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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. It would be cool to have an indoor Snow Day area, but I just hope they don't make the dumb decision to actually make it freezing cold in there or something. If they came up with some sort of substance that looks and feels similar to snow, but wasn't wet and cold, and kept the thing at 60 degrees (which will feel cool in 90 degree weather) then that could be cool.
  2. Looks like a weak wild mouse. If they were going to get a mouse, I'd like to have a nice one like Exterminator at Kennywood.
  3. BoddaH1994

    Best Crew

    Vortex always does a good job, but AT is constantly understaffed.
  4. I think Ross is some sort of vice president, so he may actually have some say in the matter. Second of all, I've seen the "CDR Fair" license plate in the lot infrequently the past two season. Could be anyone.
  5. Best memories of 2004: particularly Beastbuzz '04, but the summer was particularly special because I got to know a lot of you in person. Thanks for a great season!
  6. Clearly we have a brilliant one on our hands.
  7. I doubt they'll ever release the "complete" game. Sounds like you're stuck buying the retail version and downloading the patches.
  8. They started a Flyers addicts club, we have kind of befriended them.
  9. I can't ENTIRELY fit into this, but I sell cameras and camcorders for Best Buy and use a lot of my PKI pics to promote the different cameras and printers. I think I've been asked at least a hundred times in the past two months, "So, what are they building for next year?" Of course, I take the time to explain it to them, but I unless they ask, I don't tell them that it's going in the Tiques and Flyers old spot because I just don't want to hear about it...
  10. I, like most others, would be entirely content if they brought the Eagles back, but I would be content with Phantom Theatre too.
  11. It was always a twin coaster. That gets my vote too.. something about ushering in that whole 2nd golden age for coasters.
  12. Of course, there was always the "highschool" game that Dirty Steve and I played. We more or less took turns hitting eachother with chopsticks from Manderine. We invented the game during highschool. We'd take turns hitting ourselves with text books during our not-so-well-organized sociology class. Wild Thornberry's was a blast! We got myself, Dirty Steve, Dane, Klockster, and Becky all into one flume. Every time we made a turn in deep water, the thing came inches from flipping over entirely. The "nnneeeeaaaahhhhh! I like The Beast!" was the theme of this last day. Last time it was the "Arrow Tradition" that M@ilman and I created. There's kind of an inside joke about it, but we kept saying it all day, and even kind of overdid it in the elevator, driving PKI_Diana nuts! (Sorry Di!) Another funny thing that happened was when Jeff Siebert came up to us and somehow worked it in that he had never heard of PKICentral, he had only heard of PKIUnlimited. He was giving us an opportunity to gloat the fact that we had purchased PKIU, and that's exactly what we did. lol
  13. All of which are good questions to ponder in the offseason.
  14. I realize that this topic should be closed, but I like where it's going.
  15. Official plans - meet under the tower at NOON Sunday!
  16. I agree with all of you. We'll come up with something better.
  17. You people will learn the fate of things in due time. I also think that you guys terrible underrate EPKI too. Granted it's still small, but he does his best to keep on top of things. If they just had a newer layout out and considered a faster server, they'd be serious competition.
  18. Hate to say it, but I think PKI_Man's right. I don't think we'll see another coaster for a very long time, although I do agree that a steel hyper would help a lot.
  19. Didn't somebody from EPKI get in trouble for doing that on The Beast?
  20. Can't we just agree that they both sucked really badly? This reminds me of that episode of The Simpsons when Homer catches Lenny and Carl sword fighting with plutonium rods and when he walks in he hears their argument which was something like: "I say Phantom Menace sucked more!" "Attack of the Clones sucked more!" "Menace!" "Clones!"
  21. Dude... the first minute and a half of the Lost Temple was a conversation!
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