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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. ^^ Depends on what you consider economical. If you stay at one of the park's accomodations, there are numerous packages during the year that have park tickets included, coupons, and discounts on in park meals. If you already have a season pass, then chances are a resort package is not for you. My suggestion if you are not going to stay on the park property; stay at a hotel East of the park. Many of the hotels West & South of the park will have inflated prices not only due to CP, but also for Put-in-Bay and various other attractions for Western Lake Erie.
  2. ^ Let it go to someone's land down South where it is warm. That way it is always open and gives a good excuse for a road trip.
  3. But if you suck on them, it could be a a real big thrill. At least for your significant other! http://michellemalkin.com/2007/11/08/anoth...date-rape-drug/
  4. So the rides that are currently in the park are not worth it year after year? The only reason to go to the park is for a new ride? Now THAT is silly.
  5. ^ I can understand exactly what you mean. Growing up in the early 80's and visiting the park often, it was very difficult to call the park Paramount's Kings Island.
  6. Because there may not be a new ride for the park in '08, you feel that your money was wasted for a season pass? You have got to be kidding me! CF added a new coaster to the park in '07 and spent a large amount of money to fix a plagued ride. And you are still not happy? Did you not have fun at the park in '07? The park is not obligated to add a new ride every year just for your enjoyment. Some people are just never happy.
  7. And if they don't sell by the time that the land they currently sit on is sold and is to be developed? There are a lot of "what if's" surrounding the decision. I really don't care about RWB or Villian. But it would have been nice to see BD moved to another CF park.
  8. What a bunch of idiots. If you are going to do a crime, be intelligent enough to do one that is worth more than $500.
  9. Well.... Selling the Big Dipper? Why? That is a bad decision. No trains being sold with Villian of RWB? Well the writing is on the wall for that one.
  10. Virtually every large park now has a Halloween event. Whoever owned KI would have done the same thing. I do thank Paramount for FoF and DZ. However, some of the other rides that have been built at the expense of another ride being taken out were terrible decisions. Sure some of the rides were maintenance nightmares, but why bother spending millions on another ride that is less enjoyable than the ride it replaced? I also thank Paramount for selling the park. It was quite obvious that their heart was not in it the last few years.
  11. I would think it needs to be determined if the land that is around KI is usable or not (i.e. wetlands?). And if it is usable, how much would it cost to develop. I also wonder if KI does have the most land. Wonderland seems to have a good chunk of property as well, as does CP, but it is not connected to the peninsula.
  12. The urinals were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Interpreter soon would be there. ^ Hilarious story. Yeah, when I owned my bar, we found a certain "thing" pasted to the bathroom wall in the ladies room. Being owner/ operator of any type of establishment where you will have masses of people using the bathroom, it is sometimes really difficult to keep up with people who have no sense for manners. The stories are amazing on how nasty some people can be.
  13. BEST POST EVER! Unless I was "stupid" and "misenterprentationed" it.
  14. ^ Randy Quaid. Not Jeff Daniels. Classic stupid comedy though.
  15. You know.... I didn't even THINK to look at this topic until I posted about the 3000th member. Only because, that movie was terrible. I honestly thought to myself, "Who really gives a $&^T about that movie? Now they are doing some kind of 4D thing? WHY?!?" Now it all makes sense.
  16. Congrats to Dane, Ryan, Bill and the mods for the 3000th member! You guys certainly do not always get the credit you deserve, so a THANK-YOU is also in order! Keep up the great work! - Jerry
  17. It is amazing on how some municipalities will try and take larger portions of the pie from the largest tourist attraction in the area. Don't these people think about how much money is brought into the community by those 1 million park guests from May to October? Now take those tourists away and what is going to happen to your community? You won't have to worry about a new firehouse. And people (including myself) continuously wonder why some things like park food is so expensive.
  18. Many of the restrooms that get the most complaints are the same ones that: 1) Get used the most due to location. -and- 2) Were built many years ago when the projected amount of people to actually use them were greatly reduced. Sure it is the park's responsibility to be sure that the restrooms are clean, but people, mainly the younger generation, also need to respect their surroundings (i.e. graffitti, sticking gum ANYWHERE, vandelism etc.) Short story: My friends and family went to dinner at Bay Harbor Inn at CP. I went to the men's room and found that someone thought a urinal was a toilet and took a big healthy one in it. I can't fault the park for ignorant stuff like that, not do I expect the park to staff each restroom with it's own attendant.
  19. Now if that were true, then the park would not be making any money on the game. Those games and prizes at any park go right along with the saying: "Vegas was not built on winners."
  20. The off season is already too long.... Where do people come up with this junk?
  21. ^ Yeah. That is the Bon Aire section. There is no "twin" section. http://resorts.cedarpoint.com/public/resor...cfm?resort_id=2 Which there are no pictures for. Why? It may scare off potential guests! Seriously though; the Bon Aire section is the oldest section of the hotel. It has not been updated, but along with that, it is also the most inexpensive way to go staying on the Point. That section, as you mentioned, has no elevator service. It is a little darker than the rest of Breakers. It also has a musty odor to it. Not a bad odor, just musty. The odor is due to the massive amount of humidity, and the lack of A/C in the hallways there. Just turn on your room A/C full blast while you are in the park and your room will be fine. A can of Febreeze works well too! You will hear opinions vary from: "How can CP have such terrible rooms available?" to "You get what you pay for." The Bon Aire section usually starts at around $100/ night. IMO- I have been to CP so many times that I want to stay in the nicer rooms with the higher price because I tend to spend more time in the room. Now if I was in the position that I will spend more time in the park, I'll stay in the Bon Aire section. Why spend the bigger bucks on a room that you will hardly be in?
  22. Or how about the vendor not being able to meet the demand? These jackets are probably not being made in sweat shops.
  23. I'm sure that everyone has heard of a few stories of younger children falling asleep on the school bus after school, only to be found hours later by their freaked out parents... Now imagine the same situation on that ferris wheel. Yikes!
  24. Twin section? What is that? Or do you mean Tower section?
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