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Captain Nemo

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Everything posted by Captain Nemo

  1. This is a fantastic system! Glad it made its way to the Flags!
  2. I wish we had a Ferrari World. Telling people my home park is Adventure Dome just feels embarrassing to say. The two coasters in there are great but be prepared to pay! There’s lots of deals online, and through MGM resort slot apps where you can redeem NYNY Togo rides at slashed prices and even BOGO. If you want to save on parking fees having someone with a Nevada Drivers License will provide up to 3 hours of free parking at most resorts. For anyone visiting Vegas I also recommend going to Area 15, it’s worth visiting not for the creds but just the exhibits! Especially once Universal Horror Unleashed opens later this year. If you are a Photographer, totally recommend visiting the state line at PRIMM. You can get great shots of Desperado in its decaying SBNO state from the parking lot around the entire hotel. lastly, I do recommend everyone try the TOGO. I’ve been on TOGO rides both here in the US and Japan. Yes, the US market TOGOs got the short end of the stick. This particular TOGO (which is the last one in North America) is not as bad or rough as people say it is. You will get off saying “wow, that was a roller coaster”. But the experience does provide a charm that brings me back to the 90s when every coaster was a bit jank (even the B&Ms).
  3. Bumping the topic. Getting ads auto scrolling down from the top of every page of the site.
  4. I’ve been in the Lava Pit in the TRTR building. Does that count as a jacuzzi? Lara was there it was great! If Carowinds rumored water attraction next year does well I can imagine other parks doing the same. But a jacuzzi, in the winter it might be nice but I’d rather have an ice rink 10 fold. As for a jacuzzi during the summer I don’t think the medical center has enough beds for the number of guests that would experience heat exhaustion/dehydration.
  5. This is a stumper, I can’t recall the exact locations of the fire alarms, other than the one at the front of the cave entrance. the best I can tell you is to watch some YT videos of Madam Fatel queue.
  6. This is Crypt. 2008 Also, that was one HECK of a ride program!!!
  7. Best of luck! Hope all is taken care of. Make sure to post this on the Kings Island Season Passholders group on FB for a wider audience. I’m sure there’s someone that would jump at this kind of thing. Especially before the holidays!
  8. And neither were you… it’s fair game as you say
  9. This is just mean at this point Don. You have made it very clear at this point you did not have good relations near the end of your career and I am sorry that happened. No one deserves an ending like that especially at a place you love. I know your love for KI is a very real thing and it was very apparent while you are at the park. But it has become exhausting to read your posts that add nothing but pointing fingers. if posts for your podcasts are blocked I can see why. Read them again, they are off putting and teasing. Telling Chad to “come out and plaaaaaaaaaaaaaay”. c’mon now look, I don’t know Elizabeth but I remember how happy I was being young and getting my first huge promotion. It was the best feeling ever. When I ultimately left that position I congratulated the incumbent regardless my opinion of how they were choosing to run the company.
  10. It should also be noted that the trains will feature on board audio and lighting! I had wondered when CP would get a train with lights and it’s finally happening.
  11. TRTR was at a fascinating point in time in 2002. Digital cameras were just becoming mainstream, most phones didn’t have cameras at the time. So early documentation of the rides first few operating years are scarce. Anyone here may have to look in the attic at printed photos or old tapes. I’m sure something exists somewhere!
  12. Access to the the fogger machine if my memory serves correct!
  13. Close. The exit door was a little deeper. Controls were vertically positioned to right of the door facing away/hidden to guests.
  14. The Antichamber horizontal door, preshow vertical door were controlled by their respective ride associate. The controls for anti chamber were located against the wall to the right of the moving door. Within the controls to open and close the door was a “start show” scene to begin the triangle unlocking lights and sound. We had cue light in the control area that let us know when it was time to open the door to the next room. so basically, the anti chamber position consisted of Separating 77 people into 3 rows wait at the controls. A cue light let you know when the Preshow was ready to load. hit “start show” and at the right moment hit “door open” just as you hear the moving rock sound effect. The fog came from the ceiling in the preshow room. once all the guests were lead into preshow the antechamber ride op closes the door and the process begins again
  15. I would gladly give up Diamondback for old Rivertown. in a perfect world I’d wish Rivertown was MT, Beast, Crypt, Flume, WWC, and future Vortex plot roller coaster
  16. This was a gift I received from a good pal of mine. These pins were sold here and there, I don’t remember seeing them on display though.
  17. They do And no I won’t trade lol
  18. Vortex check your DMs the outdoor queue contained music from three movies, Jumanji (1995), Baraka, and orchestra soundtrack to the first tomb raider movie with Angelina Jolie. The indoor queue contained parts of the soundtrack to Survivor the TV show and orchestra segments from Jumanji (1995). You may also hear some familiar tunes in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.
  19. Universal is on a roll! what makes universals expansions far exceed Disneys I believe is that the public has a fractured relationship with them due to all the cancelled promises. I can name just about every project Universal is working on here in the states. I can’t tell you what Disney is ACTUALLY doing other than Splash Mountain 2.0. (Notice I said 2.0 it’s because I honestly don’t know what the new name is… Tiana something something) Universal seems to announce things fittingly during or nearly completed projects.
  20. Same problem on Phone. Ads are everywhere and also between peoples posts.
  21. 2… but I’m looking forward to getting back to Kings Island hopefully this year. I’m curious to see if my opinion of Orion will change. I wasn’t an immediate fan. It was an odd pick for the park. Still a very fun ride though.
  22. Was Pig Pens mess hall announced with the expansion? I didn’t even know that was a thing! …or I just forgot about it Food lines (especially blue ice cream) always spill onto the midways even mild crowd days. Having another quick service I hope will help crowd flow. But some permanent queues at Blue ice cream would be nice!
  23. So, considering this “webcam” practice has been done well over a decade and during your tenure can we sum up then this webcam on and off bit was a choice not by you but from GM and park presidents?
  24. Who is “they” because out of Dorney their webcams were live showing off Iron Menace first test runs before the POV dropped earlier yesterday.
  25. Try giving a listen to Coaster Radio. I’m really not into opinion pieces / rumor milling many current podcast’s rely on. I remember listening to them way back in high school on my iPod nano lol. Glad Knotts was able to salvage the ride though!
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