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Hawaiian Coasters 325

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Everything posted by Hawaiian Coasters 325

  1. I haven't seen such survey myself. Can you provide a little more information on what they were surveying on. Like the themes of the events and parades?
  2. Tbh while I like Carnivale, it has been going on for 3 seasons now and has only been downsized over the years. I say if they aren't going to return the event back to how it was in 2019 (the different stages, more interactive character opportunities, the weekend concert series) I wouldn't be opposed to axing Carnivale and bringing in something new. At Coasterstock I asked Mike Koontz about doing a Frontier Festival or Kidzfest type thing and he said something along the lines of "we are looking into doing something in May and June that would be specific to Kings Island." For example he mentioned about how doing a boysenberry festival like Knotts wouldn't work at KI since that is a Knotts thing and there are no boysenberries here. Now if Carnivale leaves, maybe we could get an event along the lines of Knotts Summer Nights or the Busch Gardens Summer Celebration where the idea around the event is celebrating the season of summer. They could even tie the nightly fireworks into that and do concerts at Timberwolf on the weekends during the event (like BGW does).
  3. I don't see KI going 8 years without a major coaster. I think 2027 is the absolute latest with my money on 2026. 2025 I think will be Soak City's year. My theory is they fill The Vortex plot first before starting on Action Zone as I feel like AZ will be a multi phase renovation/expansion.
  4. Also worth to note that in 2025 the tournament is expanding to 2 weeks which would likely mean more people coming to the area. Wonder how this will affect the park as this will likely mean more people coming to the area.
  5. Taron is an Intamin btw. You must be thinking of FLY?
  6. I believe Time Traveler has been a big hit at Dollywood and it has a magnet on the train that makes it a controlled spin and not an uncontrolled spin like tea cups. Now Ride to Happiness takes that magnet off and runs as an uncontrolled spinning coaster. I think knowing how the park would want the ride to appeal to a wider demographic, if KI gets an Xtreme Spinner it'll likely have the magnet on and ride like Time Traveler.
  7. I worked Monster a couple times this year and heres the thing, those pod doors (especially for someone who is short and out of shape like me) are HEAVY to lift up. Not to mention the control operator manually parks the ride and they have to park it perfectly to safely load and unload people. You also can only load and unload one at a time so that slows everything down. Not to mention on low crowded/short staffed days they only staff 2 operators (drive and load/unload) and since there is only one operator loading and unloading they can only load one side which reduces capacity even more.
  8. Didn't Carowinds and KD get the Intimidator coasters in the same year? Also, KI is getting SSBRs while CP is getting TT2 the same year. Ik those are different sized projects, they're both still fairly big marketable additions.
  9. 2026 is also rumored to be Valleyfair for their 50th anniversary. I could see 2026 being KI and Valleyfair. With Carowinds I think it depends on what they go with for 2025 which is rumored to be a water ride per recent surveys. My hope is they go with a Mack powersplash as it would knock out 2 birds with one stone: A) a new coaster and B ) a new water ride in the dry park. It also would give the park another launch coaster. I also wouldn't rule out on Carowinds getting a family coaster in their Camp Snoopy ie Snoopy's Soapbox Racers or Snoopy's Racing Railway or even something different than those 2.
  10. Yep a wall is up. Not surprising considering the park opens tonight and Snoopy will be open tomorrow.
  11. Also wondering why they didn't replace the remainder of the blacktop that runs by Flume and Mystic's entrance when they built Mystic. Right now it just a small sliver of blacktop mixed with pavers and it is ugly imo. I wish they would replace that with all pavers.
  12. Update 9/27/23 Construction has officially started. Snack shack is pretty much gone and it looks like concrete is being ripped up.
  13. That circle is Woodstock Gliders. It's hard to tell with the sun glare when this screenshot was taken.
  14. It's hard to tell on the webcam so take with grain of salt, but it looks like activity has started.
  15. It honestly wouldn't shock me if the park chose the family boomerang last minute bc they saw Holiday World was getting one so they were like: "oh that looks cool, lets get one of our own and make it different enough from that". Ik there was rumors about us getting a ride like Snoopy's Racing Railway. Maybe the park was originally planning that, but saw the family boomerang as an option and liked the idea more.
  16. Usually the way it has worked is an audio story plays and then there is this explosion that goes off and that's when Haunt starts.
  17. If I remember correctly, if there were to be any new tombstones like for a ride about to be retired (which for Firehawk and Vortex there was a funeral set up in the graveyard area) that doesn't get put out until the week of the opening of Haunt likely bc they don't want anyone to see it and leak it before the actual kick off of Haunt.
  18. According to this article, it was said construction would begin this fall. https://attractionsmagazine.com/expanded-camp-snoopy-at-kings-island-includes-new-kids-roller-coaster/ Adventure Port began construction mid October. However, that was an October announcement and last minute addition. Maybe they're waiting to get Haunt started to begin construction? I'm also wondering if they could still do the nativity thing during Winterfest in the old theater area where beagle scout acres is going. All they would need to do is block off the left side of it for construction of Soapbox Racers and then once WF is finished, start construction of Beagle Scout Acres. Does anyone know how technically how long a family boomerang takes to construct? With it being a cloned layout and not that large of a ride, I would think they could get it put up within a few months.
  19. KD did something similar in 2021 (was supposed to open in 2020) with their Soak City expansion where it was a new section called Coconut Shores that featured a fusion fortress, a kids wave pool, and the beach street food truck area. Maybe KI could do something similar? I personally would love to see us get a larger water playground like one of those fusion fortress complexes that have some thrilling slides along with kids slides along with more than one bucket. Unfortunately I feel like we would lose Breakers Bay for it as I believe KD's replaced their smaller wave pool. I think the beach street would go where Pipeline was extending onto the midway near Mondo Monsoon.
  20. I don't really think our Backlot Stunt Coaster needs much of a retheme. I think the high speed car theme fits with what I think a retheme of that back section of Coney Mall could be themed to. Give it a "Route 66" style theme. Call it "Route 72" like Valleyfair did with Route 76 and just give Backlot new theming signage with Cincinnati references instead of Los Angeles. Basically instead of riding through a Backlot in Los Angeles, you are riding through Cincinnati. Vortex's replacement can still be themed to a "Vortex" or storm type theme, but have the storyline be along the lines of it's the 1950s and a major storm rips through Route 72 and you board your 1950s style hot rod to ride out the storm similar to how the Mystic Timbers storyline was set in the 80s.
  21. Glad you guys finally noticed it was getting a touch of paint. It started last week with small sections being painted, but now it's finally coming together! I worked at Drop Tower tonight so I couldn't see the new paint update, but these pics really look great. Looking forward to seeing it tomorrow evening.
  22. Wasn't RCCA the one who pitched the idea to build a wooden hyper coaster to PKI?
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