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Hawaiian Coasters 325

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Everything posted by Hawaiian Coasters 325

  1. Sadly I street is the same jazz music as the past couple years. When I walked in and heard it, I was pretty mad. I don't understand why they are still keeping the same jazz music. The 50th anniversary was 2 years ago. It's past time to go back to actual classical orchestral pieces. They might as well rename I street to New Orleans Square at this point lol.
  2. While true a lot of big name artists have radius clause contracts with concert promoters like Live Nation basically forbidding them from performing at another venue within a certain amount of distance from a venue owned and/or supported by the concert promoter. In Cincinnati you have Bogarts nearby which is owned by Live Nation and Riverbend is also used by Live Nation. The main thing with SOB is that it was SBNO for a few years before demolition bc the park was figuring out what to do with it and considering all options before deciding to demolish it.
  3. So basically Chicken Shack is going back to how it was before. I believe it used to be setup this way where they had the food out and they put the food on your tray as you ordered the food. Then they changed it to where you ordered your food then they made it in the back and called your number which on busy days was very chaotic bc it would be so loud in there and they didn't have a mic to call out order numbers so they would have to yell out the numbers and it was hard to hear and the orders wouldn't be in order so you could've easily missed your order called. I believe it was 2019 (right before the Covid year) they added self touch order screens in there as well. Also please I hope they bring back the self serve hot sauce dispenser. I don't understand why they took it away. I liked having the hot sauce dispenser to soak my chicken tenders and fries in hot sauce lol.
  4. Its hard to get national acts with there being tons of nicer venues near downtown Cincy. However, what Carowinds is doing is making the concerts free with park admission. If KI were to do another concert series, I predict it would be like Carowinds as I think just making the concerts free with park admission would be a solution. Now, Carowinds' venue is actually fairly similar to Riverbend just without the grass lawn so it is much nicer than Timberwolf and seats more people. So Idk if the same acts that are going to Carowinds would go to Timberwolf too, but I would love to see a Coke sponsored concert series come to KI too.
  5. Timberwolf has played a major part of KI history and at one point was the main venue for big acts coming to the Cincinnati area. However, over the last 2 decades we have seen the venue be used for concerts less and less with more nicer concert venues being built in and around the area with another big venue set to be built where Coney Island used to be. The park tried a concert series for the 50th anniversary in 2022, but from what was observed the venue wasn't even half full for most of the concerts which likely was the reason the park didn't bring them back in 2023. For 2023, the park brought back the Spirit Song festival which was the main event Timberwolf was used for before Covid. However, for some reason Spirit Song isn't planned for this season and there has been no mention of it which is very odd. This brings me to this question, what does the future hold for Timberwolf? As of right now, the only thing likely planned for Timberwolf is using it for the awards ceremonies for Music in the Parks which takes place on weekends in April and May. However, long term I'm not sure keeping Timberwolf, a 10,000 seat venue for just a school music awards ceremony is really needed and would be a waste of space as Timberwolf sits on prime land at the front of the park. In 2021, I believe the park used International Showplace for the awards ceremonies. This leads me to this question. What do you think will happen to Timberwolf this season and beyond? Will the park surpsise us with another round of concerts this season similar to what Carowinds is doing? Will they just use it for Music in the parks then just let it sit there empty the rest of the season? Will it be demolished for new attraction/s in the coming years? Lets speculate below.
  6. Snoopy's Soapbox Racers has started testing! Imo I think it is very likely we may see this thing open around the time of the ACE Spring Conference in May! Maybe the weekend before? Hoping that is the case!
  7. Current wait time for Orion: 47 hours, and 55 minutes lol Also the red headline says 2023 not 2024
  8. @IndyGuy4KI are you planning on making a ride wait times thread for this season like you usually do?
  9. Of course it would lol. I do have a little "history" with him not that I would repeat any of that though. I learned my lesson from all that, but I do really enjoy his coverage of KI and I'm glad he's WCPO's go to guy for KI coverage lol.
  10. John Matarese was there as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2_RK9Oizdg
  11. Some more photos from the article: Also a link to the article that works: https://local12.com/news/local/gallery/kings-islands-camp-snoopy-snoopys-soap-box-racers-cincinnati-derby-club-kids-join-unveiling-cars-mason-latest-coaster-adrenaline-track-thrill-seekers-updates-reveal-late-spring-visit-shaded-play-space-beagle-scout-acres-season?photo=11
  12. One is just a throwback photo for long time KI fans who remember the old Enchanted Voyage The second one if I were to take a guess is the train for Snoopy's Soapbox Racers which is Vekoma. Plus they said in a construction update awhile back they expect the train to arrive any day.
  13. I believe he was at KD. Tim Fisher (the COO) was GM of KI under Paramount for awhile.
  14. I beat you by a minute lol. At least I know its not just me.
  15. Idk if it is just me, but it looks like the Camp Snoopy Webcam is no longer up.
  16. When I was little (like 2007 I think) there was a YouTube video of Kings Island and the song played in the video was "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen. Ever since then, I have always associated that song with Kings Island and I loved that it was part of the park playlist last season. Also for those who don't know, ever since 2021 the park has picked a song for the season that plays for associates when they arrive in the morning to get them ready for the day. In 2021 it was "High Hopes", 2022 it was "Celebration" and 2023 it was some song that I don't know the name of that River City and a few other KI performers actually recorded a cover of. Mike Koontz talked about it at Coasterstock last season.
  17. I just checked and it looks like you can still register.
  18. A St Patrick's Day Update from Woodstock's Air Rail (formerly Flying Ace) https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=815044267329930&set=a.644361897731502
  19. According to ACE as of 10 minutes ago, the available spots are half full!
  20. The "new thing at the land formerly known as Coney Island" hasn't even broke ground yet and besides Carowinds also has to compete with nearby concert venues like the PNC Music Pavilion in Charlotte which is the same exact thing as Riverbend btw.
  21. I believe that's what Busch Gardens does with their concerts. It makes me wonder if CF learned from KI's concert series back in 2022 which KI charged extra for the concerts and didn't include park admission and decided to make the concerts at Carowinds free with park admission.
  22. Honestly I think Grand Carnivale makes most sense at KI, KD, and CGA as they mainly fit the theme of the parks well. CGA has Orleans Place which works with Carnivale at Orleans Place and Grand Carnivale at KI and KD work with International Street. In fact, I believe Mike Koontz said at Coasterstock last year that Carnivale started as an International Food Festival specfically for KI and it developed into Grand Carnivale.
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