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Hawaiian Coasters 325

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Everything posted by Hawaiian Coasters 325

  1. We aren't going to stay locked down until a vaccine is destributed. I can guarantee you on that.
  2. The problem is that if we didn't do anything the infection and death rates would've been much higher. The reason we took these precautions is because COVID-19 is a new virus we don't know much about. We know about the flu which is why we don't shut everything down during flu season (except some schools shut down due to flu concerns this year since we did have a pretty rough flu season.)
  3. I'm definitely in favor of rescheduling, but I will need to know the dates of it so I can request those days off of work.
  4. Yeah I can see that. Plus Florida was one of the last states to implement restrictions.
  5. There is definitely a chance of that. In fact, I think there is a chance actual training takes place a little earlier, but in small groups and following guidelines.
  6. Don't worry, media day will be here eventually. From what I remember from the email from Don, they aren't planning on completely cancelling media day or the first rider auction. They'll likely hold them a few days before the reopening of the park whenever that is.
  7. No, but it's on Facebook. Midwest Coaster Fans shared it.
  8. They haven't announced it chain wide yet because Knott's is a year round park. I think they'll do that if they get to a point where they open mid summer or don't open at all.
  9. You have to understand that Knott's is a year round park. They are losing a lot more days right now than most seasonal parks. If KI were to by miracle open up in mid May like they hope, they would only have missed a few days since April was weekend only operations. Now if we have to open in mid to late June or even July, that's a different story. CF isn't doing that chain wide since they haven't gotten to that point yet. They'll cross that bridge when they get there.
  10. They are suspending payment plans because it doesn't make sense for the people who still have to pay for their pass during this uncertain time. I think this can be a good thing. I say if we open in mid-late June or July, then we'll likely see season passes extended to next year.
  11. Are there anyone there that would be able to test it? I thought staff aren't able to be there right now.
  12. They are also accepting cottage reservations for June 1st and beyond.
  13. You have to remember parks like Knott's are open all year. I believe Santa Cruz is as well, but I'm not sure. If they were to open in Mid May, they would be losing a lot more days than KI would because they are open all year.
  14. I say if they were going to do a forbidden frontier type attraction there, it wouldn't be temporary. They probably would add some things to it though over the years. They would close it if over the years it loses popularity like Dinos Alive did.
  15. Bob Iger suggested temperature screenings may be put into place when the Disney Parks here reopen: https://wdwnt.com/2020/04/bob-iger-suggests-temperature-screenings-for-guests-may-be-instituted-when-disney-parks-reopen-following-covid-19-pandemic/?fbclid=IwAR11Yrbu0-lfP6WSnvFNbJnImiVkdT9FGXLLPXwFVmdfxJywjA6-rWgMBiY
  16. I'm working at KI this year and I haven't received anything about how I need to be rehired. I already did my rides general knowledge and orientation.
  17. Well guys, Cedar Point just sent out this notice to associates. Pretty much destroys any hope of a mid May opening. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2937231766369909&id=349928541766924
  18. I think CF knows if attendance goes down or is flat lined this year it is likely due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the fact the park opened later than expected. Similar thing happened with Diamondback in 2009 since it was built during the 2008/09 recession.
  19. Yeah, I think we'll see some crowds this year due to Orion, but I doubt we'll have a record attendance year.
  20. Keep in mind these are just projections. The peak will come when it comes. It could be tomorrow or several months from now. We just don't know. Also keep in mind that it will be a process to get things open. It won't happen right after the peak. We have to see a steady decline in cases and deaths first before we even think about opening things back up and start allowing large gatherings.
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