gets low. Black Friday at Walmart this year is going to be hilarious.
  4. . Nah, that didn’t come across right. Yep, FoF I am afraid this will forever be known as the Summer That Sucked.
  5. Yes and No. You have some research to do young padawan.
  6. I don’t believe this has to happen, things could be done to prevent it.
  7. Singapore is an interesting case and is unique in many ways. It is a city-state so very small with tightly controlled access. They also learned from previous outbreaks like SARS that self-isolation does not work very well. It is very difficult to control spread within a household. So they have built isolation hospitals for this very purpose so even a mild case gets you quarantined, there is no choice. They are also very aggressive with testing and contact tracing. To a level that would not pass muster in most western countries. Despite all of that they are starting to see an uptick in cases and may have to take further measures.
  8. @Joshua. So sorry. Every time I hear about someone loosing a job it is heart wrenching. My wife lost hers in the months after 9/11 shortly after she found out she was pregnant and I had just graduated into (at the time) one of the worst tech job markets. I was a wreck. I hope you have friends and family that you can lean on. Things will get better but until then be as strong as you can and fight on.
  9. Both can be true at the same time. There may have been a huge drop (idk) and Kinzel used his corporate speak to convey “given the circumstances, attendance was excellent”.
  10. Get ready for an above average hurricane season. I would agree there is no manual for handling a stay in home order and evacuation order at the same time. https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2020/04/02/above-average-atlantic-hurricane-season-predicted-including-possible-major-hurricane-strike/?itid=hp_hp-more-top-stories-2_cwg-predict-10am%3Ahomepage%2Fstory-ans We need to start planning for where and how we shelter all these people and maintain social distancing. Now. Are we going to? Given recent history absolutely not. A few months from now the talking heads on TV and politicians will claim, “How could we have predicted this? Nobody believed this was possible.” In order to hear, one must listen. The governor of one state “just found out” asymptomatic individuals can be carriers. Just found out. Let that sink in.
  11. For those that are unemployed and bought a meal plan the park might be a great place to hang out EVERY DAY.
  12. Do you really think gold Passholders are worthy? I was thinking platinum elites only.
  13. Premium usually comes with a upcharge. What should the all-season-butt-wash pass cost?
  14. Not to mention the all administrative offices closing until 4/4.
  15. Doesn't look the full map has been released yet just that low-res image on the blog post. It does have little boats going around the island.
  16. That is a possibility. Another strategy would be to sideline the brand for a time and launch some others to fill the void. Still making it for the true fans, but lowering production and the marketing budget substantially until this is all over. I know its sales are down, just not sure by how much. We need a cringe emoji.
  17. Think this coaster will get a rename? https://rcdb.com/6727.htm
  18. Oh yeah forgot about the up charges. We did get on Xtreme Skyflyer a couple of years ago at night when it $5 a head however the boys started screaming and they let us back down. Although I was on the one at SFSTL 25 years or so ago.
  19. Just started a “What ride at KI have you never been on” thread. Thought it would be interesting.
  20. Obviously if you are adult size the Planet Snoopy rides don’t count. Also not ones that you don’t fit on like FoF for me. For us it is Viking Fury, Surf Dog, and obviously WindSeeker because it hates me. Though we have been on it at CP and Pipe Scream.
  21. Unless it is really worn out pirate ships are great family flat that doesn’t spin. Fun Fact: we have never been on VF or Ocean Motion. I think the boys rode one at SFSTL once when they were much younger much younger and I guess didn’t really like it.
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