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Everything posted by teenageninja

  1. Action Theatre as it was constructed had a pretty high maintenance cost. I highly doubt you'll see something like it in that space. If anything, they'll just play a film like they did for Dinosaurs Alive. It is a really cool building though, it was fun to work that season I had there in 2004, with SpongeBob, Days of Thunder for a few weeks, and the punch worthy Dracula's Haunted Castle.
  2. If she's a bus driver, she can kiss her career goodbye too. Like most people who drink that much, I'm going to assume she brought her own alcohol into the parking lot. Check the trash cans as you walk-in to Haunt. Full of beer cans, liquor bottles. That's why we called it the White Trash Bash.
  3. It's 110% on the manufacturer. In fact, the park might even have some terms in the contract that Zamperla owes them x dollars per downtime.
  4. Possible, maybe, but I'm guessing the Lightning trains are lighter than the original TTD, hence why they can't handle the stresses. The other factor is the restraint systems are totally different, the controls for those systems are probably different. It'd be a pretty major project, likely easier to redesign what they have.
  5. Probably an old point, but one that I feel nonetheless. #1) The average Kings Island guest is pretty disgusting. #2) Park Services and Food share the patios. The window being disgusting at Skyline is on them. Guessing with budget cuts, Park Services staffing is probably pretty low.
  6. We're in a new era, remember the last removal (Vortex) didn't give us a new ride.
  7. I'll try to take some photos while I'm there this weekend.
  8. If you can afford to get drunk at Kings Island, you probably aren't the type to cause trouble. Now Halloween Haunt when the parking lots garbage cans are full of $10 handles of vodka and cases of beer, different story.
  9. I mean, what do you think they are doing here? It's not like they are letting the public pick a specific ride or layout. They are very general descriptions (Subject to Change, Caveat Emptor, etc). It's not like the highest votes are going to win, it just gives them a general idea of what their passholders would like to see.
  10. Taking the Supermarket strategy it looks like. Staff the bare minimum, in this case it'll be rides and lifeguards which have minimums to operate. I wonder if they will use those employees to fill other departments. I remember back in my Rides days they would send people to Ecology (Park Services). Will they use Lifeguards in other departments until the waterpark opens?
  11. I don't think I could even do 10 days in Orlando, much less 10 at CP.
  12. I can't imagine the capacity being better than before.
  13. Katie is amazing, I worked with her back in 2010 and 2011. She deserves it!
  14. Kings Island attracts a Dollar General crowd on average.
  15. I'm glad they were able to keep it. My wife and I really enjoy the Summerfair.
  16. Franklin finally getting some respect in the park. His unofficial ride Franklin's Geezus Gerbils didn't last very long.
  17. I'm glad the production value is so high on the web series.
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