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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. They're all over E-Bay. Happy bidding! Ryan
  2. I'm also somewhere between 6'2 and 6'1, and the only roughness problem I have is with SOB, which isn't even that bad if you know where to sit. I still would never have classified The Vortex as being rough if you guys didn't bring it up.
  3. Dane, I've got some comin' to you. IM me or whatever for more info.
  4. lol.. I think this is the first top 10 we've had to move into the battle room. Oh, and Arrows are fun.. they're... the best!
  5. Ah, inflated ego vs. inflated ego.. this could get interesting. Anyway, yes, since the weather has finally turned, you will see more vertical construction. Probably somehting noticable daily. You'll just have to check the PKI fan sites and see what's going on.
  6. Yeah, don't be that guy who thinks he's going to go to the front of the line every time with a Gold Pass... it simply doesn't work that way. There are stipulations, such as certain days have certain perks on certain rides... things like that. For example, last year they had "Two for Tuesday" in which you would be able to ride twice on SOB (in a certain seat) if you presented your gold pass. It's kind of a pain in the butt to deal with, but it's also fun (heck, you get two rides for the cost of one wait!) While we're on the subject, did they have Two For Tuesday for any rides besides SOB and Face/Off last year (please jog my memory). -Ryan
  7. wah wah wah... God, I hate ACE! Any coaster designed by John Allen is a classic!
  8. Ah, I think this calls for an update... soon, my friends.. very soon
  9. That's about the only place in the park that it's not "Skyline Chili Vision" Those screens are all Coca-Cola. ...And I wouldn't say constantly either.. They had football on during FearFest last year. It was a welcomed change.
  10. Yes, The Racer has definitely always been at PKI. It was designed by John Allen of the PTC, who designed the Shooting Star as well. <<More trains for top gun that would be floorless would be extremley expensive, much more than 30,000 for PTC trains there genius boy BoddaH1994. Trust me more trains in general would cost more than that.>> 30 grand sounded extremely low to me as well, but like I said, that's what I had heard... Heck, it might have been the cost of a PTC train in 1950 or something. Since we're on the subject of PTC, does anyone want to take a guess as to how much their merry go round horses go for?
  11. Or Shaggy could be jerking our chains.... You guys have to realize that we make up such a small percentage of a fraction of the people who visit PKI every year. It seems like everyone in the world would want a new coaster, but that's just the demographic on this site. PKI never fails to please me with their additions, so I won't be hanging my head if we don't get a coaster in '05.
  12. Under normal circumstances, any zoning meeting will be open to the public for it is a public affair. I'm sure that the park won't have any trouble getting whatever they want, you have to realize what an economic powerhouse the park is. (Then again, it's not like they can just up and leave)
  13. I can't back this up, but I've heard that PTC trains cost $30,000 and up. That wouldn't be anywhere near the coast up retrofitting floorless trains for Top Gun, but that puts it in perspective. Also, at the Boomerang Bay tour (November) Jeff Siebert said that the reason why the queue area isn't opened is because they didn't want to put the extra staffing in there for it.
  14. Towerguy, you hit the nail right on the head. '99 was the greatest year for entertainment. I'm willing to say that they got rid of the show because of the fact that it was open air. Any kind of unpredictable weather could cause it to be canceled. I think it was more or less a promotional show for the debut of the Paramount Action Zone. I don't remember the specifics of the show, but I do remember seeing puffs of fire coming up out of the water tower. It seemed to draw the crowds, so that probably wasn't the issue for it leaving. As far as school violence goes, since that's not in the eye of the liberal media anymore (terrorism is now) they could probably bring it back if they wanted. Since they haven't, I'm willing to say that the stunt show influencing school violence isn't the issue.
  15. Yes, Weird Al preformed early last season. Everyone who went seemed to love his show.
  16. Yeah, I do remember being "racked" as we used to call it, but the thing I remember the most is when I was shorter my head used to get boxed around in the restraints.
  17. BoddaH1994


    I like the BB one since it showed a lot of the park.. especially since it shows the kids walking around on the track of the Antique Cars while they were in operation like it was nothing... the PF episode was bad... really bad...
  18. PKIC is already looking into it. A joint effort would be welcomed.
  19. It was bad, real bad. I'm considering not going back myself because of it.
  20. I disagree... the clock is fine, but I couldn't care less. On the flip side, I like how it's dark in there. It's a excellent contrast from the hot bright days outside.
  21. Well, in the defense of the ride, you did tell me you rode in the back, which is, from what I hear, the worst seat in the house.
  22. I voted for the Zephyr, although I must give props to the Monster!
  23. That's the best news I've heard in a long time.
  24. The Bat was removed due to the fact that the turns weren't.... just kidding. Yeah, I've heard The Bat was one of the best coasters ever.
  25. I'm not sure if they ever had double decker busses. I know they have a school bus-style bus that is owned by the Kings Island Resort now.
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