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Everything posted by Orion742

  1. A spinning coaster 100%. Mack extreme spinner can fill all of those gaps. Hangtime, ejector airtime, above the track looping coaster. I’d also like to throw that we don’t offer a modern launch coaster
  2. I wouldn’t say it’s off the table yet because CP added 2 coasters back to back but with 2 maybe more CF parks adding coasters in 2025, I think 2026 is our year. 2024 the focus is on CP and Dorney. 2025 is most likely Canada’s Wonderland and (redacted) with also a shot of Carowinds getting a water related ride of some sort. I think 2026 will be KI and Valleyfair’s year. Personally I think KI is in a test period for their next coaster. I think CF wants to wait to buy more coasters from Zamperla until they see how TT2 turns out and I think KI is waiting to see how Vekoma handles things next year before deciding. We could get anything. The only manufacturer off the table is Intamin.
  3. I don’t know if you saw my construction updates post but it is not looking good for Camp Snoopy being open by opening day. Well, at least not Snoopy’s Soap Box Racers. Vekoma confirmed to Holiday world that they would be opening the first family boomerang in the US. They wouldn’t say where the others were going but theirs would be the first to open in 2024.
  4. When the red Racer retrack was announced they said in 2024 blue will receive the finished retrack on the second half. I don’t know the specific date of the tweet but for reference It was the same day Voyage was announced to receive a retrack for this season. Kind of random connection but only thing I could think of to link the dates. Correct me if I am wrong but hasn’t the front and back on The Beast been completely removed this year? The signs were removed and a trash can blocks the back of the train entrance.
  5. What improvements/additions would you like to see in 2024? I’ll state what we know is coming then share my thoughts. 1. Camp Snoopy. (Including Snoopy’s Soap Box Racers and Beagle Scout Acres. With a possible Flying Ace retheme and repaint. 2. Blue Racer second half retrack. I would like to see more re tracking done on The Beast. The new track has really improved the ride experience however the turn into the second lift is starting to get rough in my opinion. However, with The Racer retrack coming next year this isn’t very likely until 2025. Camp Snoopy open by opening day. I know this is just being picky but it did hurt opening day this year when AP wasn’t ready. I’ve stated this in the construction updates topic but with that information I stated there it is not very likely to see it open until summer. I think a sign showing which direction is the front and the back of the train would really help The Bat. I don’t know how many times I saw people in the line for the back of the train go up front of the train slowing ops down by going in front of front of the people in line for the front of the train. A sign that shows which line is for which would really help operations.
  6. This would cause a train to stop on the mid course break run unless the crew can dispatch the train in 60 seconds. Because Steve does not have multi move so it would take even longer for the trains to park in each block zone before a train can roll through the mid course break run. To achieve this they would have to dispatch right after the outer bank airtime hill.
  7. This most likely cause set ups though. And that would further worsen the problem of slow lines.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDSijBVK7ik&pp=ygUpVGhlIG9uZSB3aGVyZSBpdHMgYWxsIGdyYXZ5IGhvbGRpYXkgd29ybGQ%3D (23:40 for more details) I’ve just heard something on the Holiday World podcast that I thought would be worth sharing. Take this with a grain of salt. I decided to listen to the HW podcast on Good Gravy to see what was new with the project and I heard something that caught my attention. They started talking about SSBR and how they like the theme but then they mentioned that Vekoma was quiet about where the other Vekoma boomerangs were going during project development but could confirm them that Holiday world’s would be the first to open next year. Now this isn’t 100% confirmed but I would not be surprised to see SSBR open in the summer like Adventure Port did last year. Holiday World has stated that Good Gravy is scheduled to open with opening day May 4th. What are your guys thoughts on this?
  9. I think our next coaster will definitely be a thrill coaster with the addition of Snoopy’s Soap Box Racers. I think it’s highly likely it comes in 2026. With an outside shot of 2025. With 10 of our 15 coasters (including SSBR) being 48 inch height requirement or lower I think the park will focus on something that doesn’t have to have a 48 inch height requirement. If it comes with it that will be a bonus but I don’t think that is what the park will be focusing on.
  10. Kings Dominion announced the end of year around operations as well.
  11. B&M has developed a new type of OTS restraint that can be seen on Monster at Grona Lund. It is smaller than the bulky ones from the original ones. B&M seems to be going away from vest restraints on inverts after Banshee. The new Phoenix rising will feature lapbars. I really like the vest restraints on every B&M except Banshee. Banshee’s crush my thighs and other coasters with the same restraint don’t. The dive coasters and wing coasters aren’t as positive G focused as Banshee is so they don’t come down so hard on my thighs. This is not to say that I don’t like Banshee, it’s my 2nd favorite invert behind Afterburn. I really do like it, it’s just an improvement I would like to see.
  12. Banshee wouldn’t be a headbanger like Raptor with OTS restraints. The vest trains are lighter so they currently rattle around the track like crazy. With the OTS restraints the trains would be heavier so it would run smoother. The reason Raptor is rough is because next year it turns 30.
  13. I would change Banshee but for a different reason. I’ve heard rumors that the vest trains are lighter than B&M anticipated. So they rattle around the track when they shouldn’t. If it was me I would add the old over the shoulder restraints to Banshee. It might just be me.
  14. If it was me I would choose Dorney. Let me explain. Prowler is better than anything at Dorney but Dorney’s top 3 in 2024 in my opinion will be better. Talon is elite. Hydra is so unique. I think Iron Menace had the potential to be the best dive coaster just looking at it.
  15. This video really helped me to understand how it works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOU_3yqQC_Y&pp=ygUyU2lsdmVyIGRvbGxhciBjaXR5IHRoZSBpbm5lciB3b3JrcyBvZiB0aGUgc3Bpbm5pbmc%3D
  16. Correct. Railblazer operates without a moving trains in the station.
  17. I hear that the raptors do not age well. In fact I’ve hear rumors that Railblazer may be in danger when the park closes because all of the refurbishment they would have to do on the ride. The coasters tear themselves apart and don’t deliver the best capacity for big parks.
  18. @KIBeastDid you buy a time saver on your visit? I was considering buying one. I’ll only have one day at the park and I am trying to decide if it’s worth it.
  19. This is as of recently. In 2022 earnings call CF stated they were looking to add more unique attractions to their parks. The attractions that were added prior to 2022 was not driving up attendance the way they wanted according to CF. That’s why recently we have seen so many unique additions to CF parks. The only reason they added Iron Menace to DP is because it is unique because there is no dive coaster anywhere near there. And notice it’s a narrow track dive coaster so even more unique. My point is CF is taking a different direction in the attractions they are adding instead of plain launch coasters or hyper coasters, we are seeing more unique rides like the world’s first ground up Titan track coaster aka Zambezi Zinger. That is the type of rides CF is looking for.
  20. Sorry for double post. I fixed it if you wish to vote for Mack extreme spinner. You should be able to. If not let me know.
  21. Yep I’ve mentioned this exact point before I 100% agree with you. It has to be really unique or I don’t see attendance going up the way CF wants it to. I believe these are the 3 best options as well. Edit: Added Vekoma flyer to the poll for those who wish to choose that option.
  22. I don’t know if they entire layout is finished because I’ve only ridden it lately at night but the first two airtime hills and turnaround are now 100% complete.
  23. Don’t get me started on Christmas yet lol.
  24. If I had to choose this would be my 5 year plan for KI. Starting from 2025 ending at 2030. 2025: Park improvements. A new restaurant and more trees in AP. 2026: Action Zone retheme into a haunted area. Paint Banshee, give Delirium, Drop Tower new names and repaints. Maybe Drop Tower could be renamed to Scream Zone to pay homage to its former name while fitting with the new theme. Paint The Bat, maybe to a Black track color scheme? Two new flat rides, maybe a Zamperla NebulaZ and a S&S Screamin Swing? 2027: Soak City addition. SC is In desperate need of something new and personally I don’t visit SC very often I think a new water slide would work really well. Maybe that new family water slide collection that Schlitterbahn is getting next year. 2028: New coaster in The Vortex plot. Mack Rides extreme Spinner would be what I would pick but as long as the new coaster is a unique model it would be a good choice. Retheme Backlot to tie in with the new coaster and make the area between River Town and Coney Mall a new section of the park with these two coasters. 2029: A bit of a quiet year, more park improvements. Maybe retrack Woodstock Express with the GG. 2030: Boo Blasters retheme into a new dark ride. Maybe the revival of Phantom Theater? Point is KI is still going strong and has so many options I can’t wait to see how the park grows in the future! Let me know your thoughts below.
  25. Looking good! I have a feeling we could see the first piece of track in place the first week after Haunt!
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