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Everything posted by Oldiesmann

  1. There is however an "upstairs" on the west side of the riverboat entrance (note to anyone who's wondering: I got this photo by sticking my camera through the gate and pointing it straight up. No rules were broken and no trespassing was done).
  2. Despite its current state, nothing seems to point towards removal right now. It wouldn't make sense for them to suddenly remove it mid-season. There was evidence of work being done shortly after it went down in early June. They wouldn't just take the cars off and leave the arms propped up for weeks before dismantling more of it. They wouldn't leave parts of the ride sitting around in full public view if they planned to remove it. They wouldn't continue telling the general public that the ride was "temporarily closed" (at least not current KI/CF - not with a CEO who emphasizes giving guests the "best day" in the park) I'd be much more concerned if a certain nickle-hoarder were still in charge.
  3. The ironic thing is the Flying Eagles actually were located fairly close to where SRR is. Based on a 1989 map of the park, I'd estimate they were located somewhere near where the basketball game and/or entrance to BLSC are today.
  4. It amazes me at just how much basic stuff is being missed. Ed Hart has had experience running this very park in the past. He should know better. Yes, many things have changed since then, but even so, it's getting ridiculous. The PR guy they've got certainly isn't helping matters either.
  5. I'm sure the removal of the cars was done simply to give maintenance easier access to the inner parts of the ride. It's much easier to do what they need to do when they don't have to duck under bars and such. It could also be that they're trying to lessen the strain on the arms while they're waiting for parts.
  6. Having worked in a customer service position for years now, I've come to learn that people in general don't read signs these days, then come up with any excuse they can when they're inconvenienced by their failure to read - my favorite being "I'm not from here" or "I've never been here before". Who goes to an unfamiliar place without reading informational signs?
  7. Glad it's finally back. Hopefully the general public will notice and appreciate the hard work that went into this.
  8. I have no clue what you just said. "Rockstar Punched" is a flavor of Rockstar brand energy drinks. I have no idea what pre workout or flat back are.
  9. Considering that CP is beating two Universal parks and a Disney park by a wide margin, I doubt KI even stands a chance here, but voted anyway.
  10. I haven't gotten it to my knowledge, though I've visited the park twice recently so it's possible they are recognizing that I've been active.
  11. I noticed that when I tried to walk back to my seat after getting of Tilt-a-Whirl. There were so many people packed along the stretch of park between the mining town and the Eurobungy that I quickly gave up trying to squeeze through.
  12. The ship's auto-spiel bugs me because the guy sounds like he was bored as could be while recording it. I'd rather have an auto-spiel that sounds somewhat enthusiastic.
  13. I was there for a while last night as well (got there around 7 and stayed until just before they closed). I was wearing a Beast 35th Anniversary shirt, and when I went to buy my rides wristband, the lady working there asked if I was a coaster enthusiast and where I lived. When I told her I was from Cincinnati she said "Oh, so I guess you've been here before". Also, thanks to Google, I discovered it's possible to get from my house to Stricker's in only 25 minutes by taking back roads
  14. One thing to note about HUSS. The current HUSS is not the same company as the one that built SRR and similar rides back in the 70s and 80s. (See Wikipedia for a general idea of what happened with that as it's a bit complicated). It's my understanding that the original HUSS rides are much more reliable than current ones. This is the first time I can recall ever seeing SRR down for major maintenance like this - Delirium was down for a while only 2 years after it was put in. SRR has been at KI since 1975 according to Wikipedia.
  15. You count left (load) to right (unload), front to back. That way there's no confusion.
  16. Had a lot of fun at Stricker's tonight, ending the night with 5 straight rides on Tornado without getting off. Got 10 rides each on Tornado and Teddy Bear, plus multiple rides on everything else except Scrambler, the flying scooters (it's not as much fun if you're the only one on the ride) and the train (didn't really see a point in riding it). The ship was of course SBNO still, and Electric Rainbow was also closed for some reason. Electric Rainbow has been painted since I was last there (it's nice and colorful now), though the colored panels were still sitting in a pile on the ground. I also noticed that they've gotten new Skee-Ball machines since I was last there. The odd thing is the ones inside the arcade building require two tokens while the ones outside only require one.
  17. I haven't been to Stricker's in a couple of years, so I haven't ridden the ship either. Last time I went it was SBNO, I believe due to electrical requirements (they had to do some work to handle the extra power that ride required or something like that). I might go tomorrow as well since I get off at 3.
  18. It was odd to hear ride ops counting down the time until they could dispatch the next train on Monday. I'm all for them trying to increase capacity, but trying to have "perfect" capacity is a bit odd, even with the advanced safety features of DB and Banshee that specifically tell the "driver" which seats aren't locked. I'd much rather them take a few extra seconds to do things slowly than have perfect capacity.
  19. I loved Wipe Out. I rode it twice on Thursday and was amazed at what a wild ride it gives you for being so small. Definitely a great ride.
  20. At Coney Island on Thursday night, someone referred to the Super Round-Up as The Electric Rainbow. Electric Rainbow is the name of the smaller Round-Up formerly located at LeSourdsville Lake/Americana and now located at Strickers Grove (albeit minus its colorful panels, which for some reason are left sitting in a pile on the ground beneath the ride).
  21. I agree. Take time to walk around and enjoy the beauty of the park. There are also free volleyball and basketball courts if you're interested.
  22. You shouldn't have trouble doing all the rides in 2 hours unless it's really crowded for some reason. Also, make sure to ride Flying Bobs twice as every other cycle runs backwards.
  23. Weather is looking great this year - upper 70s with a slight chance of rain. Not quite warm enough for the pool in my opinion, but still beats the heat and humidity that's typical for this time of year.
  24. For Cookie Clicker saves, just post them in code boxes... (click the <> button in the bottom row, choose "None" for the syntax type and paste the save into the big box). That should make it behave more nicely.
  25. I've been to KI a handful of times this year, and to me it actually seems busier this year than last year, which is of course to be expected. I went on a Monday a couple of weeks ago and the place was packed. By mid-afternoon, Beast had a 40-minute wait and BLSC, FoF and Firehawk were all estimated 60-minute waits. Diamondback was also about a 40 minute wait around that same time. Granted, it was probably partly due to the weather (cooler temps, less humidity and a good chance of rain the next day), but even so, I was a bit surprised to see the park that busy on a Monday afternoon in early June.
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