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Gordon Bombay

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Everything posted by Gordon Bombay

  1. When I went with the PKIC staff on our recent GL trip, we scored a Motel 6 for only 40 bucks!
  2. But what makes you think that CBS budgeted for any capital expenditures. It's already been said that they did, whether they (or IT) will be good is another thing.
  3. ^The offer is open for thursday if you wanna cut school and skip work?
  4. I hope it does, SOB is honestly one of my favorite coasters.
  5. You spent the day at KI instead of going to see Snakes On a Plane its first night? Get your priorities straight! Glad you had a good day!
  6. When a ride that normally goes up and down without a glitch suddenly stops and most of the guests, if not all, have never experienced this they are not going to be calmed down by some guy going "its doing it again". How does say hes prepared to deal with it? He DIDNT say "its doing it again, oh well, I know how to deal with it and fix it safely and quickly" he DID say "its doing it again" leave lots of questions unanswered and un-attended. Judging from Avatar's report I'd say Chris handled it very well but maybe that wasnt the best thing to say. SOB_TOM what have you been smoking? Besides cigarettes.
  7. ^Wow, yeah, lets tell the guests that the power goes out normally and that htey normally evacuate rides and that this is a regular occurance, that'll win em over. Why not just assure them that you've been trained to deal with situations like this before and that the situation is being taken care of? You just worry about when the power goes out at the whack a moles.
  8. ^I was wondering where those pictures where, I was looking in the wrong gallery the entire time. Yeah, part of the que is closed off but it could still be of use to them, if only they would put a ride there. Twice they said they were going to put something there then nothing ever came of it. Eurobungee does not count. Those are some great pictures though, that can only be found on PKIC, ahh just more unique and exclusive content from PKIC.
  9. ^That's a good point, I could see that being a major possibility, they have the old FC que and the lazer tag building/cinema 180 building but the use of that would depend on how far away it is from the other haunts but with the stagin tent using the same acess road they sit on and Action FX theatre right there (probably showing some fearfest movie) I could see that as a good possibilyt. Good thinking Paul.
  10. I cant wait till Kidz Bop 11, theyr'e doing a Rage Against The Machine Song. I love how they filmed a video at a Cedar Fair park yet did a concert tour at Six Flag's Parks. "Giggle"
  11. That video is pathetic, Combat Stupendous will have to make their first music video at PKI.
  12. Great TR Avatar's daughter, you have excellent grammar and punctuation skills for someone whos only 6 years old. Better than most on this site in fact. Glad to see you having fun with your family at Kings Island, thats what its all about, those memories will last a long time.
  13. You wouldnt happen to have a better qaulity video of that would you? I just dont expect low quality from Ryan Suhr.
  14. Great trip report PKIbeast, myself, Bill (zosobeast), Ryan (Boddah1994), and Dane (Dane186V2) were actaully up there the day before you. We didnt do WIld Water Kingdom but we did do all the coasters and time twister and texas twister like you and your brother did. Our trip report is here. I gotta disagree with you on one thing though, the villian is an AWFUL coaster. By far the worst th ing I've ever ridden. It's rougher than any woodie I've ever been on and that includes Son of Beast, and I can tolerate and enjoy Son of Beast, but the Villian is terrible in my opinion. Once again, good TR! Some pictures I took at GL can be seen here: Ronny Salerno Photography. And a really cool panoramic shot of the park can be seen here: Geauga Lake.
  15. WHy not post the film if he really has it, we all know what you say cant be taken with even the slightest grain of salt.
  16. ^It's not bad, a little rough though, Kraken at Sea World is an excellent floorless rollercoaster.
  17. Oh but Gl has one, and its terribly over rated. Kraken is where its at.
  18. My bad, I meant the supports, CSF does the supporst for intamin, vekoma, and did do them for arrow, they dont fabricate the track, just the supports.
  19. Dont they also fabricate steel for Vekoma and Intamin? I know they used to for Arrow Dynamics.
  20. ^What how can you say that, you know very wll that "Tech services isn't part of maintenace".
  21. So lets assume its taking awhile, they were out half the season last year, havent worked at all this year, instead of asking me if i can do it better than the animation shop, which im not claiming I can do better, I jsut want to knwo what the deal is. I'm not tyring to be a sarcastic ass here, but if other parks have their on baord audio on rides working, why cant IJ, what makes it so complicated, honestly I just want to know, I'm not criticizing you.
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