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Hawaiian Coasters 325

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Everything posted by Hawaiian Coasters 325

  1. Also crazy to think that babies who were born the last time Dorney Park opened a brand new (not relocated) coaster graduated High School this past May! My sister is one of them lol.
  2. Local News did do coverage on this event:
  3. Oh yeah. Definitely was an honor to meet him even if I was messaging him on facebook about the teasers while he was on vacation lol. Trust me, I have promised before and I'll stick to the promise that I will never EVER to that sort of thing again. Especially since the park doesn't like us doing stuff like that and I completely understand why. The past is the past and while I will always be on here especially during the next decoding thread (hopefully next season), I will be very careful when it comes to what I say and will never interact with media personel over stuff like this and the only interactions I'll have is if I were to be interviewed with permission from the park's PR department (like when I got interviewed on the tower platform by Spectrum News on pass preview day).
  4. ^^Or this... When I first met him in person at the Orion announcement.
  5. And before anyone asks, NO I have NOTHING to do with this lol
  6. I feel like if I remember correctly (correct me if I'm wrong) at Coasterstock in 2015 (the first year) then KI General Manager Greg Scheid asked whether attendees liked Gold Striker or Thunderbird better and Gold Striker got a better response and then we got a GCI in 2017. I didn't attend coasterstock that year so I don't know for sure, but I'm going off what a friend who attended that year told me.
  7. I really hope this doesn't mean the end to Coasterstock. Don really does a great job putting it together and I really hope Chad can continue to put on the event with the same level of experience that Don did. Also am wondering if the presentation that @IndyGuy4KI gave to Don at Coasterstock was some sort of a hint or indication that he was leaving. I will really miss Don around the park, but I wish him nothing but the best with his future opportunities.
  8. I believe if I've seen things correctly this season, they used it for show rehearsals bc I remember seeing people dancing on the stage in there. However, I have heard rumblings of potential markings in that area. However, I don't have any pics or sources to back up this claim. If anyone has any pics, I'd love to see them.
  9. I also rode SS for the first time today. I was able to fit in the restraints just fine. However I will say if you have wider hips, the seat is a bit small. The restrictiveness of the restraints are nowhere near as restrictive as Drop Tower imo. I also can ride Delirium with no issues.
  10. I believe I remember that too. I believe the survey mentioned something along the lines of "an indoor dining facility with kids entertainment." I'm thinking something like Harmony Hall at Carowinds (would be very similar to Festhaus though) or maybe if you want to go Camp Snoopy, you could go a lodge style building like Canada's Wonderland built. Call it "Peanuts Grand Hall" or "Peanuts Grand Lodge". EDIT: I found the thread that talks about this survey:
  11. Dorney Park has a live band for their Retrospect. I don't quite understand why KI couldn't. Don't get me wrong the performers in Retrospect do an outstanding job, but I just feel a live band makes the show on the bandstand even better than just singers and dancers singing along to a backtrack.
  12. From what I remember it was said that last year's concert series was mainly a nostalgia thing for the 50th and they would only continue them if they were successful. From what I remember outside of Skillet and 3DD, the other concerts were barely half full. The thing is mosts artists that would fill Timberwolf these days go to Riverbend right down the road and most of these acts have contracts with Live Nation and basically with that contract they can't play at any venue that isn't a live nation partnered venue that is close by (Riverbend and Bogart's have LN contracts that I know of). Also there is the Andrew J Brady Music Center, the Newport venue, as well as Hard Rock Casino is doing concerts now so basically to most artists Timberwolf is likely low on the list of places to perform at around here.
  13. To go along with that, if it were in danger of collapsing it probably would've been top priority to demolish it ASAP due to safety reasons. Imagine it collapsing with guests riding The Bat nearby...
  14. While that is true with The Vortex site, I don't think it's a guarantee that is where the next coaster is going. In fact I have this weird feeling that with how popular the drones are in the fireworks show, as long as they keep doing drones, that is probably what The Vortex site will be used for as it is a good area for them to be launched without distrubring anything or anyone.
  15. I think if they were to repurpose the station for a coaster we'd see the ramps and stuff replaced. I could see the area between the bathrooms and Banshee's station turn into the exit area and stairs up into the station added between the station and Bat (and likely the coaster's brake run area). Also I definitely think we would see the ugly chain link fence replaced with wood fencing or at least better looking fencing.
  16. Also I'll point out when I visited the other evening and rode Banshee and Bat I noticed the lights were on inside the SOB station. Idk what they are doing, but I definitely am keeping my expectations in check. Maybe getting ready to demolish it?
  17. Wonder why KI doesn't do an event like this. It would be an awesome event at KI for kids. Is licensing a little different in Canada, but I believe a few years ago KD did this exact event so idk.
  18. I disagree. I actually prefer the live band bc as a musician myself, I really like the idea of musicians (like guitarists and drummers etc) getting to showcase their talents at a theme park. While there is nothing wrong with Retrospect, I just feel like a group of dancers singing and dancing along to a backup soundtrack is not really my cup of tea as imo it is more special to have a live band.
  19. I haven't been on ParkFans in awhile so I just peaked on there and from the pics I saw I think there is a chance it could be for next year especially if stakes are popping up now and they are starting to clear the site. I know it isn't likely and more likely 2025 since you have Dragster and the Dorney project for 2024, but I wouldn't rule out KD completely for 2024. Another park I think should be up for a coaster soon is Carowinds as 2025 will be 6 years since Copperhead opened which is an unusual gap for Carowinds recently. I have my fingers crossed for 2025 for KI, but I wouldn't be surprised one bit if a KI coaster is put on hold until 2026 or even 2027. Now if that's the case I really hope the park continues to update the park and add more flats and rethemes to existing areas and retheme older rides like they did with Adventure Express. Also where did you hear the next coaster is likely in Action Zone? It wouldn't surprise me if that was case tbh considering The Vortex plot is used for the drones right now and I have a feeling drones are here to stay with how popular FF+50 and Adventure Awaits were to the public. I think the days of just fireworks and music are long gone which isn't a bad thing.
  20. Or rename it Screamin Demon like in my concept from a few days ago
  21. We didn't see markings for Orion until after the land clearing started. At least I don't remember seeing survey markings for Orion in 2018. Same with Mystic we didn't see markings until spring 2016. I'm guessing they do their surveying (with the levels and stuff) when the park isn't open.
  22. It's been almost 4 years since Orion was first announced and 3 since it opened and we are still having this debate?! lol just be grateful we got a $30 million investment when there are parks in the chain that haven't gotten a new coaster in nearly 20 years lol. Also this thread is an Adventure Port thread not an Orion thread. There is already a thread for Orion talks lol.
  23. Firehawk? While Ik it was technically built at Geauga Lake in 2001, it was CF who relocated it and opened it at KI in 07.
  24. I agree with this. CP does something similar with the Bands in Residence program. I don't understand why they haven't introduced that here yet. While I enjoy Hifi Honey and I think they should definitely continue to play at the park, I scratch my head when they play like every weekend in April and May. Not knocking them at all, but I just feel there are other bands around the area that would love the opportunity to play at the park. Like you could still have Hifi Honey play in the Festhaus, but you could also do other stages for other bands to play like what they did last year during the summer when HH and River City did weekend sets. They had stages set up in Action Zone and Coney Mall. Maybe do something similar in the spring time and have stages for live local bands in like Coney, Action Zone, Rivertown (across from train station, LaRosas patio, and/or that little empty gazebo near Diamondback), and the Mercado patio along with the Festhaus and Bandstand stages. There's a lot of opportunities that KI could do for local artists and live music in the spring time and I just feel it is a missed opportunity when it is the same band playing every weekend in April/May.
  25. 2018 was park improvements/Coney BBQ and 2019 was antique autos/I street renovation/other park improvements.
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