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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. ^^ That would have just caused even more downtime to produce another new section of track.
  2. It's too early in the day to worry about a 24 hour period.
  3. What do you mean by finally? The park was sold last July.
  4. I suppose it was my lame attempt at humor. I was referring to your quote "Do people not read posts". So I asked "What did you say?", making it known that I had to of read your post followed by a .
  5. ^ Then why did you start your own topic on this exact discussion if it bothered you so much? http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=10786 I truely love this: http://gprime.net/flash.php/postingandyou
  6. Browntggrr

    eek! Top gun!

    Why do some believe that BIGGER is BETTER? Why can't the park just add a ride without the demand of taking another out? How can you believe something will definately happen? And nothing personal, but, how can you have a name like "SonofBeastAddict" but have an opinion that another ride should be removed?
  7. ^ I truely dislike the food and the prices associated with it, but I also have a difficult time believing that people will not go to the park just because of the food. If that would be the case, there are people missing out on some great rides and attractions.
  8. ^ The Motley Fool seems to jump on the negative/ positive bandwagon when they see fit. Sure CF's numbers are rather lackluster, but they are far from the only ones with difficult numbers this summer. I do like the quote though about not adding enough marquee attractions to the "flagship parks" for 2007. But I guess that adding 3 coasters in '07, a massive rebuild/ redesign on another coaster, removing 2 coasters with one of them re-located in '07 and the other in '08, plus a rather large addition already announced for '08 just isn't enough for Motley Fool. My family has been packing a cooler at every park we go to since the late 70's. Now when IR was around, we always had dinner there. But since there is no longer an actual sit down restaurant at the park, we have just packed the cooler a little more. While the food may be part of the overall experience, it is not a deal breaker.
  9. For some reason, probably lack of sleep, I had this image of hauntguy running around people, arms and hands flailing while screaming "I'm not touching you! I'm not touching you!"
  10. Cabana Lady right? Sorry, inside joke. Yes, 2007 season pass holders can attend HH free. Now come 2008, it is expected to change.
  11. Well it is a good thing that the name was changed. Now I really wonder how many people are going to complain that their 8 year old was too scared and that the park should have let people know about the changes. It's bound to happen.
  12. We complained about food pricing before CF took over. We complained about customer service before CF took over. While CF did not do much to help the situation this year, making drastic changes at the park before you learn about each parks' demographics would not help either. CF was not built over night. They already has a template set on how to operate a successful park(s). Now trying to get all the parks to follow the same idea is a challenge. One that will not happen in 15 months. Yet already, CF has changed one big issue reguarding 2008 season passes where not only did they make it cheaper, it is also more uniform. I expect more changes to come. It is easy to sit back and second guess the decisions (or non-decisions) that CF has made. Now if we have the same complaints in 2010 that we have in 2007, then CF is in trouble. But as of right now, I'm going to give them the opportunity to change things before I write them off.
  13. Wednesday, September 12, 2007 Before we let it slip... This time of year, we always worry about leaks. We have a pretty good idea what we're adding for next year, but there's all that naming, designing-of-logo(s), putting-together-of-fact-sheet(s) and webpage redesign(s) busywork that just takes time. Enter Mike, our sales director. He's already hitting the road, selling the '08 season. Sworn to secrecy. It just about kills him every year. So, out of respect for Mike's children, who love their daddy, we push ourselves to make the announcement each fall just a bit before each "t" is crossed and "i" is dotted. I'm a believer in releasing the information on our website at the same time we talk to the media...so be sure to check back on Thursday, September 20, as we plan to tip our hand that morning around 11 am. posted by Paula at 1:42 PM http://www.holidayworld.com/holiblog/holiblog.html
  14. No, not everything. Just 5 out of 17 coasters. Practically 30%. 4 of 9 new coasters in the past 18 years, plus one new paint scheme. What was the color scheme chosen for Firehawk? If Crayola only used one color for 30% of their product, there would be no need for those really cool boxes with the shapener in the back! Point is, they REALLY like shades of red. Kind of like thier infatuation with "M" roller coasters. ... or garbage cans.
  15. Red? KI is a CF park. Soon everything will be red!
  16. Browntggrr

    new ride idea

    Did they even have that many patrons?
  17. Browntggrr

    eek! Top gun!

    ^ I hope that is not tooken out either. Not that I know what tooken means, but it does sound bad.
  18. Vortex was just recently painted. You can't expect the park to re-paint everything every year.
  19. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?...&hl=Top+Gun
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