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Orion-XL200 last won the day on July 14 2024

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  1. Oh gross! lol Give us steam/coal powered or not at all! The moment Dollywood gets rid of the Coal Powered engines, I'm out.
  2. Thanks for sharing @Tr0y! I'm not familiar with Knott's train...is it going to be completely gone now or do they have something different in place?
  3. The option of none of those wasn't available. I'd use something related to the area: Little Miami or Kings Mills something.
  4. There are no restrooms in KI's Starbucks, so doubt it'll be much of a difference.
  5. If they can't pave the lot, fix the potholes and fix the traffic flow from the tolls, I doubt they'd be successful in doing this.
  6. Honestly, while it was a good addition, seemed odd that it was only 5 rides and the rest of the kiddie rides weren't included. Here are some highlights from the Thomas addition: Thomas Town Ride Goes Off The Tracks At Kennywood Kennywood's Thomas train ride closed after 2nd derailment Exclusive: Get a first look at Kennywood’s Thomas Town I can't find it, but I vividly remember the Thomas Shell caused the engine to overheat and the train was down for a bit. Trying to find that article.
  7. I shared these from the booth with some friends: This was like $68 They had a couple of these and they were $38.
  8. True story lol. The locals that would, work at the park mostly lol. Most mountain coasters are open year-round just with adjusted hours during the off season.
  9. Didn't see this coming, but don't see it being worthwhile. From Jan-mid March every year, the area basically goes into hibernation. While some attractions are open year-round, I don't know that there are enough people that would make it worth the operational costs. I could be wrong....I'd love to see it, but it's not something that would have me driving 6.5 hrs to visit during the "off-season."
  10. HWN is superior imo. I wonder how well it'll go without the leadership of the past.
  11. Won't be attending for the first time since Coasterstock has been offered. Will be at HWN.
  12. That's correct...it is still there...still very much not for sale. Also has several KI items for sale...way too expensive for what they are.
  13. Out of the 3 camera views, this one is probably my favorite for now. I find this view interesting, like you @BoddaH1994. I partly wonder if they've removed the ice layer already and we're seeing the plywood? I wonder this, because of the palets to the bottom right of the frame and then the lift on the bottom left.
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