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King Ding Dong

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Everything posted by King Ding Dong

  1. They are starting the destruction of Adventure Express to make room for the Giga!
  2. Probably just jackhammer them into transportable sections if they are to big.
  3. And no seatbelts! (Or is that just to unrealistic?)
  4. You can’t get bottled water with the drink plan. You can switch between the souvenir cup and disposable cup plans for a small charge. $3, I think. All the Coke Freestyle machines dispense water and some but not all of the fountain stands do. If I want water at fountain stand I just get a cup of ice and fill with water at a nearby drinking fountain. Some have the water bottle fillers to make it easy. I also carry a collapsable Mylar waterbottle with a sport cap that fits in my pocket well for rides. Cant help you with the beer.
  5. Can a wild mouse be made with high capacity?
  6. Was the shredded cheese melted? Couldnt make it to Winterfest this year. Ryan got really behind at school and we were playing catch-up all December.
  7. PR speak: “Fresh selection of side dishes” is not “A selection of fresh side dishes”.
  8. Most of the associates are young enough to remember what happens when you mess with a thirsty frazzled mom. Ain’t no one happy.
  9. Whatever you decide to do... just don’t go in the shed.
  10. Also if I am at an indoor food venue eating I completely ignore the cool down and just go get refills as often as I like without scans. In that situation it is just like any restaurant and unlimited. I think they only want to scan if you are getting a new cup.
  11. Lol. That was one of my Dads favorite albums.
  12. It’s possible. The 15 minute interval doesn’t bother me becuase if I need a refill that quickly I space it out with ice water anyway and I have never had them question Ice water at all. I suppose if one is sharing a plan it could be an issue, not that there is anything wrong with sharing as that has been established and is settled law.
  13. Someone correct me if I am wrong but the sports cup at least had a 15 minute interval as well.
  14. How are B&M Flyers with capacity? Being a people eater is certainly a top priority even if it hasn’t always worked out that way.
  15. What does per cap spending have to do with park’s determination of the right mix of rides?
  16. Polishing those social skills in the food thread I see. There was about 3 weeks in college where I was completely broke after needing a new clutch on my Datsun. All I ate was Mac and cheese and potatoes. In general a few bites and I am good, however loaded with the right toppings would better. I actually prefer regular spaghetti noodles to any other shape even though I know there is not really any difference.
  17. Someone please pull up the most recent reliable attendance numbers. IIRC CP and KI are not all that far apart in raw attendance. It is bit of an unfair comparison IMO, but I get it. A former member of this community was just obnoxious with her bashing of GCI when MT was announced. She was really butthurt that it wasn’t an RMC and just relentless in her attacks and it got really old. I think many here were somewhat dissapointed MT wasn’t an RMC but she just couldn’t let it go and move on. I found it rather amusing but many others didn’t. She was in a whole different class than you...so far.
  18. Nah, he is entitled to his opinion. Can’t take this stuff personally. I don’t get insulted when others bash Firehawk and I certainly hope @VortexBFForever doesn’t take it personally when I rag on Vortex. It’s just coasters.
  19. That may be but my question is why do you think that? I have not heard any CF executive talk about 150th at all, but I have heard many enthusiasts talk about it. Same with 20 by 2020, never heard CF say anything about that as a goal. But I could have missed it. Will building a huge epic coaster in 2 years increase revenue? Maybe some, but building a new hotel on the Sandcastle land certainly will. I am sceptical that building a 20+ million coaster every 2 years is sustainable or supported historically. They can’t survive on coasters alone.
  20. Regardless of what type of coaster CP adds next a good arguement can be made that there are some gaping holes that need to be filled to build on the family destination resort focus of the park. Particularly in attractions the whole family can enjoy. There just isn’t much for the 6-10 year olds or grandparents. Personally I would be happy if they focused on Big Steel but tweens and up are not the whole market.
  21. As Chris pointed out earlier Knott’s only has 6 shows and is also in an area with an abundance of musical/acting/dancing talent. Spitballing here, but is it possible CF has determined that there are so many other oportunities for shows that not enough of their customers are looking for that kind of entertainment from the parks to justify the cost? However with Winterfest due to climate curtailing ride operations there was little choice but to offer more shows.
  22. A Giga Dive Flyer would be epic. Some sort of spinner is something they don’t have but doesn’t seem like a CF thing.
  23. I think I have seen @silver2005 making the same moves waiting in a coaster que.
  24. Actually the criteria was “hit” and that never broke the Billboard top 100. However upon reflection I concede there are worse hits than maneater and this #3 comes to mind. I think we have successfully derailed this thread farther than it has ever gone. Just maybe Brad might be willing to award us some of those coveted “warning points” in the profiles. Back on topic: What are some of the Worst names and station music KI could use on our Giga? I posit the above.
  25. Ok, so they were not chosen for their musical quality, just because the lyrics fit. I can accept that. *ducks*.
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