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Hawaiian Coasters 325

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Everything posted by Hawaiian Coasters 325

  1. I doubt we'll see much if not any changes operations wise at KI at least in the short term. Especially since current KI management really pushes for capacity and fast dispatches. Remember these parks operate individually. Fiesta Texas is widely considered one of if not the best Six Flags parks operations wise bc they are ran by the man Jeffery Siebert. While Knott's Berry Farm on the other hand is known for Six Flags level operations.
  2. Also the live entertainment section mentions something about "Around each corner is something new to see and hear". Could that mean we're getting the individual smaller stages back?!! Man I really hope so, but I'm very skeptical.
  3. I don't think CF executives are purposely waiting until after opening day to open new attractions seeing that both Wild Mouse and TT2 at Cedar Point opened on their target opening dates and KD is already well underway on their 2025 coaster likely targeting a March 2025 opening. Sometimes delays happen in construction especially in a world with part shortages and shipping delays.
  4. I really think whatever coaster goes in that plot will likely feature a launch. KI's two current launch coasters are cloned rides and are pretty old so it is time for a modern launch coaster. CF also seems to be adding more of these modern launches recently starting with Copperhead Strike in 2019, then TT2 in 24, then the rumored launched wing for KD, and then whatever that coaster Canada's Wonderland is building that is rumored to be a multi launch by either Zamperla, Premier, or Intamin. So it would make sense that KI would be next on the list for a modern launch. I think a Vekoma shockwave or Top Gun launch coaster with multiple inversions and a few nods to Vortex here and there (ie a batwing in the old Vortex batwing location) would be a great successor to Vortex.
  5. Ok can we please stop arguing and just get back to speculating about what may eventually replace Vortex?! I swear this is Spring/Summer 2018 in the giga speculation thread all over again!
  6. It's been open some this season. Right now there is no ETA at this time as it is down for maintineance reasons.
  7. I really hope they don't go with the giga dive coaster. I just feel like any dive coaster going there would be a big disappointment as the park has had all this time to think up a suitable replacement for Vortex and I feel like a dive coaster would feel like a copy and paste addition similar to that wing coaster layout that KD was considering before Tumbili that thankfully got scrapped for what looks to be a more better thought out replacement for Volcano. I personally hope the park still goes with the Xtreme spinner idea, but not the shuttle coaster idea. Instead go with a more thought out layout ie Ride to Happiness or Time Traveler. However, knowing the park I feel like an Xtreme spinner would be more like Time Traveler with the controlled spin magnet on as it would help appeal to a wider audience which isn't necessarily a bad thing as most people I know who have ridden Time Traveler say it's outstanding.
  8. My prediction is a clone of Moosehorn Falls currently under construction at Canada's Wonderland. I honestly believe that CF will probably buy that type of slide in bulk and put them in multiple parks similar to what CF did with the drop slide complexes in the 2010s.
  9. Here's a description of a Mag Nail I found Source: https://www.chrisnik.com/magnail#:~:text=Mag nails%2C are used for,nail could be set into.
  10. Where exactly near jukebox diner is this? How far from The Vortex area? If it's close to it, then that likely means early surveying has started or is about to start. I believe for big new coasters surveying happens about 2-3 years in advance so this basically lines up for a 2026 coaster project which would mean 2025 season would be another decoding thread year! Also I found out what this type of marker is used for. It is a MAG nail. It is used as a point where surveying equipment is placed on.
  11. Source on that? Honestly I was going to post something similar on how it being a possibility that it could be a human claw machine seeing how CP is adding one and from the photos that I have seen of the progress on the CP one, it looks like something that would work in Area 72.
  12. Got some up closer pics of the markings. Does anyone know what the stake in the concrete marking is used for? I remember seeing it in the concrete before construction began of Orion and Adventure Port.
  13. Concrete has been poured in the area. There is something sticking up out of the ground that is covered. Still not quite sure what it'll be though.
  14. There's that green track we've been looking for....lol. (Those who have been on KIC for several years will likely understand where this is coming from lol).
  15. KI was actually originally supposed to introduce a Summer Nights event in 2020. I believe it was going to be in Action Zone, but Covid put it on hold and the park never brought it back. Same with the Island Nights they did in Soak City which idk why that hasn't been brought back. Another event I would personally watch is Carowinds Summer Music Festival and if it is a success I could potentially see the other CF parks with these concert venues do something like it only if CF is willing to invest big money into updating these venues as Timberwolf is not anywhere near as nice as the Carowinds Palladium.
  16. If ends up being a new attraction, this is likely the 4th Cedar Fair park that is expanding their waterpark in 2025 based on rumors. The other parks are Cedar Point (a slide complex was just removed), Dorney Park (Lightning Falls/Cascade Slides were removed) and Valleyfair (I've heard some rumblings that they plan to expand their Soak City into their rapids ride area, but take that with a grain of salt as I have no source on that outside of just rumblings.)
  17. I'm 5'7" about 255 pounds mostly belly and I fit with no issue whatsoever.
  18. I personally wish what they would do during peak summer is bring out individual fire pits and sell s'mores kits and allow families to make s'mores as the sun goes down. There's just something special about roasting marshmellows as the sun goes down gearing up for fireworks. Knott's used to do this for Summer Nights, but I believe I heard they stopped doing it fairly recently so I don't think KI would do it, but I think that would be something fun to go along with Camp Snoopy.
  19. Before this thread gets locked as Camp Snoopy is now open, I just want to say it was an honor to be the one to start this thread back in August of last year and its crazy to see how much the area has changed from before construction started to now. It was a fun off season to watch this come together and I look forward to seeing what is next for the park!
  20. Got to ride Snoopy's Soapbox Racers today as part of yesterday's ACE silent auction. They sent us around twice so I got to ride it twice and I'll say it is an awesome ride and a great addition and will be a big hit with families! Awesome job to Vekoma and Kings Island! Now I would love to see a Vekoma launch replace Vortex
  21. The Eiffel Tower is currently down due to maintenance reasons. I can't go into anymore details due to obvious reasons, but I do not know when it'll reopen.
  22. I personally wish the park would hit the reset button on all the music in the park. Especially on International Street, Rivertown, and Planet Snoopy. Gosh I can't go into words about how I'm not a fan of the music in either of those areas! Jazz does not belong on International Street, bluegrass covers of Thunderstruck/other metal/rock songs are just a big no to me, and cringey covers of pop songs sang by a kid group just doesn't do it for me!
  23. @malem it opened! Guess @King Ding Dong must not be here today lol
  24. Nobody is surprised at the forecast lol. The 3 things guaranteed in life are: Death, Taxes, and rain at KI spring enthusiast events lol
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