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Everything posted by kjkjkj

  1. Nice TR! Was "granny" the old lady who said she's worked at Massacre Manor for quiete a while. She said she was in the dining room? If so, then I also talked to her. She was very nice and helpful before I went in to interview and gave me some good tips. She could probably tell how nervous I was.
  2. Congrats! "Monster Resources" was pretty packed on Saturday. The entire waing room/lobby area was so full, that there were no chairs left!
  3. Yeah, I didn't even fill out that huge packet yet. I just brought it home, so I could fill it out there, I wasn't even sure what to write down for some of the stuff. I am just going to turn it in Wednesday, and get my park ID.
  4. I got the job! I was at "Monster Resources" from about 11:45-1 something! I got placed in Trail of Terror, which is one of my favorite HAUNTS! My cousin also got the job and got placed in Tombstone TERRORtory! The interview/audition definitely weren't as bad as I thought they were going to be! I am going to work Fridays and Saturdays. Thanks for all the advice everyone! I am pretty sure I saw Rotag, but he was across the very tiny and packed waiting room. So I didn't get a chance to say anything. How did it go for you?
  5. Thanks for the advice everyone! I'll be sure to ask about the new one Rachel, if it sounds cool i'm going to request that one. I am leaving for the interview directly from my cousin's house (which i'm at right now) so luckily, I grabbed a pair of tennis shoes before I left this morning! How would you go about bringing up the new HAUNT? Just say something like "If you are putting in a new HAUNT this year, can you give me a short description of it?" I am really nervous, this will be my first interview. Do you audition/interview by yourself or will there be other other applicants in the room with you, to act out scenarios and stuff? How long will it probably be before you know whether or not you're hired? Once again, thanks for all the advice everyone!
  6. Who said that? So are the open interviews for HAUNT casual? I'm not really sure what to wear...I'm going to the park that day so I would like to wear something comfortable, but I don't know if I should be in more formal clothing? I planned on wearing khaki shorts, a nicer button up short sleeve shirt, and flip-flops. Is that too casual?
  7. I wouldn't be upset at all. If I get hired, wherever they put me I'll do my best to scare people! Thanks for the advice though.
  8. I don't really mind working inside, someone's got to do it!
  9. Well my cousin and I applied to work at HAUNT this year. We heard that if you interview early on, you can request which HAUNT you'd like to work at. These were the HAUNTS we had the most fun going through, so these are the ones we were thinking about requesting. Which one do you think would be the most fun to work at out of those 4?
  10. I got a call yesterday too! I am going in for an interview this Saturday! I've always wanted to work at HAUNT, so hopefully I'll get hired. I will only be able to work Saturdays if I do get hired, because I don't even get home from school until 4pm on Fridays so my ride and I wouldn't be able to make it to the park by 5pm to get costume and make-up done. I think my cousin (she's also applying to work at HAUNT so we're going to carpool since I don't have my license lol) and I are going to ask for Trail of Terror, Urgent Scare, or Tombstone TERRORtory. Wish me luck! Good luck to you Jasper.
  11. kjkjkj


    Yeah I am right handed, so I would just roll the ball against the left wall to aim for 100s. I got quiete a few, but never more than one 100 during a game.
  12. The very first time I went to Cedar Point the mayflies where EVERYWHERE the sides of all the buildings were covered in them, and you would get hit by tons of them while riding rides. But like Angie said, a few bugs to the face are well worth it to be at CP! Oh and Interpreter, I had a similar experience with a seagull at Cedar Point last year. Only mine was going up the hill on Millenium Force. A seagull flew overhead then....splat...I had it all over my arm lol. I was kind of mad at first, but then I realised how hilarious it was and proceeded to crack up laughing through the entire ride. lol.
  13. People should not be allowed into HH with a stroller, especially the large double ones you can rent from KI. I was at HH last year, and the midway was really packed, and this stupid dumb *you know what* practically runs me over with her stupid stroller. Then she acts like it's my fault that she was walking on the wrong side of the path running everyone over, and shoots me this death look! She was complaining to anyone that was within hearing range about how she didn't like the crowds and her kids were scared. Why do you have your kids in the place lady!? ........end angry rant.
  14. I noticed some of the other CF parks have alien themed Haunts. That would be pretty cool if KI got one. If they got rid of Asylum (I don't really like this maze that much) and it put it there then it would fit perfectly back in X-Base.
  15. When my group goes through a Haunt, instead of having the "you can't scare me" teenager attitude, we tried to have as much fun as possible. Such as, screaming when you get scared, pretending the Haunt is real, acting scared if the SCAREacter did a good job trying to scare you. Just try and have fun when you go through a HAUNT and you'll be amazed at how different the experience is. I thought Urgent Scare, as well as most of the other HAUNTS, were awesome, if you make them fun.
  16. kjkjkj


    I spent like $3.50 on the $0.50 SkeeBall game in Coney Mall. I came close to winning every time, but never actually won. I still had fun though! Next time I go I'm going to play the game where you roll the bowling ball on the track, since it's a 25 cent game.
  17. Might as well start a roster to see who else is going. Copy and paste this list into your post if you're going. Even though a lot of us know each other, we might as well put our real first names on here. 1. kjkjkj/ Kyle- Maybe going 2. Ashers/ Ashley- Maybe going
  18. I remember the train tracks near by, but I don't remember them causing any sounds to keep me up, or cause me to not fall asleep. Maybe it's because we were up super early that morning to make the drive up north, then spent a very long hot day at Cedar Point, then crashed as soon as we got done eating Wendys lol. I was very sound asleep that night. In fact we ignored the alarm on accident, and slept in! Normally I'm wide awake when it comes to going to amusement parks really early
  19. kjkjkj


    Many many years ago, I raced my friend on the water squirtgun game. I won a Scooby Doo stuffed animal.
  20. I definately recommend this hotel. http://www.huronmicrotel.com/ The rooms were very clean, and the staff was very nice. They also have a pool and hottub, which is nice after you get back from a long day at Cedar Point. The rooms were also very reasonably priced, and you get complimentary breakfast!
  21. Rivertown Junction (WINGs at the time) was a "haunted" eating establishment last year, I think...
  22. I wonder if you'd get a little ejector air time on Vortex in that spot if the trim was turned off?...
  23. We went to Bay of Dreams many years ago. It's a HUGE indoor waterpark next to Noah's Ark. It was awesome there. I actually remember seeing Mt. Olympus from a restaraunt we were eating at near there, it looked like a cool park from the road.
  24. My family and I loved Winterfest back in 2005. It gave us something fun to do as a family to get geared up for the holidays. The crowds weren't large, the ice skating rink was closed due to the ice being rough because it was warmer the day before, but it was still an amazing time. It was fun browsing through all the stuff at the shops, seeing all the decorations, watching the light show, watching the tree lighting ceremony, watching the "street" magician do tricks, and more. The atmosphere at the park was great, and the event was well done. I wish they'd bring it back.
  25. it was always "Fort 'something'" It used to be called "Fort Cooper" named after Jane Cooper (I think), she worked for the parks when they were Paramount. Now it's named "Fort Kinzel" after Dick Kinzel.
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