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Everything posted by Gordon Bombay
It all depends where you sit, Blue streak uses the 3 bench PTC trains, on a 3 bench car the wheels are directly under the first and 3rd benches. This can create a slightly rougher ride when you "sit on a wheel". I rode front seat on Blue Streak, although on a wheel, the front cars on 3 bench PTC's arent that rough, same goes for beast and racers.
An Admissions Tax For Kings Island & The Beach?
Gordon Bombay replied to The Interpreter's topic in Kings Island
The city of mason has other large corporations within its city limits that I'm sure pull in more money for the city than both the Beach and Kings Island put together. -
Wildcat was done most of the day and when it was open back up we opted to do MF one last time before they closed for the night. Gemini's head chopper was great but overall its not that great of a coaster.
An Admissions Tax For Kings Island & The Beach?
Gordon Bombay replied to The Interpreter's topic in Kings Island
^Better yet, lets all get some starbucks and pour it in the royal fountain dressed as Jeff Seibert's. Although, that would be pretty expensive. -
^I didnt get to do the sky ride but it looked great, I wish KI still had it's. I loved how CP had the support our troops magnets on the sky ride buckets!
So this trip happened almost a week ago but I'm just now getting time to write it. Last thursday (8/24) I went to Cedar Point amusement park in Sandusky Ohio for the first time ever. My family had always talked about taking trips up there before and I discussed with some friends about taking a trip up back in June but nothing ever came through. When I was a kid I always heard about the park and just about every year I heard abotu some new thing they were getting but it wasnt untill about 2004 when I signed up for PKIC that I became fully aware of the park and its attractions. So last week I took a trip up to the point for my first time with a friend of mine (known on this site as erACER, he helped film for nights of fire) and some good friends from work. We made a one day deal out of it. Jon (erACER) and I met up at my house once he got off work at around 11:30. We watched Tom Goes To The Mayor and played super nintendo untill about 3 in the morning, we then slept for about an hour each then drove to Loveland to meet Brad (UncleHenry) and his girlfriend. It probably wasnt the smartest idea going to CP on one hour of sleep. We began our four hour drive only stopping for Bawls energy drinks and mcdonalds breakfast. With only a little hassle from backroads in Northern Ohio we eventually found this small city: Then about two intersections up from where I took that picture was the entrance to Cedar Point! I was so excited. We began driving dowm the peninsula and passed Breakers hotel, theres so much track sitting out there, it was unbelievable then a soft turn and BOOM there it was. Cedar Point. It was lightly raining and slightyly foggy but you could make out the outlines of MF, TTD, and Power Tower with their air traffic warning lights blinking! We rolled in at about 10 A.M. no one was there, the park was dead, we were in teh first parking lane behind handicapped parking. We got our tickets and went in. Magnum was the first ride of the day. Magnum: Magnum was my first Cedar Point coaster, very fast, lots of airtime and just an absolutely amazing coaster over all. Like a giant Arrow mine train. We rode it twice in one day and it was a blast everytime! The only things I dont like about it is that the first half of the ride is kinda boring and sluggish but after the pretzel its nothing but bunny hills and ejector air, its scary how far it throws you our of your seat. 8/10 Next was Top Thrill Dragster... Top Thrill Dragster: Jon and I sat in the last car. We had a disability pass due to one member of our group suffering from recent knee surgery but we had a time that an attendant gave us and waited jsut as long as everyone else. The attendents were extremely helpful and friendly. Jon and I rode the very back seat. I'm a pretty big guy and was worried I wouldnt fit but it turned out to be quite alright, I even had quite a bit of slack. My hands were shaking as I heard the train in front of us launch then a few seconds later I looked up on the tower and saw the lights then wham we were off. I was dissapointed that there was no airtime on top of the hill but this one trick pony ride pulls one AMAZING trick. However, we did it later that night and waited in line for the front. The front is a whole new ride experience and was amazing! This time there was air on the hill and I have that image imprinted into my mind looking straight down that perfect sprial of track ont he way down. One of the best rides ever! 10/10 Millenium Force: This coaster lives up to its reputation after only a short wait for the front we boarded. The lift is so nerve racking looking down and seeing nothing but the lake and the lift moves so fast then your right over that hill. My vision went purple on that first over banked turn but after that everything was clear as glass. Theres a lot of air on this ride and its contantly going so fast you think its a powered ride, theres not one dull or slow part on this ride, including the lift. Later on we did it in the back and the air was really intense. A fantastic ride! 10/10 Mantis: This was my 2nd B&M stand up. This one was a lot more intense than Vortex at Carowinds and I liked how long the ride lasted. Not a bad ride, but the bicylce seats werent very nice and the trim break on the first hill killed the first drop but not a bad coaster at all. I liked it. 7/10 Blue Streak: Give me The Racers or The Beast any day but this woodie wasnt too bad. The airtime was pretty good on it, we rode 2nd to back seat, but it was a little rough and sluggish at times it also looked really nasty and filthy. Not something I expected from the park that eveyrone kisses on the @$$ all the time. 6/10 Mean Streak: As we waited in line for this massive wooden coaster all I heard people complain about was how rough, awful and slow it was going to be and how it would be the worst wooden coaster I've ever rode. I couldnt see how anything could be worse than the Villian at GL. I rode front seat and didnt experience any roughness, had my hands up the whole time however I did notice how sluggish and slow the thing was. No air, no speed, just a ride I guess. The trims kill this thing. I'd take SOB or any wood at KI for that matter all days of the week. 5/10 Wicked Twister: I didnt get to ride Steel Venom when I went to GL so this was my first inverted intamin impulse. This ride was great, the launches are intense and the spiraling plays with your stomach and the birds flying from the beach to the park almost hitting your train are a neat thrill too. Lots of fun on this one! 9/10 Raptor: My 2nd B&M invert. Raptor never lets up, even with that break run. The break run is just an illusion. Theres never a dull moment on this ride. It's smooth, long, and intense. The helix at the end is a great finish. Fantastic coaster! 9/10 Disaster Transport: Despite the lack of storyline and pathetic theming the crew member working did a good job of staying in charecter. There was no line and over all the ride was pretty fun. My first bobsled coaster, not intense but its a different experience and witht he lack of restraints and unique track its a fun ride. I wasn't dissapointed like I expected to be. 6/10 Iron Dragon: I had always heard bad things about this coaster however it didnt dissapoint me, it was pretty good. Despite the sluggish lift hills the coaster has a good fun layour with a new enviroment and the fog during the helix ending was working which made that pretty fun. Not a bad ride, but TG is the far superior suspended coaster even if Iron Dragon is longer. 7/10 Gemini: Only one side running, so there was no racing. This coaster wasnt the most exciting but it didnt suck. Theres some good spots of airtime but its a little sluggish and boring at times. The mostly international crew did a great job of getting the riders pumped (better than any crew throughout the day) and were super friendly. The coaster has annoying trims before the helix but I hear that makes it better. Not the best coaster, not the worst. 6/10 Cedar Creek Mine Ride: The only ride that I was dissapointed on. I like AE and I think AE and the other arrow mine rides ive been on are pretty intense hwoever, this one just plain sucks. After each lift theres a small drop then a sluggish straight away and thesm some sluggish turns and thats about it. Slow, boring, awful looking and stupid. Give me AE any day. I'll give it two points because the line was short and its a rolelrcoaster, but tahts about all the thing has going for it.2/10 FLAT RIDES Chaos: Opting out of the wait for maXair (we felt it wouldnt be worth waiting to ride Delirium part II) Brad and I went for Chaos and did it twice. This is a fun little flat ride that feels like its coming apart all the time and is a lot better than Tomb Raider the Ride or any top spin I've been on although it isnt one itself. It doesnt hurt, just flips and is a good time. A very good flat 7/10 Ferris Wheel: I love classic ferris wheels. This was a good one with a neat view of WT and Lake Eerie but you couldnt see much of the park from it. Relaxing though. I wish KI had a huge ferris wheel where you could view the park. 9/10 Skyhawk: From what the internet had shown me I expected this ride to be similar to Delirium without the spinning. However, Id take this over any Huss piece of crap any day. S&S power for the win! This ride is insane. Theres one lap bar, the hydraulic launced are intense and the backwards falls are packed with airtime. The only downsides are the noise and short ride time but well worth the wait! 10/10 We had lunch at Johnny Rockets which was reasonably priced and had great singing service with fantastic food. My only complaints about the park were how the employees seemed to have no uniformed code for safety checking they seemed to just check whatever bars they pleased from back to front or front to back, it didnt seem as organized as KI's. However they were extremely friendly and did their job well. I wish we couldve done more, we stayed the whole day and left an hour after the park closed after picking up 3 shot glasses and a souveneir map. YOu really need two days or more to get the full effect and experience all the park has to offer. This is now my favorite park as far as rides go, it just has more that I want to do, but KI absolutley kills Cedar Point in family value. CP is great for my age and people like me who love the coasters and thrills but I would NEVER bring kids there, theres just nothing for them to do. I thin PKI by far offers something for everyone and a better family friendly atmosphere but both are outstanding parks. Heres a few more pictures from the point, thanks for reading! -We didnt ride the corckscrew rollercoaster, I dont think I missed out. -Nice fountain, but not as good as PKI's. -Demon Drop was closed all day. -Goodbye Cedar Point. RONNY SALERNO PHOTOGRAPHY
If you were Cedar Fair, what would you do...
Gordon Bombay replied to Young Gunz's topic in KI Polls
However the ride was already contraced, designed, and had construction beginning under the previous owners, Cedar Fair agreed when purchasing that they would honor the planned instilation just as they have done with the paramount parks aquisition. -
If you were Cedar Fair, what would you do...
Gordon Bombay replied to Young Gunz's topic in KI Polls
Disaster Transport is a fun coaster that I would ride but not if it had a long line,t he theming is pathetic atleast its an attempt though. SOB_TOM and the rest of tech services work hard yet I hardly see any of the theming kept up. I dont understand why our IJ speakers dont work, yet PKD's and PCW's do and why AE looked great in 2004 yet already looks like crap again and why Tomb Raider now has no fake smoke, jsut lights. I'm not saying the animation/tech shop or SOB_TOM are lazy, I know what specifically tom does and I know he does a great job at it, but whoevers responsibility it is to care for the theming has not done a good job of it. -
The breaks have been on all season.
Holiday World hosts Golden Ticket Awards + Winners
Gordon Bombay replied to Avatar's topic in Kings Island
Does riverbend not count as a park concert venue? It's listed on Coney's map and information for it can be found at Coney guest relations booths. It's far superior to timberwolf, timberwolf is honestly a joke. -
Cedar Points 2007 Project
Gordon Bombay replied to TOPGUN1993's topic in Other Amusement Parks & Industry News
I was up there thursday and couldnt belive the massive amounts of track now sitting behind breakers and I saw the first inversion, very cool. I heard a different colored track was spotted? -
^My mistake as well, I miss read what you said.
^Like what types of structural modification mr. engineer, please enlighten us. Wanna scratch something up in CAD to show us a refrence?
^YOu dont know if it willbe a major coaster or if it will be a flat, none of you know. Lion sleeps tonight, you definently do not know what your talking about, in the offseason coasters have been constrcuted before...for example....the italian job stunt track.....many of its footers were poured in the early winter and its concrete parking garage was poured and created in January.
I know for a fact, having read the screen many times every day for 2 years that the speeds are not always the same and that weight does play a factor! The magnetic breaks do not keep it at the same speed everytime, they keep it within a certain range, but not the same exact speed everytime. After the trim in the break shed as you head for the quick dip you will go faster with 36 people int eh train as opposed to four. Now if we had some whack a mole machines out there...
Holiday World hosts Golden Ticket Awards + Winners
Gordon Bombay replied to Avatar's topic in Kings Island
Sweet, Beast was still in the top 10 and it beat Legend! I was shocked by the top 10 wood coaster results, voyage didnt beat thunderhead and El Toro didnt even make the top 10! Boomerang was ranked as #5 in best waterpark landscaping and 3 of the 5 best kids areas were Paramount parks! (PKI, PKD, PC) -
Thats cause certain people work there and they put on a show as they work, its more entertaining than a live show at any CF park!
Vekoma has built one tilt coaster, Gravity Max.
what is the new ride for next season?
Gordon Bombay replied to rollerocasterfreak's topic in Coming Attractions
We wont be getting a Jump 2 because Huss has already agreed to build one for Coney Island and they have non-comptee rights! -
Id like to sign up for the trip. I will be 18 in April. I'm having trouble using this slow laptop trying to get every bit of info so bear with me here, but I can go. I just talked to Bill anout possibly rooming with him, Ryan (Boddah1994) and Tom (SOB_TOM). Thanks to everyone working on this, this looksl ike its gonna be an amazing trip, maybe jsut as insane (in some ways) as Me Ryan, Bill, and Danes last GL trip. I accidently posted this under king maples name, im using his laptop, my bad. But yeah, count me in! I live in Fairfield Ohio if you wanna add me to the list and I will most likely go to the CP encore, I just went to CP for the first time last thursday and theres so much that it needs two days. Thanks so much for planning htis avatar, reon, pki beast and all the others, this is gonna be great!
Avatar, I think your idea of having a forum for adults, where mostly intelligent conversation can be held, is a good idea andit has been presented a few times. However, unfortuanently it is too easy to lie and just change your age on here (I used to do it all the time so that when they used announce birthdays on here they would announce mine like twice a week). It would be hard to enforce and where can you really cut the line? Over 30 forum? Well, I know some people in their 20's that are pretty intelligent, in fact two of them run this site. Over 21 forum? They can all drink but couldnt someone 20 years old be considered be considered an adult too. I like your idea a lot, and I HIGHLY agree with you that there are some members on here who dont respect the older posters, but I dont think it will happen on PKIC since it would be too hard to enforce. My suggestion to you is, maybe create a free Yahoo group or get one of those free trail version message boards, maybe even a myspace group and invite those from here that youd like to see in an adult forum, that way your talk is also not limited to PKI and PKIC still remains a fun place for everyone of all ages, that are atleast 13 years old or have written permission from a parent citing FCC rules and regulations .
Me and so many others want King Cobra back!
Gordon Bombay replied to beastrider5334's topic in Kings Island
There are still some decent stand ups out there, Mantiss is alright and Vortex at PC isnt too shabby either. Iron Wolf on the other hand and the former Batman at SFAW are another story. -
I agree back in 2001 7th Portal was the !!! too bad it didnt catch on people werent familiar with those characters thats why it was pulled. And the fact that the story line was way too complex to follow, I had to ride the ride a few times and I think I got the general scope of the 7th portal outline. I agree with you about the un-familiarization, Stan Lee did a good job with those charecters, it just never caught on. While I'm glad to still see and HB ride in the park, I think the movie is just awful, the story line is basic yet there is WAY too much going on that it hurts your head trying to comprehend everything, its always out of focus due to the fact that you can tell its meant to be in 3d. It seems as of late all hte movies iWERKS (or iJERKS as some like to call them) has released for their theatres have been generally annoying. Robots of Mars at GL is awful!
^You just repeated EVERY point the interpreter was trying to get across, I dont know if you realzie this Brad.
Son Of Beast Out For Rest of Season
Gordon Bombay replied to The Interpreter's topic in Kings Island
^I wonder how long it will be till your banned again, dont you know that they can check the ip's and see your using the same one over and over again just under a differnt name. Sigh, you jsut cant play nice, well I'll just let Dane handle it soon.