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The Interpreter

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Everything posted by The Interpreter

  1. Skid brakes had sheds or tunnels to protect against rain, snow, &c., which detracted from braking effectiveness.
  2. Don't forget Perilous Plunge at Knott's, which not only was removed, but also had a fatality.
  3. Was getting Shoot the Rapids better than getting nothing?
  4. I thought at first it said: DON throwback Thursday. And there would be really old pictures of DON, perhaps on The Racer.
  5. "at this point in time" Is that like "now?" Terp -- enemy of verbosity.
  6. SIX internally uses SFGA ONLY for Six Flags Great Adventure. NEVER for Six Flags Great America. That's SFGAm. Others use SFGAd to avoid confusion. Or NJFTP.
  7. Kings Dominion moved theirs... NJFTP moved theirs. be careful what you wish for
  8. Oh, the many, many assumptions being taken for granite in this thread...
  9. ( I'm always amazed at how far Disney fans will stretch things to rationalize greatly enriching The Mouse -- all while claiming it's SOOO affordable and even that they are saving money. Kind of like the 1940's wife who saved $300 at a sale at Tudbury's).
  10. I wish I could get to SFGA for $6 in tolls. Hint: SFGA is in New Jersey.
  11. I still can't figure out how they are proving they are meeting the requirements for out of state visitors. Or why they thought it was such an excellent idea to deny entry to a DC resident. Perhaps they were confused as DC is not a state.
  12. Clicks. Gotta get clicks. Clicks equals money. Lance, like the other Hart, likes money...
  13. Sometimes a post is just a post. Give me land, lots of land... Let me ride through the wide open country that I love Don't fence me in. I want to ride to the ridge where the West commences... On my cayuse let me wander over yonder til I see the mountains rise... Terp "Go West, Young Man."
  14. People on mobile do not see signatures...
  15. It is said paragraph 1 is operative ( train tracks, flume troughs--restricted areas) and paragraph 2 is not a concern. Since I shan't be saying who said that--consider it not confirmed by the park in the context of the TOS. Terp -- who CAN behave.
  16. Count me out. Terp -- A stinker, but not that way.
  17. See the diversionary post. Terp -- "Build Bridges, Not Walls"
  18. Often, the purpose of a fence is to divert people. Terp -- good at what he does.
  19. Showers? Terp, who likes to ask questions.
  20. Yay! 4 days! Fences are good at hiding....plots.
  21. Meanwhile, at Kings Island, who is....on the fence?
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