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Everything posted by DiamondBeast

  1. I definitely agree with more trees, but I don't really want the lake to return. When I ride The Beast, a lot of times I see a bunch of groundhogs in the grass patch in the middle of turn out of the station. I always think it's cool to see. But, if the lake returns, I don't think we would see them as much.
  2. Is this what you are talking about? It's called a Sky Fly. It is a model of flat ride created by Gerstlauer that was inspired by another Gerstlauer flat ride call the Sky Roller. I honestly think it would be cool if they put a space themed one in Area 72 or one in Coney Mall painted to look similar to Zodiac, but I'm not quiet sure about it's capacity. It looks like it fits better in smaller parks, but I don't know for sure.
  3. I kind of want to see a part of Vortex's spot used to put a few more flat rides in Coney Mall. I've always wanted a tilt-a-whirl at Kings Island, but a Scat might also be nice.
  4. I chose 100-199. My top two favorite coasters (The Beast and Maverick) are both in that range along with a most of the B@M inverts(which is one of my favorite coaster models)
  5. I found some footage posted by NizzleToob that shows the walkway at 1:30. It also has some great footage of/from the skyride.
  6. Edit: Actually never mind. I'm going with @BeeastFarmer with this one. Beast for the win! I'd say Diamondback has my vote. It is my number 2 for the park while Mysti is my number 4. As much as I love Mysti I think Diamondback gives some killer floater and it's grater speed gives it the advantage imo.
  7. Oh! That makes more sense considering that all the other photos I've scene of Cobra entrance have all looked different. Sorry for the confusion.
  8. I never got to see The King Cobra in real life since it was torn down a year before I was born, but I've seen a picture that shows an entrance on what I presume to be in Action Zone/ Adventure Village. It only had an entrance and an exit sign instead of the King Cobra sign with the snake on it. Does anybody remember this? Edit: I've found the photo I was talking about at http://www.casabrian.com/parks/pki2001.html
  9. That's how I got my high score(only 2,000 and something). That was back when it was Scooby Doo and the Haunted Castle.
  10. I defiantly agree that if the lights from the turnaround are visible(and I also agree with you that they will most likely be hidden by trees) that would be something cool to see, but I can see how spotting them during a night ride could be disappointing to some. As you said though, seeing lights from Orion for a few seconds should not change the quality of the other 4 minuets of The Beast nighg ride.
  11. As bright as the lights are, I think there are enough trees between the turn around and that section of The Beast to where they won't be too noticeable. At least, that's what I'm hoping anyway.
  12. No! We can't lose another one! Especially not that one!
  13. I don't think anything will kill my hype to get back on The Beast, but this came awful close. It's gonna be even harder not seeing Vortex from the top of the second lift.
  14. I've never noticed a rattle on Banshee until the 2019 season. And, usually I'm not one to complain about a rattle. I've noticed one on Kumba, and that coaster is in my top five. But last year both a rattle and the vest restraints(which I'm not usually bothered by either) made both of the rides I got on the invert painful, which is a shame since Banshee is one of my favorite B&Ms. I'm hoping that I can get a better ride on it this season.
  15. El Toro Ryan also did a pretty interesting video on the history and leagacy of The Beast. I definitely recommend it to people who haven't watched it already.
  16. really? That's interesting! I ussaly try to stay closer to the front, since the closer to the back I get on most coasters the rougher they'll be. I've noticed The Beast is an exception.(though I found the front car to be rather smooth) That's just my experience though.
  17. @dbackdreams My advise for ridding The Racers is to not sit in a wheel seat and sit closer to the front (though as gforce1994 said, try to stay in the middle). Try not to staple yourself. When pulling down your restraints make sure you leave yourself a bit of wiggle room. Finnaly, remember they sell aspirin in the Banshee gift shop. You can try taking it before you ride to see if that prevents your headache or makes it less severe. Also I highly recouldmend the backrow of Diamondback or the front seat at night. I hope you have a chance to experience both this season.
  18. This video shows the mountain and climber as well as an incomplete pov from the ride(The Beetle clips start at around 4:18). Judging by the home video, the ride seemed kinda rough. For those who got to ride it, was it or was the recording just really shakey?(It was taken on a video camera from the 1970s)
  19. Guys, I found it! I found the perfect replacement for Vortex!
  20. I'm sad to see it go, but I knew it wouldn't last much longer. When I rode it for the first time last year I found it plesently forceful and not that rough(the only rough spot I noticed was exiting the helix). I hope it's replacement is just as forceful.
  21. I'm very confused. They said that Immalmmens are a type of element found on inverted coasters, but aren't they also commonly found on Dive Coasters? Does it have to be an invert for the inversion to be considered an immalmmen?
  22. I've heard people call it The Screamin Demon Screamin. Were did that name come from? Was it ever official, or was it a nickname?
  23. Does anyone remember the rideing The Demon or ridden another Arrow Shuttle Loop? We're the launches and vertical loop forceful?
  24. I'm glad I'm not the only one who wants more flats and games in Coney Mall. I would prefer a tilt-a-whirl over a Faris wheel, though. I've always felt it would suit Coney Mall's fair theme very well and that the area was missing something like it.(I'd love to hear everyone else's thoughts on Coney getting a Tilt-a-whirl) The mesume idea and the sky ride idea are both genus! I love the idea of both of those being in Coney Mall!
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