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Orion-XL200 last won the day on February 14

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  1. WindSeeker bathrooms likely would be considered the main bathroom for the area.
  2. I sort of remember a comment from Mike Koontz somewhere that the cost to remove the building was too high for any immediate removals as it is used for haunt and storage. I can almost guarantee that there isn't any future plans for the building....if there was since it's closure, it likely would have been done by now. The cost to alter the building for anything in the future may not be something Six Flags is willing to take on in the next several years.
  3. They'd just add to the Grand Carnival beads and streamers still hanging around trees and rooftops.
  4. That is a very interesting coaster. As far as theming goes, I don't know if the current Six Flags would do enough theming to do justice to using the building.
  5. A plan has been submitted for a $300,000.00 remodel of the Planet Snoopy restroom. Actual construction documents have not been shared at this time.
  6. Take time to enjoy the water park and make sure you do the water coasters!
  7. Kennywood announces "Kennywood Junction" replacing the former Thomas Town. https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/kennywood-junction-new-themed-area/
  8. Kind of like how Cedar Point has two balloon race rides in two different areas. This will give the younger kids a little something else to do while the family is in that area, where older kids can do higher thrill things and the younger can do smaller thrill things.
  9. KI apparently is having a rave. Check out the I street cam here: https://www.visitkingsisland.com/live-video I tried to upload a video, but it wanted users to download it.
  10. He meant if you have ever been in the spaghetti bowl for a tour (at an event like Coasterstock) you'd see the work that has been or needed done with the lights on as you walk through. The lights have been on for the last ride of the night sometimes but you can't see anything as far as what is being talked about.
  11. Can't remember where I read it, but Eye of The Storm apparently has been or will be removed. Not sure if scrap or sold.
  12. Haha the crane looked further back than that! Thanks!
  13. My guess is that they're doing work on BLSC. They wouldn't need a crane that high to take down decorations...they'd need a boom for the employees. A lot of the decorations in that area likely would have been moved by forklift.
  14. Snake River Falls, Professor Dilbert's Frontier Fling, Forbidden Frontier (and the playground) have all been removed during the 2024-2025 off season, you could even consider TTD removed as well (2022ish-2023). Cedar Point is one of the top earning parks in the chain....why not continue to boost it, especially for the recognition and what not. It's not fishy, it's business.
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